Sam The Skunkman finally admitted to working with GMO marijuana.

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That's just because nobody has really come out ahead/won yet :D
You could be right. I don't think so. Instead of things being laid to rest, more malarkey is being thought up and/or dug up. This has been going on in this game since the seed business started, and before.

Haze is a manufactured mystery. As is G13.
G `day BS

So you are a wanna be biker who couldn`t make it .
But know all the inns and outs of everyone's business in Santa Cruz from 40 years ago .

And know a fantasy tale about Romulan .

Keep it coming . Its better than a Stacey Keach show .

Mr Nice forum the kooks last redoubt . What you really need is the king of the bull shitting kooks JessE to join you all . After all he already rewrote the history of cannabis to suit his ends ...

Thanks for sharin


Another douche bag to add to my ignore list here. Wait a minute, elmo fudd here will be the only douchebag on my ignore list here. Adios, wanker. You are on a list of one. But I bet you get a thrill out of that, with your back of the class kind of bullshit, just like when you were in junior high. Did you ever get past jr high? Or did you flunk out?

I could have easily gotten my colors. I was never interested in getting any biker colors though, as I ran with a different crowd. Less violent and more intelligent. And far more deceptive to throw off the narcs. I was never busted for drugs. I hung with big time dealers that were VERY VERY low profile. By design. Braggers and show-offs got popped. Or flipped and became narcs, as I believe that Dave Watson did. My last straw hanging with the bikers was when we were at a party at a house up by Coyote Lake, and we were strafed with bullets in a drive by from a rival Mexican gang. But I suppose you will think I made that up shit as well? Whatever. I do not really give a rats ass what people believe. Forums are like this. Trolls and wankers and wanna-be's. This forum times out on me all the time anyway, for whatever reason. Plug in and it says it does not exist half the time. Something to do with the .nl portal or links. They have changed the law about internet access here now, so they may be cutting off a lot of sites in the near future, like these. Internet neutrality is over. No real loss though.

BTW, Sessions is coming after weed now. We may all be forced into the black market here again.
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Can't wait for someone to make a factual documentary about these parts of history to put all the speculation, anecdotes and stuff to rest.

Plus it's gonna be a great watch.

Nah, no one seem to care about the hippie days any more. My nephew's generation think that they are the ones that legalized weed. And as I said, we have references like Woodstock and Monterey Pop to look at if you want real images of those times. It is hard to get any perspective from watching those though. I was there... at least during Monterey Pop. But as displayed by the trolls here, people do not believe it. Meh...

Pretty funny. Reality is ignored and fantasy is cherished. So like Hollywood. People want a made up embellished story. Reality is too boring.
I have very poor reading comprehension skills, but I see zero evidence of Sam admitting to working with GMO cannabis in the links posted. Love them or hate them Sam and Chimera have devoted their lives to working with cannabis. Personally I feel they are probably two of the most knowledgeable in the industry.

Sam the Skunkman is a complete joke and a sellout like Chimera.

. And last even though not aimed at me personally,
"This hacking on breeders some like yourself don't no personally is getting very old, shantibaba for example is one of the best breeders around, makes good selections from many many Clones any breeder needs to do to make a good plant."
Most real breeders do not use clones for breeding, they use seeds. I know this is less common today, but it is because the so called breeders are using other peoples work to kick start "their work". I understand why they do not have the time or space to grow seeds and find their own selections to begin their breeding work, why spend years to create a variety when you can self a few elite clones selected by others and have seeds in 6 months of "your" variety? Shanti grew clones for "essential oil" production, not for breeding, where are the pictures of his hundreds of males? Any breeder should have a few or more, unless they are all female seed producers which Shanti was not, at least back then, he has changed his tune with the CBD crew seeds, as most are all female. And I do know Shanti, I knew him before he first made and sold seeds here in Holland, he was selling Australian knick knacks at the flea market here, like didgeridoos.

Apparently racist of Australians too.
Urm, if you read the link I posted on IC he flat out says so and defends CRISPR as being GMO light and we just don't get it and are on a witch hunt because our brains can't comprehend science n shit.

Paraphrasing of course.

And if you believe Chimera is worth a damn then I don't know.

G `day Bros

See that`s the point I made many thread pages ago .
He outright denies using GMO . He has obviously educated himself about it but doesn`t use it .

Definition of a gentleman ; can play banjo . But refrains .

Thanks for sharin

Haze is a manufactured mystery. As is G13.

Haze, yes, a marvel of retro self imaging marketing and High Times BS extraordinaire.

And G13... add to these the UofW "UW Purple" strain. And 50% of what is said about OG Kush and Chemdog.
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I give positive rep for this post...

Well said. Just ignore the class clowns and trolls by adding them to my ignore list.

Sensient, EB actually makes for a good example of a troll. 1st rule of identifying a troll is they play the man not the ball. 2nd rule of identifying a troll is they often play a complex and subtle game with things like false sincerity. So for example, after EB insults you (and others) he signs off with thanks for sharing. Let's face it, if he appreciated you sharing he wouldn't then insult you (and others).

Also with trolling, one of the key things is about baiting, it’s about trying to get other people to respond. There are also ways in which they provoke futile argument. Some of the maybe, argument fallacies of attacking a straw person, calling arguments rumors, things that may provoke others in the community to respond. See

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.

Trolls are also motivated by what psychologists call "atypical social rewards" or "inverted social reward" where they get their kicks through the enjoyment of callous treatment of others and negatively associated with the enjoyment of positive social interactions. This indicates a pattern of ‘inverted’ social reward in which being cruel is enjoyable and being kind is not. See Inverted Social Reward: Associations between Psychopathic Traits and Self-Report and Experimental Measures of Social Reward

Basically, trolls get their kicks fundamentally because they suffer from a negative attention disorder (with underlying psychopathic tendencies) where upsetting people evokes a negative response and feeds the troll (i.e. it gives them pleasure and motivates them to troll more).

The point really is to ignore the troll and not feed his psychological pathos for inflicting hurt on others. Move on mate and don't take it personally. And most of all don't feed the troll!
There recently was an AMA on CRIPSR/GMO by the laboratory that got the 5 year state grant to develop and advance these technologies by the government back in 2012 when the CRISPR technology was first discovered.

Was a fascinating read that I can recommend to anyone.

What I like to summarize for the MRN community in my own words and how I understood it (but I think it is hard to misunderstand):
Basically genetically modified anything to the extend we imagine/talk about today is only possible since CRISPR was first developed!

CRISPR for all intents and purposes IS GMO.

So the whole sloppy attempt of misdirecting the canna community in saying "CRISPR is basically GMO light and not the same as GMO and we never do GMO cannabis and if you are against CRISPR you basically don't understand GMO, not even science, bitch" is now blatantly obvious.

Before CRISPR came along, it wasn't even possible to genetically modify organisms/cells in the way they are attempting/doing today. It is the core technology behind GMO in its current form.

And this is straight from the horse's mouth (see link above).

Would love to hear what Sam has to say to that when confronted about it but I need my IC account for the time being :D

The way I understand it, Monsanto et al used different methods and were very limited in what they could genetically alter when they created their corn and tomatoes that infest our environments today. Basically it took half a decade or more to get the pest resistances and the inability to repopulate (creating the annual need to buy new seeds from Monsanto) along with the ability to "infect landrace" crops to the point where they can't reproduce either.
Through CRISPR they likely could have gotten the same results in a year or two and they likely would have taken it waaaaaay further once it was developed, if governments hadn't interfered with their wicked ways.
Now they simply take it to another sector/market where the governments don't know/understand yet what the public wants and will accept, so they aren't regulated in how and what they genetically modify.
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Well...this post was long ago, but I just wanted to say you are absolutely right. I apologize for my profanity, I should not have reacted in that way, and it doesn't say much for my own intelligence. My reaction was mainly due to Elmer constantly trolling and putting down others, calling themn liars, and constantly picking on people. Its all good and I appreciate you pulling me up on my post. I'm really sorry to everybody in the forum, should of just kept my mouth shut, but I lost my cool. I'm just putting myself on the same level as the trolls and trouble makers. I used to subscribe to all the story's and history's of certain lines and what not, but to tell you the truth I am over it all. Nowadays I'm just happy to grow nice weed and leave it at that. Its taken me all these years to come to this conclusion, says a lot for my intelligence doesn't Anyway, take care everyone, I hope you all find what your looking for. Peace out...Sensient
Well, that didn’t last long. BTW, your point is missed when you devolve to low level name calling.

... Nowadays I'm just happy to grow nice weed and leave it at that. Its taken me all these years to come to this conclusion...

Hands to plant; growing and working the medicine real time, everything else is conjecture and in the end, a waste of breath.
I am now convinced- I get better results by talking to my plants lol!

Welcome home braddah!

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Well...this post was long ago, but I just wanted to say you are absolutely right. I apologize for my profanity, I should not have reacted in that way, and it doesn't say much for my own intelligence. My reaction was mainly due to Elmer constantly trolling and putting down others, calling themn liars, and constantly picking on people. Its all good and I appreciate you pulling me up on my post. I'm really sorry to everybody in the forum, should of just kept my mouth shut, but I lost my cool. I'm just putting myself on the same level as the trolls and trouble makers. I used to subscribe to all the story's and history's of certain lines and what not, but to tell you the truth I am over it all. Nowadays I'm just happy to grow nice weed and leave it at that. Its taken me all these years to come to this conclusion, says a lot for my intelligence doesn't Anyway, take care everyone, I hope you all find what your looking for. Peace out...Sensient

No need to apologize to anyone here. I do not see the need anyway. You hit home on the points about specific people being trolls here. They apparently are here to pick fights and press their opinions, however insane they are. I simply add them to my ignore list. You are far less of a problem here than many others are. This site has boiled down to a lot of hard asses. Its funny, but lately I have met a lot of people around the world and locally through this site. They simply to not post here any more and send me PMs. IMO, this site has become too lightly moderated, and as a result, has declined greatly. Such is the world wide web and forums in general.
Well...this post was long ago, but I just wanted to say you are absolutely right. I apologize for my profanity, I should not have reacted in that way, and it doesn't say much for my own intelligence. My reaction was mainly due to Elmer constantly trolling and putting down others, calling themn liars, and constantly picking on people. Its all good and I appreciate you pulling me up on my post. I'm really sorry to everybody in the forum, should of just kept my mouth shut, but I lost my cool. I'm just putting myself on the same level as the trolls and trouble makers. I used to subscribe to all the story's and history's of certain lines and what not, but to tell you the truth I am over it all. Nowadays I'm just happy to grow nice weed and leave it at that. Its taken me all these years to come to this conclusion, says a lot for my intelligence doesn't Anyway, take care everyone, I hope you all find what your looking for. Peace out...Sensient

G`day Sensient aka 20 ft Thai

You got called out for spreading myths and using a sock handle .
Then went bezerk with abuse .

Now you wanna be the victim . That`s some complex psychology right there !

Thanks for sharin

EB .
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That was an interesting video to see David Watson on camera back in 1997, thanks for sharing that!

I was on Overgrow back in the day and was having trouble finding a phD dissertation and SamSkunkman actually sent it to me in the mail from across the freaking pond. I really thought that was cool. I was really interested in some biology stuff about Cannabis and he hooked it up out of nowhere, just being a solid guy, I guess around 2003/4?
Great post Sensient, I've had some unpleasant feelings in the past from reading Elmer's posts.

There was no intelligence in this. I'm grateful for him now, it's a fun exercise to remain peaceful and read his remarks. It was silly to get angry at nothing.

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finally a honest observation...

Well Nevil certainly didn't create them all himself Sam did come out with Skunk, he did more harm than good to this day with his partnership with GW Pharmacuticals....i was in holland from 1986-1989 and worked for schoenmakers you have let hightimes and others that benefit from it "a false narrative" including being led thru the nose by nevil and the bullshit story about his existence and his part in the same deception. Ed rosenthaL was also part of the crew and many failed to mention or are ignorant of the part he plays in the gw commerciallzation of cannabis. Now they have you all picking sides between nevil watson and others. And they are all pointing fingers at each other...a classic con job
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