Mr. Brown hazes the Skunk

I use a 'Feuchtigkeitsmessgerät' like this.

After it's dialed in for buds it works pretty accurate (y)

I love the methodical way most Germans think in finding solutions- Even though my German/Dutch buddy fastidiously uses a toothbrush to clean the air vents and car dash in his car lol

I use a 'Feuchtigkeitsmessgerät' like this.

After it's dialed in for buds it works pretty accurate (y)

This is interesting for me, I use these moisture sensors on a daily basis (workrelated).
Some brands are very good, I did side by studies of different models vs Calcium Carbide method.
CC is most accurate but you would lose your test bud.:rolleyes:

I'm gonna try this next harvest, thanks for the tip, never thought on using it this way.
I see some experiments in the future.😄
Day 124 (day 6 drying)

Today was trim day :)
The water content in the buds was ~10-13% (y)
After trimming I put them into 1 liter brown pharmacy glass bottles with a 62% Boveda pack to start curing.

Skunk Haze #1
Total: ~143g

And I got ~15g of trim for bubble hash on top.

I will post a vape report in ~2 weeks (y)

Keep hazing the skunk
Day 129 (day 5 curing)

I let Skunk Haze #1 burp for a couple of minutes a day. As soon as I open the bottles the room is filled with a strong sweet skunky smell with subtil floral notes :love:

The buds are more on the airy fluffy side ;)

Can't wait to test this beauty :)

Danged if I didn't run into the exact opposite. The one without the boveda pack dried right up and smelled and tasted like nothing!

I'd heard conflicting reports about them, hence i did my own test.
2 x 42g(1.5oz) of the same plant stored in the same room, each in a brown glass kilner, the only discernible difference being the sachet..

Imho i think they are great up to a point, then take them out and store as normal, only with less free space.
It's the space/oxygen in the jar that fluctuates, expanding retracting etc..
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2 x 42g(1.5oz) of the same plant stored in the same room, each in a brown glass kilner, the only discernible difference being the sachet..

That is exactly the same test I did. Same pot from same plant. Same amount in each jar. Stored next to each other deep in the Dungeon of Despair. I waited 3 months. Now it's been 5 years, same results. I am using Ball Brown Mason jars. Slightly different jars from yours, but shouldn't make too much difference.

It's the space/oxygen in the jar that fluctuates, expanding retracting etc..

This is the real problem. For the good stuff, I vacuum seal it and freeze it . The oldest I have is 4 years old and still kicks people's ass. With no oxygen and very little metabolic processes happening due to freezing the pot lasts a LONG time.

I'd heard conflicting reports about them, hence i did my own test.
2 x 42g(1.5oz) of the same plant stored in the same room, each in a brown glass kilner, the only discernible difference being the sachet..

Imho i think they are great up to a point, then take them out and store as normal, only with less free space.
It's the space/oxygen in the jar that fluctuates, expanding retracting etc..
Mr. Canuck on youtube has mentioned that he has exsperienced them messing with flavor, but only if put into the jar too early in the cure. Perhaps timing playes a role?

Cool experiment btw.
That is exactly the same test I did. Same pot from same plant. Same amount in each jar. Stored next to each other deep in the Dungeon of Despair. I waited 3 months. Now it's been 5 years, same results. I am using Ball Brown Mason jars. Slightly different jars from yours, but shouldn't make too much difference.

This is the real problem. For the good stuff, I vacuum seal it and freeze it . The oldest I have is 4 years old and still kicks people's ass. With no oxygen and very little metabolic processes happening due to freezing the pot lasts a LONG time.


There are to many variables to make a concrete evaluation..
Your rooms ambient temp vs mine etc etc...

Out of interest, do you line the inside of the vac bag with a grease proof paper?
I find that the bag is covered with resin when using a vac sealer..


Funny you brought this up since i can remember a similar experience...

I have friends that rave about them and friends that think their the worst thing ever lol
Each to there own.

Mr. Canuck on youtube has mentioned that he has exsperienced them messing with flavor, but only if put into the jar too early in the cure. Perhaps timing playes a role?

Cool experiment btw.

I think this is playing to my thinking that they are great up until a point..
Personal preference plays a massive role in cannabis, perhaps i prefer my flower slightly fresher than the next person etc..

As with most things there is no one size fits all..

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@Ray it is what it is, i've never spend much thought on it and never talked about this before but now that it was brought up it crossed my mind again.
To be honest i even remember it added a little cardboard note to the herb, hard to pin down, but not preferable from a cannasseurs POV.
But definitely better than mold or completely dried out bud.

I always had some free samples from the expos i visited and just used them out of curiosity.
Day 142 (day 18 curing)

After ~2 1/2 weeks of curing the smell is a pleasant mix of sweet herbal skunky with subtle notes of floral citrus perfume :love: I love to stick my nose in the jars and enjoy what Skunk Haze #3 has to offer :)
Yesterday I vaped a little test bud and I can say that it's not the giggly type @Ptree was talking about. The high is kind of mellow and relaxed and doesn't knock you out (y)

Keep curing