Musashi plays with fire- NL5/Afghan grow

Aloha fellow firewalkers
Well I am 3 weeks into flower. The NL5/Afghans are doing well, exhibiting earthy, organic smells. Bike tire glue and rotten fruit come to mind. I am encouraged as I attempted to grow before resulting in abysmal failure; being out of town often and hurting my back, they were sorely neglected and the resulting crop and yield, I ended up giving away. Some quick pics follow

nlaf 12a.jpg
The wild bunch with G13/AfSk in background

No pink pistils here


looking great Musashi! keep them nice pic`s coming :cool:

your new cross also looking great and hope you`ll find some special in there.

take it easy! Greetzzz
Aloha fellow firewalkers!
@byorn thanks for the love braddah!
This morning finds the girls wanting more water and a little more space. As you know, I have a variety of plants growing this go-round, NL5/Af, G13/AfSk, the usual MediHaze, and a cross I did- ACDC/Ortega. The NL5/Af is exhibiting strong smells of rank, rotten fruit, dog poop, and general stench. Nothing mild about how they express aromatically. Sticky stems and petioles are de rigueur. The ACDC/Ortega coming off smelling of fuel. The humidifier is working in the evening keeping things fairly dry and I am doing my best to get good ventilation and fresh air into the room to avoid the dreaded PM. I am back to my alternating watering to minimize humidity spikes. Keeping a close watch for pests as I am approaching the point of no return regarding spraying fungicides and miticides. Okay, here are some pics of NL5/Afghan.




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Aloha fellow firewalkers!
At the 4 week mark, they are changing in a good way; filling out and exhibiting some great aromas. I am doing my best to describe these smells, but must confess that I would not make it as a product sniffer lol. Still, I am able to detect a noticeable dankness emanating from these beautiful plants. Whereas the G13/AfSk smells of tire glue and oil rich herbs, it is slightly lighter and sweeter than the NL5/Afghans. The NL5/Afghan smell is more prominent, richer in its stench. It is pleasing in a nostril-filling way. I remember some Kaze smells (another 75%er) being similar but as I said the NL5/Afghan seems to have more body, more stinkiness. Impressive.
Most of the plants are fairly consistent in stature with one or two taller ones. Nodal spacing is good and filled with bud sites. I noticed that at this stage, the NL5/Afghans are a little heavier in weight than the G13’s. This of course may change as we near the 9 week mark.
My goal was to grow a plant similar to the G13/AfSK for comparison in my continued search for the one good smelling and tasting medical leaning Indica. Overall, I am very pleased with this variety in its consistency, the aromas, and its ease of grow. See you at the finish line!

NL5Af grp 18.jpg
NL5/Afghans in forefront

NL5Af #3 18.jpgNL5Af #4 18.jpgNL5Af #8 18.jpg
NL5/Afghan #3, #4, #8

G13AfSk #1 18.jpgG13AfSk #2 18.jpg
G13/Afghan Skunk #1, #2

Man, Colorado had a great comeback in OT and Boston keeping it alive. The games were exceptional last night, eh!

Aloha fellow firewalkers!
It has been a few weeks since last I contributed to this thread...
The Nl5/Afghan crop is coming along nicely. Keeping the temp in the high 70's and the humidity has been constantly below 50%. They have just about doubled their water consumption and haven't yielded that much back to the humidifier's reservoir. So yes, they are consuming water as well as nutrients very well. #1, #2, #5 have domed tops and are also the ones that are showing color. The other more pointed tops will take longer to mature. I confess a liking for #6 right now. She is the shortest of the bunch yet is packing it on quite nicely. I want to add that my ACDC/Ortega cross is looking good also. I will post pics of that hybrid later. In the meantime, here are some pics of the usual NL5/Afg suspects.

NL5Afgrp 1.jpg
The gang

NL5Af1 1.jpgNL5Af2 1.jpg
NL5/Afg #1, #2

NL5Af3 1.jpgNL5Af4 1.jpg
NL5/Afg #3, #4

NL5Af5 1.jpgNL5Af6 1.jpg
NL5/Afg #5, #6

NL5Af7 1.jpgNL5Af8 1.jpg
NL5/Afg #7, #8

NL5Af9 1.jpgNL5Af10 1.jpg
NL5/Afg #9, #10

hey musashi!

As always looking good :) Nice to see you also have some different variations. You`re spot on about those flowering time differences between the dome and spear tops. I had a dome variant that finished in 40days, no special high but not bad either just a quick ceiling two joints and i didn`t noticed the others that came after. Those 9 weeker spear tops i liked the best.

take it easy bro, Greetzz
Aloha fellow firewalkers!
@Byorn and @Ronin
Thanks braddahs for stopping by and showing the love. I am pretty jazzed with this grow. The NL5/Afghan is one beautiful plant!

As promised, here are some pics of my ACDC/Ortega cross, one of the other hybrids currently being grown.

acdcort #1 2.jpg
ACDC/Ortega #1

acdcort #2 2.jpg
ACDC/Ortega #2

acdcort #3 2.jpg
ACDC/Ortega #3

Beautiful plants Musahsi, nl5/Afghan #8 is right up my street. They all look very tasty but that one caught my eye.
AcDc/Ortega 6 for me please ;)

Looking phenomenal over here my brotha. Very happy you started sharing photos, your skills say a lot about you. Keep it up brother Mu!
Aloha fellow firewalkers!
@alecky thanks for the heads up. Looks like I mis-numbered them. The #8 you pointed out is supposed to be the #6 I have been jumpin’ up and down about lol! Thank you for your eyes and your experience. In looking at them more closely I noticed #3 with a few nanners, whoa! I will retake pics and correctly number them soon. Thanks for the kind words brah!

@blowingupjake mahalo for the love braddah! Grateful to able to grow this wondrous plant. Grateful to be picked by Shanti to test the G13/AfSk earlier, another winning hybrid. Looking forward to comparing the two once I finish this grow in 3-4 weeks. It’s all about the medicine; well okay, and the high!

Shaka brahs!
Aloha fellow travelers!

Upon closer observation, my numbering was correct, my eyesight less so.
nlafg6a 4.jpgnlafg8a 4.jpg
NL5/Afghan #6 and #8

nlafg6b 4.jpgnlafg8b 4.jpg
NL5/Afghan #6 and #8
While #6 flares out at the bottom, #8 is consistently dense. Da kine braddah!

Looks like I might have some 50-dayers.
nlafg2b 4.jpgnlafg2a 4.jpg
NL5/Afghan #2

Aloha fellow firewalkers!
Week 7- some started flush today while others got their last good feeding and soon will begin their 2 week flush. All are looking heathy. Several tall, spiked ones, several medium sized domed ones that are maturing quickly, and the rest medium sized and spiked, which hold interest for me particularly #4, #6, #8 and #9. Please excuse the poor camera skills.

Room with a view

NL5/Afghan #1

NL5/Afghan #2

NL5/Afghan #3

NL5/Afghan #4

NL5/Afghan #5

NL5/Afghan #6

NL5/Afghan #7

Aloha fellow firewalkers!


NL5/Afghan #8

NL5/Afghan #9

NL5/Afghan #10

Nl5/Afghan #4, #6,#8, #9
Curious, I am.

Aloha fellow fire walkers!

8 weeks in fluorescence as of today. I have #2, I can pull (drying her out in pot), with a few more coming at week 9. Hoping to finish the rest under 10 weeks. Morning temps these days are a bit higher because of all that foliage! I am keeping humidity around 40% as I finish up. Check out the 5 ft bamboo stakes to give you an idea of height with most coming in at 4 foot.

Hey GS! Stem rubs give me burnt rubber off of #4, bicycle tire glue off of #6, oily pungent herbs off of #8, some berries and fuel in the bunch also.

Out of my current favorites, I would probably select #4 just because of appearance and tighter buds, with #8 being a close second giving up a little yield. But if I had to keep one, I dunno, it might be the slightly shorter #6; along with its frostiness, it has the most delectable, slightly sweet fragrance that lingers after the initial stem rub. Reminds me of a plant I had long ago which made the finest BHO, giving the clearest head and focused, multitasking ability. But get out in the trees and forget it, you becomes invisible.

So, it will come down to effect along with all the other considerations. Medicine is what I am after and of course, taste and smell would be a bonus, that’s for sure! I can’t wait!!

meter 15.jpg

grp 6 wks 15.jpg
Keep on chooglin'

nlaf4a 15.jpgnlaf4b 15.jpg
NL5/Afghan #4

nlaf6a 15.jpgnlaf6b 15.jpg
NL5/Afghan #6

nlaf8a 15.jpgnlaf8b 15.jpg
NL5/Afghan #8

Really nice grow, brother Musashi. They all look beautiful, but my favorite is the ACDC/Ortega #3. I'll enjoy seeing your harvest pics and reading your smoke report. Aloha!