Sam The Skunkman finally admitted to working with GMO marijuana.

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hey elmer,why not just fuck off you fucking idiot,the guy clearly knows a lot more than you,your just some wank who thinks he knows it all,you know shit dickhead! just what you have read,you are a complete and utter fuck wit,go troll someone else you total fucking idiot,i mean why even bother,shows your maturity levels,just a jealous wanker with nothing better to do,the guy obviously knows what he,s talking about! there were you dickhead? no,so just fuck off and grow your fantasy plants,you have so much to say,but no proof,no nothing,just another jesse, just fuck off dickhead,people want o learn,not listen to your bullshit,i mean what a total fuckhead,who would even bother to come online just to troll what others have to say! youdont know shit,and never will,because you already know it all,do a bit of research on joe, it isn't just a story dickhead,fucking pisses me off,no wonder this forum turned to shit and all the members with the real info have left,because of fuckwits like YOU!!!! sorry to all others in this thread,but ive had enough of this fuckwit,just fuck off..SENSIENT! p.s, fuck off cunt or you,ll be fucked off!
G `day BS

So you are a wanna be biker who couldn`t make it .
But know all the inns and outs of everyone's business in Santa Cruz from 40 years ago .

And know a fantasy tale about Romulan .

Keep it coming . Its better than a Stacey Keach show .

Mr Nice forum the kooks last redoubt . What you really need is the king of the bull shitting kooks JessE to join you all . After all he already rewrote the history of cannabis to suit his ends ...

Thanks for sharin

I've said this to his face on another forum where he was taking the piss out of a PhD Pharmacist who has forgotten more than Chimera will ever know. The dude is a fat little spoilt rich kid whose Daddie is a dentist in a backwards arsed hick town. He's basically built a lot of his rep ripping off real talent like Steve the Breeder and the Cannabis Cowboy (who is a damned good man who speaks ill of no one except Chimera). No one with cred really respects Chimera. I guess one great outcome of legalisation will be that clowns like Chimera get relegated to the halls of history. Fuck him.... Moving on.

I think, unfortunately, it's exactly guys like Sam and Chimera, who talk a much bigger game than what they can back up, who are eager and willing to sell out to Big Pharma and Agriculture.
And these two entities have no clue about the whole shabang but people with a spine won't work with them so they are all too eager to throw big bucks in the direction of people like Chimera who in turn see it as validation that they are hot stuff.

It's messed up but I believe exactly people like Chimera will have way too much influence on the whole thing in the current and near future simply because they are "the best" that the suits can get their hands on.
Possibly mate but those with the smarts and a bit of cash can rise to the top of the heap (if they so choose) with integrity. But you do make a good point.
hey elmer,why not just fuck off you fucking idiot,the guy clearly knows a lot more than you,your just some wank who thinks he knows it all,you know shit dickhead! just what you have read,you are a complete and utter fuck wit,go troll someone else you total fucking idiot,i mean why even bother,shows your maturity levels,just a jealous wanker with nothing better to do,the guy obviously knows what he,s talking about! there were you dickhead? no,so just fuck off and grow your fantasy plants,you have so much to say,but no proof,no nothing,just another jesse, just fuck off dickhead,people want o learn,not listen to your bullshit,i mean what a total fuckhead,who would even bother to come online just to troll what others have to say! youdont know shit,and never will,because you already know it all,do a bit of research on joe, it isn't just a story dickhead,fucking pisses me off,no wonder this forum turned to shit and all the members with the real info have left,because of fuckwits like YOU!!!! sorry to all others in this thread,but ive had enough of this fuckwit,just fuck off..SENSIENT! p.s, fuck off cunt or you,ll be fucked off!

...And to all, peace, SENSIENT

Well, that didn’t last long. BTW, your point is missed when you devolve to low level name calling.

Sad to see this kind of stuff on MNS again. It seems that weed forums simply can't remain civil for long. I'm here for positive vibes and this diminishes my experience on the site, and that of everyone else. EB, Sensient and Big Sur and have a lot of experience to share and I wish we could leave it at that.
Hi All

seems differences will always remain differences to some so better get over that issue or else at the minimum desist from interacting as some things will remain too difficult to bridge from where you are all coming from on these stories.

The simple thing is history is just that His if you were not doing it and actually there it will be which ever side of the story you prefer to believe. And this will be a preference rather than a see it for what it is and welcome to 2018.

Thanks all the best Sb
Don't feed the troll

Yeah look Sensient, the whole point is trolling really is some sad little bastard, keyboard warrior seeks to evoke a response by continually attacking anything that is said. EB has just done that and as such he is now a happy little troll:D

They've actually done a lot of research on how forums and social media can bring out the worst in some people... Pretty simple stuff really. In the real world if some prick gives me cheek I'd knock his fucking teeth out - on a forum unless I can get his IP and track him (which why would you?) the gutless little wanker gets to say anything he likes. Hey man if it makes EB feel more like a man slinging shit at people let him go and just ignore him.
Yeah look Sensient, the whole point is trolling really is some sad little bastard, keyboard warrior seeks to evoke a response by continually attacking anything that is said. EB has just done that and as such he is now a happy little troll:D

They've actually done a lot of research on how forums and social media can bring out the worst in some people... Pretty simple stuff really. In the real world if some prick gives me cheek I'd knock his fucking teeth out - on a forum unless I can get his IP and track him (which why would you?) the gutless little wanker gets to say anything he likes. Hey man if it makes EB feel more like a man slinging shit at people let him go and just ignore him.

G `day Glow

For a bloke with as many smarts as yourself who has studied social interactions on the webz .
Why do you keep making the same mistakes ?

Your book is very good . Your web site that`s been under construction for at least 5 years is very informative .
But when you post on forums it always ends in conflict and you telling some one they are a fool and your out of there . Seen it again and again across the web from you .
Insanity ; doing the same thing expecting a different outcome .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
hey elmer,why not just fuck off you fucking idiot,the guy clearly knows a lot more than you,your just some wank who thinks he knows it all,you know shit dickhead! just what you have read,you are a complete and utter fuck wit,go troll someone else you total fucking idiot,i mean why even bother,shows your maturity levels,just a jealous wanker with nothing better to do,the guy obviously knows what he,s talking about! there were you dickhead? no,so just fuck off and grow your fantasy plants,you have so much to say,but no proof,no nothing,just another jesse, just fuck off dickhead,people want o learn,not listen to your bullshit,i mean what a total fuckhead,who would even bother to come online just to troll what others have to say! youdont know shit,and never will,because you already know it all,do a bit of research on joe, it isn't just a story dickhead,fucking pisses me off,no wonder this forum turned to shit and all the members with the real info have left,because of fuckwits like YOU!!!! sorry to all others in this thread,but ive had enough of this fuckwit,just fuck off..SENSIENT! p.s, fuck off cunt or you,ll be fucked off!

G `day Sensient aka ...

Your reaction shows your insecurity .

I am talking about things you posted . Are you denying you wrote them ? Or are you incensed your highly questionable anecdotes are being questioned ?

Its OK for you to question other peoples integrity but when yours is questioned you retort with foul language and a tirade of insults .
Classy .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
Sensient, EB actually makes for a good example of a troll. 1st rule of identifying a troll is they play the man not the ball. 2nd rule of identifying a troll is they often play a complex and subtle game with things like false sincerity. So for example, after EB insults you (and others) he signs off with thanks for sharing. Let's face it, if he appreciated you sharing he wouldn't then insult you (and others).

Also with trolling, one of the key things is about baiting, it’s about trying to get other people to respond. There are also ways in which they provoke futile argument. Some of the maybe, argument fallacies of attacking a straw person, calling arguments rumors, things that may provoke others in the community to respond. See

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.

Trolls are also motivated by what psychologists call "atypical social rewards" or "inverted social reward" where they get their kicks through the enjoyment of callous treatment of others and negatively associated with the enjoyment of positive social interactions. This indicates a pattern of ‘inverted’ social reward in which being cruel is enjoyable and being kind is not. See Inverted Social Reward: Associations between Psychopathic Traits and Self-Report and Experimental Measures of Social Reward

Basically, trolls get their kicks fundamentally because they suffer from a negative attention disorder (with underlying psychopathic tendencies) where upsetting people evokes a negative response and feeds the troll (i.e. it gives them pleasure and motivates them to troll more).

The point really is to ignore the troll and not feed his psychological pathos for inflicting hurt on others. Move on mate and don't take it personally. And most of all don't feed the troll!
Sensient, EB actually makes for a good example of a troll. 1st rule of identifying a troll is they play the man not the ball. 2nd rule of identifying a troll is they often play a complex and subtle game with things like false sincerity. So for example, after EB insults you (and others) he signs off with thanks for sharing. Let's face it, if he appreciated you sharing he wouldn't then insult you (and others).

Also with trolling, one of the key things is about baiting, it’s about trying to get other people to respond. There are also ways in which they provoke futile argument. Some of the maybe, argument fallacies of attacking a straw person, calling arguments rumors, things that may provoke others in the community to respond. See

Psychological studies show trolls tend to be male, show higher levels of psychopathy traits — low levels of empathy, guilt and responsibility for their actions — and higher levels of sadism traits, the enjoyment of causing others physical and psychological pain.

Trolls are also motivated by what psychologists call "atypical social rewards" or "inverted social reward" where they get their kicks through the enjoyment of callous treatment of others and negatively associated with the enjoyment of positive social interactions. This indicates a pattern of ‘inverted’ social reward in which being cruel is enjoyable and being kind is not. See Inverted Social Reward: Associations between Psychopathic Traits and Self-Report and Experimental Measures of Social Reward

Basically, trolls get their kicks fundamentally because they suffer from a negative attention disorder (with underlying psychopathic tendencies) where upsetting people evokes a negative response and feeds the troll (i.e. it gives them pleasure and motivates them to troll more).

The point really is to ignore the troll and not feed his psychological pathos for inflicting hurt on others. Move on mate and don't take it personally. And most of all don't feed the troll!

G `day Glow

Actually it`s a case of I don`t like bull shitters .
Tell a lie to save your ass is one thing . Tell lies to promote yourself in the eyes of others is another area of the type of psychology your describing .

This is what 20 footer has done . Hence his over reaction when called out for it .

I sign off every post I make with thanks for sharin . To remind me that the generosity of knowledge good , bad and the genetics people have shared with me and myself shared with others be the true canna spirit of hospitality .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
Yeah I don't know the history, nor do I care. It comes across as trolling and in the case of Sensient as outright bullying. What's your excuse with Big Sur? I've spoken to Big Sur in the past (long ago) and frankly he seems like a very nice guy. As SB notes, his stories are anecdotal and influenced by his own experiences. He's sharing... let him share. If you don't agree with some factual points he makes introduce other ideas/facts civilly. It seems to me that if you have an axe to grind with someone over something they've done in the past (providing that something won't harm other members through it being an ongoing MO) its best to handle this via pm rather than create a shitfight on a forum. Those are my thoughts and frankly based on what's occurred here you have come across as a troll.
Can't wait for someone to make a factual documentary about these parts of history to put all the speculation, anecdotes and stuff to rest.

Plus it's gonna be a great watch.
Can't wait for someone to make a factual documentary about these parts of history to put all the speculation, anecdotes and stuff to rest.

Plus it's gonna be a great watch.
It will never be put to rest. It will always be history against His Story. Against His Story and His Story and His Story. .... Its only gotten more complex and convoluted over time.
his story sounds like it should be buried, maybe in the library, where we bury the lies and the false histories..

I prefer hi(gh)-storys
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He got all the pms needed for the truth.. which ones our lord and saviour... thanks for the seeds, already sold, they better germinate
troll not the word though.. superiorly blessed with the truth, a key understanding of that which is written, to decipher the truth from factual fiction (act of experiencing something but the experience was wrong) a disciple of the prophet.....
As I'm sure there was some sort of truth meant somewhere, perennial Colombian and Valium needing durbans are relevant though when one is questioning another...
Lucky we got no life hey. What a waste of it, with this shit, if we did lmfao..
I love it all.. belief in any, not really, but it's good finding out what does resonate by getting upset at reading what doesn't.. Cause it don't change jack shit in what's coming out of my pots or bong lmfao..
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It will never be put to rest. It will always be history against His Story. Against His Story and His Story and His Story. .... Its only gotten more complex and convoluted over time.

That's just because nobody has really come out ahead/won yet :D
I have very poor reading comprehension skills, but I see zero evidence of Sam admitting to working with GMO cannabis in the links posted. Love them or hate them Sam and Chimera have devoted their lives to working with cannabis. Personally I feel they are probably two of the most knowledgeable in the industry.
Urm, if you read the link I posted on IC he flat out says so and defends CRISPR as being GMO light and we just don't get it and are on a witch hunt because our brains can't comprehend science n shit.

Paraphrasing of course.

And if you believe Chimera is worth a damn then I don't know.
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