Little Afghanica hunt

Nordle smokereport

It is pretty colourfull skunk.
Buds are pretty tight and full.
Quite lingering smell.
Sweeter-to-fruity-skunky smell arise after opening the jar :)
On ground up it feels like fruity skunk too.


So setting up 212°C for Vape shortly after presentation, faster faster, cant wait :)
Tastewise it is not hashplant, more is it great fruity taster and so after just week of cure.
1st few long hits are slightly on tangerine/limete taste side, till 4th hit, when it become herbal taste.
It is smooth - to medium smooth throat hitter also.

Pretty good to me, considering my longer hits :)

High is crawling type I think, great to do things on the beggining.
Then slight cheeks uplift, yyeeaahhh smiling a bit :)
And very relaxed feelings after, bit eyes on fire and thirsty too :)

. . . Few hours later and I still like to do things :)

Will have to tell you next day, how I slept / ended / or dont knoe what, but enjoy :)

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Nordle smokereport

It is pretty colourfull skunk.
Buds are pretty tight and full.
Quite lingering smell.
Sweeter-to-fruity-skunky smell arise after opening the jar :)
On ground up it feels like fruity skunk too.

View attachment 74891

So setting up 212°C for Vape shortly after presentation, faster faster, cant wait :)
Tastewise it is not hashplant, more is it great fruity taster and so after just week of cure.
1st few long hits are slightly on tangerine/limete taste side, till 4th hit, when it become herbal taste.
It is smooth - to medium smooth throat hitter also.

Pretty good to me, considering my longer hits :)

High is crawling type I think, great to do things on the beggining.
Then slight cheeks uplift, yyeeaahhh smiling a bit :)
And very relaxed feelings after, bit eyes on fire and thirsty too :)

. . . Few hours later and I still like to do things :)

Will have to tell you next day, how I slept / ended / or dont knoe what, but enjoy :)

View attachment 74890
So yesterday, I have ended working on pc for quite long time,
then I got to go sleep, it was pretty relaxing !

Litlle disclaimer too.... I overslept few minutes, so got to work few minutes late :D

Great day to late day smoke for sure !!
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G13 Afghan Skunk smokereport

More on leafy side bud, reminds me of proper Affie.
Buds are softer then Nordle have, but more on full side and they are more oily to the touch for G13AS.
G13AS also does not seem more sugary then Nordle by the looks, but the resin glands are biger, and very sticky, leaving glue everywhere it stands for a while.
Also the leafs are covering huge space on actuall buds, I could have trimed it more, but that is not to be done to hashplants anyway !

Smell is lingering again here, but it is slower paced, and easy to mask smell :)
Herb-hash-bit fruity (non acidic tropicals) smell :)
On ground up it feels like dank fruits honey, to cuban rum or something like affie whiskey


So setting up 212°C for Vape again, this should be great :)
It has deeper-hash taste.
Feels like hash-chocolate and reminded me of Devil for a while.
It is smooth - with bigger throat hit, its in welldone range so no caughing.
Bit gloves-hash aftertaste.

High is immediate, I didnt even finish first toke and I can feel it, like Rhino many years ago (but rhino was okay, okay, then _____________ :)
This is more like you suck lava straight to the head, and it flows down to legs shortly after.
Few head pulses and my feets start to be colder, bit paralizing at first.
But then it setlles and is quite okay...
If I could just give her 2more days in bloom I would be KO right now „that feeling is not so far“
But dont get me wrong !! As it is simple, I can do things if needed, but I dont want to do anything right now, cause Iam that lazy right now.
G13 gave that lower like afghan feel, as I would expect it, it really reminds me of Devil,but it is two times that powerfull.
I need to plant these two next to each other, maybe this and CWxDevil I had in poll !

I will again write some other day how I have ended for now, only thing missing from Nordle is that giggle feel, this is simply more relaxing high :)

Edit: after an hour, I now need to talk so much :D
Yesterday I wrote up Nordle smoke report in few minutes...
Today ? feels like hours, Is actually Edit2: more then hour :)

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Just to remind you, I need to make photos to match all three afghanica plants to each other.
So these photos are smaller buds actually...
On the other hand, tin photo are for colour and 2nd photos for trichome coverage observation, because it is so hard to guess from photos...

After smoke report sessions, Iam gonna make some more photos, unrestricted „attelier“ photos !
Ortega smokereport

Beefy, goldenish looking, rock hard buds. Another great indica.
I will say this pheno was a true Afghani I was seeking for some time.
Also very sticky, very sticky resin, again glue like.
The leafs are covering some of space on actuall buds.

The smell is lingering again, this time, it is subtle smell, not that provoking spicy smell, fruits (just bits) in background.
It is like fruity hash herb :)
On ground up it actually changes to very herbal tasty smells, and It is so sticky, I can build house with this.


Setting Vape for 212°C fast, Iam very interested :)
It has complex hash like taste.
The taste is strong and lasts very long too.
It is thick smoke and still smooth - with degree of throat hit, it is balsam like.
Long herbal aftertaste, like If I have just swallowed bit off some Q+++ hash.

High is slow, starts in head, actually behind ears and works it towards eyes, I feel my redyes :)
My feets are starting to relax a bit, yep..very good feeling.
It is so much relaxing for now :)
It is powerfull, I can tell.
Really calming herb this is, does it suit to calm wild animals? :D

I remember only one plant that was like this, scrogy litlle plant with powerfull golden rocks on it !
( I have a personal feeling that my very old Afghani#1 must have been in very relation with this strain / around 2007 ? )
Iam glad I had encountered this pheno, I will search for it even more now !!!
lets just hope for good amount of seeds from x with nordle hedgehog male

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Oh btw: G13x Afghan skunk Is best sleep aid ever.
Not that it would put me in bed.
More like it was Great Sleep, like throw me in bed ____________ :D

Today I was awake relatively shortly, and I had easy day start !!

I will take a short break here for now as I will be more focused on Northern Strains !!
But I will also try to make more representative budshots here

Thank you for reading all the time :D
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Great work from beginning to end.
Nice vapor reports, i only vape nowadays and am glad for the taste and effect review. I was interested in all these before, the Ortega will be added to the fridge soon...
BTW if you work with coco charge that mofo with gypsum first or at least mix some gypsum in for cation exchange rate.
It will prevent the coco feom absorbing nutes and also Ca + S are very important for plant metabolism. Gypsum does also work well topdressed if you got CalMag deficiency. 7 days and totally exhausted LED plant are back on full throttle...
The Hedgehog male looks different, make sure to show us the offspring some day!
Great work from beginning to end.
Nice vapor reports, i only vape nowadays and am glad for the taste and effect review. I was interested in all these before, the Ortega will be added to the fridge soon...
BTW if you work with coco charge that mofo with gypsum first or at least mix some gypsum in for cation exchange rate.
It will prevent the coco feom absorbing nutes and also Ca + S are very important for plant metabolism. Gypsum does also work well topdressed if you got CalMag deficiency. 7 days and totally exhausted LED plant are back on full throttle...
The Hedgehog male looks different, make sure to show us the offspring some day!
Thank you for input and all the love you gave my thread today !
I will try that out..

I will also try to showcase the offspring for sure :)
But there is simply too many MrNice plants I would love to try first, but it will happen ;)

BTW: G13 x Afghan Skunk is fastest botlle, becoming empty the quickest :D
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Thank you for input and all the love you gave my thread today !
I will try that out..

I will also try to showcase the offspring for sure :)
But there is simply too many MrNice plants I would love to try first, but it will happen ;)

BTW: G13 x Afghan Skunk is fastest botlle, becoming empty the quickest :D
Hahaha i very well understand the luxury issues...
The good ol' empty first test never lies...thanks for the heads up!
Next thing ill do are a bunch of Diesels and Hazes but NL playing a huge rolein a lot of the stories the Ortega has to become a part of my menu, have had some NL before but not grown any yet myself so a cross of NL5 x NL1 genetics sounds like 2 flies with one smack. Finally shot some Med Man at the auctions so that one is on ice soon...then i have some preservation runs planned...oh well bro im a squirrel lost in four dimension of cannabis cultivars sometimes...
Thank you, I hope to redo this one again, amazing plants !!
Keep an eye on the auctions mate. I just had a look for you but there aren't any on there yet.
Did you keep the strain going through cuttings mate? I am quite looking forward to this strain.....along with 9 others, I can't wait to try any Mr Nice plants as I've never tried any of them 😆✌️
Keep an eye on the auctions mate. I just had a look for you but there aren't any on there yet.
Did you keep the strain going through cuttings mate? I am quite looking forward to this strain.....along with 9 others, I can't wait to try any Mr Nice plants as I've never tried any of them 😆✌️
Unfortunately not :( I did nt have a space to acomodate clones.. Now I have a litlle box, but just for few workovers... :)
-... but I still have alot of seeds :)
Something I have used for fungas gnats with success is/are Mosquito Dunks or the Bits. I leave a dunk in my water bucket for a week or so, so that all plants in my garden get it at least twice. That and the yellow sticky traps seem to work great together. Thrips on the other hand....