The Best Breeder You've Never Heard Of

It does.
And synganic can work great in semi recirculating systems and be a nice way for a smooth transition into organics. This way you can also use your expensive leftover synthetic nutes up as a peviously synthetic bottler, its a win win.
I also once started with bottleed synthetics and had no clue whatsoever where to start, my work with Cannabis brought so many benefits into my life beyond the plant and its products itself abd once i got indulged into the organic ways i never looked back.
@charlesufarley said: "...flushing...That is something I've would never, ever do... just doesn't make sense and not validated by science."

Hello charlesufarley! :)

Will you please explain why you "would never, ever flush"? I realize that your answer will not be validated by science but I am interested in what made you come to that conclusion. I cannot find any 'white' or 'abstract' scientific papers on flushing. Only anecdotal stories. I flush based on the 'best of 7' concept. I read internet articles on flushing - some say flush, some say don't flush. Whichever opinion gets to 4 first(best of 7) is what I do. Some years I flush, some years I don't, depends which opinion gets to 4 first. Right now I am at 3 for flushing, 3 for not flushing. Your answer may help me to decide to flush or not. So.....why would you never, ever flush?

Study On Flushing

"... the results of this trial indicate that there is no benefit to flushing Cannabis flower for improved taste or consumer experience."

Cannabis Myths - Flushing

Cannabis Myths - Organic Fert Not Always Good

Cannabis Myths - Misinformation On Synthetics

From a logical, common sense viewpoint the concept of flushing has never made any sense to me whatsoever. I see it as drowning the plants after you spent so much time and effort taking care of them. I think it originally started with the hydroponics crowd and I've always grown in dirt.

I've always been a very strong advocate of synthetic chemical fertilizers vs. organic. At the cellular level, plants could care less if the N, P, or K they require is derived from organic or synthetic processes. However, I know exactly what is contained in Peter's/Jack's 20-20-20 but I really can't say that about bat guano, worm casings, sea kelp, and eye of newt... or whatever else the organic people think is best.🤣
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@charlesufarley when i flushed i didnt overwater per se, i'd just make sure to use plain water for at least the last 2 weeks with a healthy run off. That was my way tu 'flush' the plants. Anyone wanting to do this will probably do no harm to his plants regardless what system as long as they will still abled do take up water and keep theur metabolsim upright to a certain degree until ripened.
Thanks everybody for sharing your thoughts here.

Flushing soil is something I dont do anymore to improve the harvest, tried this also with the same cuts in grows before and the smoke just was the same for my kind of growing.

Organic vs synthetic fertiliser is an interesting topic.
I started on soil with synthetic feeding and made the switch a couple of years later to organic.
I did prefer the organic product over the synthetic but I lacked somewhat in yield.

A friend of mine started combining the two without telling me at first.
We always exchange some buds of our harvests and he impressed me everytime with his smoke and size of buds.
It always seemed a bit better than mine.🙃

A couple of grows later he told me what he was doing and after trying I came to the conclusion that starting with a light mineral based soil in combinations with an organic feeding throughout the grow and small doses of organic/ synthetic boosters does keep the quality and yield.

Since then I never turned back but after reading al the posts here it convinced me to re-try the 100% organic way.
It just makes sense to me.
finaly smoke fetilizer directly is more economic joke :)

the mineral is more easy because is like give a cube of sugar to your organism is directly assimilable organic is like eat something with sugar inside your body need to transform it to assimilable is more complex

i have try a lot of fertilizer in the past mineral and organic but in taste organic is better mineral who denatured the taste
Study On Flushing

"... the results of this trial indicate that there is no benefit to flushing Cannabis flower for improved taste or consumer experience."

Cannabis Myths - Flushing

Cannabis Myths - Organic Fert Not Always Good

Cannabis Myths - Misinformation On Synthetics

From a logical, common sense viewpoint the concept of flushing has never made any sense to me whatsoever. I see it as drowning the plants after you spent so much time and effort taking care of them. I think it originally started with the hydroponics crowd and I've always grown in dirt.

I've always been a very strong advocate of synthetic chemical fertilizers vs. organic. At the cellular level, plants could care less if the N, P, or K they require is derived from organic or synthetic processes. However, I know exactly what is contained in Peter's/Jack's 20-20-20 but I really can't say that about bat guano, worm casings, sea kelp, and eye of newt... or whatever else the organic people think is best.🤣

Justus von Liebig - Seen as the father of synthetic or as many say mineral fertilisation of plants was not convinced that you should use mineralsalts in fertilisation like the abovementioned example. In fact this was many centuries ago and if he knew Terra Preta as a concept he would probably advertise to go that way as it encloses everything he was trying to achieve with his approach. His goal was to balance the missing nutrients that went out of the fields (we are talking soil, outside) and he thought about certain ways to add the depleted nutrients. Mineral salts have only been one of his approaches in fact he considered all that nutrients flushed away in canals in form of human waste also a ressource, although in a refined form (dried'n'shit).
This is an original quote (google translate will help):

„Von den zur Fruchtbarkeit eines Bodens notwendigen physikalischen Bedingungen,
welche der Chemiker nicht mit in die
Rechnung bringt, rührt es her, daß die
Kenntnisse des Gehaltes an mineralischen
Nahrungsstoffen einer Ackererde nur ei-
nen sehr bedingten Wert hat, daß der Ge-
halt an mineralischen Nahrungsstoffen
keinen Schluß rückwärts auf die Güte des
Bodens gestattet" (1; 192).

In short: He admits that knowing the mineral compounds/ inputs of a soil does not tell thebquality of the soil in whole.
In his times it was not even known how nitrogen fixation in legumes was working.

Or shorter: He admitted that all he knew was little...

And if you trust the nutrient NPK label in general then you can also trust it if it is printed on organic products...

Liebigs theory, isolated from all his other statements, that the plants can be fed with what they are made of in anorganic forms only has led to similar errors like the BSE times with cattle, where cattle have been fed mainly a ground up meal that was made of - cattle and/or other animal waste products. Because it was easy and cheap...and im sure the label said something like 'food for cattle' and someone trusted it...
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Study On Flushing

"... the results of this trial indicate that there is no benefit to flushing Cannabis flower for improved taste or consumer experience."

Cannabis Myths - Flushing

Cannabis Myths - Organic Fert Not Always Good

Cannabis Myths - Misinformation On Synthetics

From a logical, common sense viewpoint the concept of flushing has never made any sense to me whatsoever. I see it as drowning the plants after you spent so much time and effort taking care of them. I think it originally started with the hydroponics crowd and I've always grown in dirt.

I've always been a very strong advocate of synthetic chemical fertilizers vs. organic. At the cellular level, plants could care less if the N, P, or K they require is derived from organic or synthetic processes. However, I know exactly what is contained in Peter's/Jack's 20-20-20 but I really can't say that about bat guano, worm casings, sea kelp, and eye of newt... or whatever else the organic people think is best.🤣
Love that episode lot of great information by someone in the field studying and testing a variety of methods of growing this fine herb
Great thread! Certainly learned more than I expected to. I appreciate so many members contributing. :love: A few good links I learned from also! Thanks to all for your points of view. Nice to see @Proud Kraut coming out of his shell and joining in! Hi Proud Kraut! ;):p


My handle is all over the site...i'm only here since a month or topic...satanic salters vs omega me slightly triggered :p

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I don't understand how this thread went from Capt. Jack to nute regimes. But there may be facts about Capt. Jack you are unaware of.
Remember the original crew on SNL? The Capt. Jack acted as "travel coordinator" to that crew. (I will leave that to your imagination.) I believe this clip came from Jim Belushi's show.

In my seed fetish I have discovered some really interesting seed sellers from the east and middle east. What you have seen previously about hash farmers was the very rural version. Capt. Jack's strain, which he loves, is a variant of a very common indica for those with means. I have seen grows bigger than his in some of these ads. And interestingly there are now RED strains that are coming from Israel. Websurfing can be fun and educational.
I dont really flush but i do put my plants on at least 2 weeks of no ferts just water and enzymes regime before harvest. If you use enzymes at EVERY WATERING you will have no build up of salts at all because whatever did build up gets broken down and is made available immediately.
I do not agree that no "flush" does not influence taste and quality of the end product. Plants that have been fertilized until harvest do not burn clean, the evidence is in the smoke and in the ash.
I only trust my own eyes and taste buds , it simply makes no sense and it is even unnatural to fertilize until harvest . Thats my 2 cents and no hippie boomer on youtube can change that lol.
I dont really flush but i do put my plants on at least 2 weeks of no ferts just water and enzymes regime before harvest. If you use enzymes at EVERY WATERING you will have no build up of salts at all because whatever did build up gets broken down and is made available immediately.
I do not agree that no "flush" does not influence taste and quality of the end product. Plants that have been fertilized until harvest do not burn clean, the evidence is in the smoke and in the ash.
I only trust my own eyes and taste buds , it simply makes no sense and it is even unnatural to fertilize until harvest . Thats my 2 cents and no hippie boomer on youtube can change that lol.
Sounds supper!
Is very effective the method you are using, Have you ever try not water the last 3 to 5 days before harvest and put 36 hour dark`?

I saw the best results in taste and smoothness. I dont Burn it though any more but vape-
Yeah, i always keep them a bit on the dry side in the last weeks and no water at all for the last 48 hrs before harvest.
Nice :).
What about darkness what your take on that?
In my experience It breaks down Chlorophyll and suppose to drive all the nutrients to the roots and really improves taste and resin productions, but what I have also noticed it dosent work so well with all the strains.
In Haze for exampleI I saw no big benefits from dark time in more indica expressions works better.
The thread did take a turn as @grayeyes mentioned. It seems flushing means different things to different people. In one instance it is a remedy for pH imbalance; introducing lots of water to neutralize toxicities. In the other instance, it has to do with a gradual weaning off of nutrients during senescence. I've done both for these different reasons.
I dont really flush but i do put my plants on at least 2 weeks of no ferts just water and enzymes regime before harvest. If you use enzymes at EVERY WATERING you will have no build up of salts at all because whatever did build up gets broken down and is made available immediately.
I do not agree that no "flush" does not influence taste and quality of the end product. Plants that have been fertilized until harvest do not burn clean, the evidence is in the smoke and in the ash.
I only trust my own eyes and taste buds , it simply makes no sense and it is even unnatural to fertilize until harvest . Thats my 2 cents and no hippie boomer on youtube can change that lol.
I agree with @Jahnova, it is how I typically finish my plants. Dr. Bugbee does not contradict. Provide enough for the plant to finish, no more. As plants continue to mature we have all observed the slowing metabolism. They cannot accommodate more nutrient or water at this time. Best to follow the life cycle and adjust the regimen accordingly.
If we follow Bugbee's science logic, darkness suspends certain processes for terpene and cannabinoid production. He suggests keeping the lights on for synthesis to the end. That makes sense to me. He mentioned that excess heat vaporizes terpenes but CO2 concentrations increase metabolism and plants are able to tolerate higher temps. Some say higher temps even without the CO2 work well for LED. So what about the terpenes? If colder temps preserve terpenes than shouldn't we strive for sub 80F? I keep my hazes between 75-80F max.
I use fulvates, sugars, kelp, yucca, microbes to hasten the last minute metabolism. I agree with Dr. Bugbee's idea about "precision stress." I believe water reduction in the end provides a stress response for last minute terpene and cannabinoid production. To some extent, it signals to the plant to do all the things necessary to finish up its life process.
As you know, I'm a big advocator for silicates and kelp I am also a big believer in saponins like yucca.
"Yucca is great for flushing excess salts from plant roots. Nutrient salts tend to build up in the growing medium due to repeated wetting and drying of the fertilizer mixture. Over time, the salt build up makes it harder and harder for the plant to take up water and the plant begins to suffer from salt stress. Yucca makes water “wetter”. Its surfactant action allows the water to penetrate deeper into the soil and flush away more of the accumulated salts from the root zone."

A few properties of Aloe Vera:
Amino Acid
Aloe Vera contains the following Amino Acids: Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Valine, And Tryptophan, Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Histidine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine, Glutamine, And Aspartic Acid.

Those include the following: Amylase, Bradykinase, Catalase, Cellulase, Lipase, Oxidase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Proteolytiase, Creatine Phosphokinase and Carboxypeptidase.

Micro & Micro Nutrients
These include Vitamins A, C, E and B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 in addition to Choline, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Manganese, Chromium, Selenium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus and Sodium.

Lingnins & Polysaccharides
They include: Galactose, Xylose, Arabinose, Acetylated Mannose And Acemannan.

A good thread generates many opinions. We all stand to benefit from the sharing. 🤙

Seems we drifted off topic so fast because all agreed that Captain Jack is anice dude putting in work and soon enough we finally found something again where everybody has the chance to disagree individually.... ;)

And the last 2 weeks of 'flush' with enzymes i looked @musashi s drop and didnt find it there, i used a product from Hesi that used not further specified enzymes extracted from a population of Trichoderma (Harzianum) if i remember correct. Worked well for me.

But what is Captain Jack feeding?

My guess is the he is more or less organic.
@Proud Kraut said: "Seems we drifted off topic so fast because all agreed that Captain Jack..."

I think we got off track because after watching the Captain Jack video, which had absolutely nothing to do with breeding, growing, flushing, etc, it is mostly about him supplying SNL cast with weed, I went to charlesufarley website as all 5 of his previous post have been about his SouthEast Lights. I wanted to see what he was selling as all his posts talk about his strain. It turns out that he is selling absolutely nothing but there is a bit about his growing on the site. He said he never flushed so I asked him why on the here we are. Further searching on the web only turns up that Captain Jack grows weed and had given it to SNL members. Jim Belushi grows some 'Captain Jack' on his pot farm. But I did find out everything I ever wanted to know about flushing, glad I asked! ;) Lots of different opinions and no name calling! Amazing site here! :love:
Thats my 2 cents and no hippie boomer on youtube can change that lol.
I absolutely love that attitude!!!

I think a lot of what people in this thread are talking about is not really what I consider flushing. In the mid to late '90s when I first became aware of the term on Usenet, it quite literally meant douching/drowning the soil with water at least every other day for the last several weeks before harvest.

And longball, I would respectfully disagree with your statement that Captain Jack didn't have anything to do with breeding. Anyone who has developed the same variety of cannabis for over 50 years without resorting to chemical manipulation for feminization, using nothing but seeds from both male and female plants, without resorting to cloning, etc. would be my very definition of a breeder. Somewhere on this forum there is a post by Neville who states something to the effect of... if you are not working with at least a thousand plants, you can't be a breeder. I agree wholeheartedly with that statement.

Every grower finds what works for them through experience and I've been doing it so long now that I'm not going to change for any Boomer Hippie on YouTube either... or a snotty nosed, smart ass Millennial on IG for that matter. 🤣
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