The Best Breeder You've Never Heard Of

I absolutely love that attitude!!!

I think a lot of what people in this thread are talking about is not really what I consider flushing. In the mid to late '90s when I first became aware of the term on Usenet, it quite literally meant douching/drowning the soil with water at least every other day for the last several weeks before harvest.

And longball, I would respectfully disagree with your statement that Captain Jack didn't have anything to do with breeding. Anyone who has developed the same variety of cannabis for over 50 years without resorting to chemical manipulation for feminization, using nothing but seeds from both male and female plants, without resorting to cloning, etc. would be my very definition of a breeder. Somewhere on this forum there is a post by Neville who states something to the effect of... if you are not working with at least a thousand plants, you can't be a breeder. I agree wholeheartedly with that statement.

Every grower finds what works for them through experience and I've been doing it so long now that I'm not going to change for any Boomer Hippie on YouTube either... or a snotty nosed, smart ass Millennial on IG for that matter. 🤣
I think doesn't matter what you consider like flushing because, there are so many different ways to do it and so many different opinions.
The people that you been hanging around in mid lates 90s are you sure they the used this Technic in cannabis? Sounds like a mold farm to me no way a cannabis plant cant survive this watering daily for several weeks is going to evolve to Seaweed :ROFLMAO:

I really never disagreed with Nevil sayings but seems now is the time to do so. You dont need 1000 plants to be a breeder .I hate this one way streets they lead nowhere constructive.

All this reminded me my grandma having a brand new dishwasher but always washed the dishes by hand and she was saying the same shit I've been doing it so long now that I'm not going to change for any Boomer or gadget smart ass bla bla bla .

Never late to learn new ways
Hi @charlesufarley! :)

Actually, I did not make a statement that "Captain Jack didn't have anything to do with breeding". The statement above says "...the Captain Jack video, which had absolutely nothing to do with breeding, growing, flushing,...". I stated the video made no mention of his breeding style, not that he did not breed. I am quite positive that he did breed and was quite excited to watch the video to see what he had to say about it. As nothing was mentioned in the video I went to your site hoping to learn more.

I am very interested to see how Captain Jack was able to keep his strain pure for 50 years(don't let Arjan find out about it!). If you have any other links about Captain Jack please feel free to post them up or DM me the links. I'm sure I would find his story quite fascinating!

I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous post.

I think @longball actually referred to the content of the video not CJ in general.
After all i was smart enough to clamp flushing between exclamation marks because i was already guessing we could come up with at least 3 different opinions what it actually is.
Best thing to really hav in my opinion is a good soil mix where you need water only for the most part. Add some topdress and some manure or tea at certain points for the little extra touch and reamending, that what i am transitioning towards.
I would be interested to see more of his Gulzar Afgh. variety, 15+ yrs ago i was smoking more hash than flower simply because there have been more quality hash imports available to my market than quality flower in abundance and there are some cultivars that actually carry that profile to a ceertain degree in flower. A good hash to me has always a kind of meditative effect to me, slightly elevated mind, still grounded. Hash Passion proved to be actually really some good ol'skool morrocon type of line that had me floating on a cloud. Looking forward to the Mazar i Sharif. @musashi what would you consider the most hashishesque cultivar on the Mr. Nice menu?
@Proud Kraut said: "I think @longball actually referred to the content of the video not CJ in general."

Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Like most fairly serious growers on this site, I love reading about breeders and their stories. I have no doubt Captain Jack was a breeder and I would love to hear his story. To me, breeders are the most knowledgeable people about our beloved plant. There is often a fair chance that in imparting their knowledge I will pick up something useful to my style of growing and pollen chucking lol.

You know what i keep thinking the whole time reading about this Gulzar Afghani, could very well be related to Bubba Kush, in fact could be the ancestor of Bubba Kush if not BK beeing a bottlenecked offspring from this line. Genetic background is similar if you take the name game serious (kush beeing a mountain range, a geographic range of origin) and the fact CJ gave some.out very early but never got anything back just beeing the secondary thoughts but the main thing is that the original Bubba Kush is always described as having no anxiety and can be consumed all day long in all type of circumstances without giving anxiety or notably negative sideeffect which seems to be true to this cultivar also as described on the few available reviews...

while not a review itself but as reference

I can almost guarantee most of the participants in this thread have not looked at my posting history here on, scant as it is:

SouthEast Lights

I appreciate and respect the effort longball took to at least explore the website... I'm not promoting/pimping/whoring the website. I monitor this forum for the sole reason of Shantibaba. He is one of the very few true breeders that I respect.

From another forum, a cut 'n paste of my Breeders Hall of Fame / Shame, to try to get this thread back on topic and not talk about flushing and/or fertilizers... and obviously I'm U.S. based. I love the fact this forum is worldwide and not US centric:


NL Seattle Greg (creator of Northern Lights)
Nevil (his name speaks for itself)
Vic High (BCGA creator, true developer of multiple types of cannabis)
Shantibaba (creator of White Widow and Super Silver Haze)


Mr. Soul
...every other U S. based seed slinger from the late 90's who ripped off Vic, his knowledge, his methods, even his fucking soil recipe, and never gave him credit.

With special mention for

DJ Short

a bullshit artist who never fucking heard gunfire from where he lived in Detroit during the riots (Grantland article) and if you lie about one thing to embellish your story, you'll lie about _every_ thing. Who gives a shit if your "creation" smelled like blueberries, since you colchicined the fuck out of those plants and turned 'em in to scrawny, sickly little runts instead of honest to God cannabis. But hey, if they live, they'll smell like a berry and then hermie on ya, sounds like a foundational version of cannabis... at least to you. Dive deep into the BCGA website archive of OT1 to understand what I'm talking about.

Sorry this post is so pugnacious, is indicative of the atmosphere that I posted in back in the day. The environment here on Mr Nice is completely different than the environment that I posted this in.

My sole reason for posting this is to say that Shantibaba is the fucking man, and as you should be able to tell I'm so far from a fanboy!

I am not trying to be controversial/troll or do anything else negative with this post, it's just imnsho.
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All this reminded me my grandma having a brand new dishwasher but always washed the dishes by hand and she was saying the same shit I've been doing it so long now that I'm not going to change for any Boomer or gadget smart ass bla bla bla .

Never late to learn new ways
Can your Grandma do this from 25 year old seed:

SouthEast Lights.jpg

And would it grow and flourish totally unattended, without the need for any special soil conditioners, fertilizer, bloom busters, or any of the other things that are marketed to cannabis growers that have minimal effects yet maximal financial cost? From June 22 of last year:

As long as the dishes are clean, who gives a fuck how it was accomplished?

Sorry mu, not pimping the website and don't want to change the improved atmosphere here but it's responses like this that make me not do good in a moderated environment.

In the old days I would have eviscerated this response. đź‘ż

Ignorance spreads lies, how much will money buy?
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Can your Grandma do this from 25 year old seed:

View attachment 76717

And would it grow and flourish totally unattended, without the need for any special soil conditioners, fertilizer, bloom busters, or any of the other things that are marketed to cannabis growers that have minimal effects yet maximal financial cost? From June 22 of last year:

As long as the dishes are clean, who gives a fuck how it was accomplished?

Sorry mu, not pimping the website and don't want to change the improved atmosphere here but it's responses like this that make me not do good in a moderated environment.

In the old days I would have eviscerated this response. đź‘ż

Ignorance spreads lies, how much will money buy?
Bro nice plant 🙏 looks like Hash plant from India. Smoke some of it will help in the discussion not need get angry mate.

We all have opinions and my point was that exactly, we need to respect other opinions too.

About my grandmother may rest in peace this marvelous lady 🙏 , her growing skills, is not your league to jump and compare , lets move to the dishes subject:love:
Machines helps us always do some tasks faster and more cost efficient.

Have a great day Bro !
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I think doesn't matter what you consider like flushing because, there are so many different ways to do it and so many different opinions.
The people that you been hanging around in mid lates 90s are you sure they the used this Technic in cannabis? Sounds like a mold farm to me no way a cannabis plant cant survive this watering daily for several weeks is going to evolve to Seaweed :ROFLMAO:

All this reminded me my grandma having a brand new dishwasher but always washed the dishes by hand and she was saying the same shit I've been doing it so long now that I'm not going to change for any Boomer or gadget smart ass bla bla bla .

Never late to learn new ways
When you start off a post with:

"I think it doesn't matter what you consider..." and then compare my knowledge of cannabis and flushing history with a grandmother with a new dishwasher...

it's rather difficult for me to be respectful or take what you post seriously.

Somehow my original post about an old school breeder who's not caught up in all the bullshit hype surrounding cannabis breeding got turned into a discussion on flushing and fertilizer, of all things. Now I'm used to thread drift but I was hoping someone would notice and comment on this part of the post:

...I could drone on about how Captain Jack let the plant speak to him and how he communicated with the plant without chasing the latest fad, gimmick or bullshit marketing scheme. But that won't change those who either chase after the newest, chemically feminized, autoflowering wonder weed variety from millennials or the legendary Cannabis Cup winners of the 80's and 90's marketed by inexperienced, seed slinging Boomers to other nostalgia soaked Boomers pining for the high of their lost youth....

I've got a feeling Shanti's methods with cannabis are closer to Captain Jack's than they are to those here who are forever chasing the latest magical potion, elixir, fertilizer, root/bloom booster, etc. to make their cannabis the best that's ever been grown.
Troll - someone who leaves an intentionally annoying or offensive message on the internet, in order to upset someone or to get attention or cause trouble.

You are clearly trolling Apollo. You already had your say in post #49. Leave it be. Take a hint. No one has responded to your thread in 16 days. No one give 2 shits about Cap't Jack, your amazing breeding skills, or your bad attitude.

"wtmkf" does not stop the truth, it just keeps you hiding from it.
I've got a feeling Shanti's methods with cannabis are closer to Captain Jack's than they are to those here who are forever chasing the latest magical potion, elixir, fertilizer, root/bloom booster, etc. to make their cannabis the best that's ever been grown.
You got some plants and product to show so we all know how it's done or are you just all talk no walk?
Let the images speak, waiting to be impressed and bow for my master.
No need to bow, you're quite obviously not worthy
Wow dude, you got me, i quit lmao. I see the instagram millennial kids with the the newest, chemically feminized, autoflowering wonder weed variety doing a lot better with the indica's. Perhaps you should try one of their magic elixirs because they impressed me a lot more than you do. But thanks for proving you are full of sh*'t!!