I agree with Coop on this one, if MJ has medical value - as we all claim it does - then there will be made SCIENTIFIC medicine out of it. As in Medicine; standard dosages and all that.
It will probably end up with a lot more than a single "MJ-pill", but also a lot of derived stuff will be made, for different purposes. (There is more than simply THC, I believe the plant has a lot of potential for different illnesses).
I see no harm in that, as long as I also can freely use the plant, for whatever purpose I want.
That's the scary part to me Pete, Your already fucked in the UK a bit if they own 2 plant patents. If the 2 patents are strictly for those 2 plants that they work with, i think that they should own them, but it gives them right to all skunk genetics, that crosses the line. But a synthetic cultivar that you can prove you bred and spent years working on sounds like intellectual property to me.
Chairman Dr Geoffrey Guy said, "The grant of this US patent covering Sativex as a treatment for cancer pain is part of a broad platform of intellectual property rights which continue to be developed by GW.
"GW now has 35 patent families as well as other forms of protection such as plant variety rights and proprietary know-how.
"We believe that this matrix of intellectual property provides GW with a unique position to benefit from the rich promise within the field of cannabinoid therapeutics."
From my point of view the enemy is the UK government... they are hypocritical basdards... I think today is J day in the UK... yet we cannot spark a J legally in our homes, though those with med certs from another EU country can!!! its a joke... when Sativex gets classed as Sched 4 people need to step off their arses and start doing things... ffs people can bring weed or medicinal meds into this country yet we the people in this country have a prob getting sativex off the nhs... good stories about Mj don't sell papers.. WE need to up the anti... See I can go to amsterdam get my 3 months or less supply and bring it back yet I can't grow etc in my own home...
Legal Medicinal Cannabis in UK | Facebook
Canna will/is be big business... good luck to GW the fact is they are years ahead of anyone in relation to working with governments and the access to plants. but like Krok says if they can patent why can't we?
That's the scary part to me Pete, Your already fucked in the UK a bit if they own 2 plant patents. If the 2 patents are strictly for those 2 plants that they work with, i think that they should own them, but it gives them right to all skunk genetics, that crosses the line. But a synthetic cultivar that you can prove you bred and spent years working on sounds like intellectual property to me.
I'd be fucking pissed if it was granted solely on the fact they claimed they invented feminized seed technique. Breeding for a cannabinoid free cultivar is pretty damn basic if you understand the biosythetic pathways and genetic relation to all of it. It is as simple as a blood type.
Josh we all agree that gwp is threat.
That is why i was saying that rescheudaling of cannabis hurts more in the scheme of things. And that medical marijuana is just a guise for legilzation.
I am for straight up legalization / taxation and for rebuilding of the American economy thru dope growing.
...If you like what they do you can support them buy buying stock on the public market...
josh stock goes for like 120 british pound a share. Let me go to the bank and run out and amass a fortune. I told you where i buy seeds too.
Like i told you, you are a charlatan, i deal with actual sick people who need cannabis for medicine, assholes such as yourself can only say that real pharmaceuticals backed by science are the boogie man. I asked you before how does this affect those providing meds for themselves and others it doesnt.
No offense to shanti or men like him, but I'm sure he would be the first one to bow out of the game if it was for the good of mankind and helping those who truly need it. You do also know that Shanti was given a granted a charter by the Swiss government, I am not sure of his current legal standing, but there's a reason why in that corner it says research and seedbank.
There is nothing to get man, your the one profiting off cannabis here in the name of Medicine, while i deal with the struggle of family members who can't get out of bed in the morning. So while you are out in La-La land cultivating powdery mildew and worrying about your next crop on consignment I will be helping those who actually need it since no one else will.
And this is my exit,
the rest of you can get selfed too.
Source:http://www.mrnice.nl/forum/6-breede...lant-patent-cbc-rich-production-plants-6.htmlNo prob man
But i hope it helps the rest a bit.
Im on the other side of it then a lot of you. Dont do any breeding but i've been doing my own research trying to make sense of this plant as all you come across is a ton of bs in regards to the subject...
you remind me of that rare Jew in Pre Nazi Germany who actually supported Hitler.
josh i told you before.
Its about states rights.
Now stop trolling me and read a fucking book or 10
pharma companies producing drugs are not my enemy, neither is the stock market.
Seems to me that you have an issue with science and math as your enemy.
Not solidified suggestion is that Watson has been released by the U.S. DEA in the polders so many years later, the names of cannabis growers to be able to play. Niet hard gemaakte suggestie is dat Watson door de Amerikaanse DEA is losgelaten in de polders om zo veel jaren later de namen van nederwietkwekers te kunnen doorspelen.
I believe l33t had originally brought this information up some time ago in the Origins of Haze and The Fertilizer of Economic Growth threads. Both here and at Icmag. Ive always found it interesting just how much information is out there surrounding Sam the Skunk Man. I was rather surprised to find out someone that I was familiar with for years on the cannabis board, whom I had spoken with quite a bit, was so well known and connected?
Even more surprising, was how none of this information had made it to discussion at any cannabis board. For over a decade! Sit and think about that one for a second! Just how many people had to be complicit for this information not to surface?
What the fuck? Josh, you got any idea's how this could have happened?
HENK BLANKEN − 04/12/97, 00:00
Goedheilig no man in the magazines, whether it was Bolkestein (HP / De Tijd), or Mulisch (UN). Geen goedheilig man in de bladen, of het moest Bolkestein zijn (HP/De Tijd), of Mulisch (VN). Or, in HN: Course ZwaPiSi .... Of toch, in HN: de cursus ZwaPiSi....
HO / TIME Own news. HO/DE TIJD Eigen nieuws. Nederwiet show in 1985 imported by an American with an alias, a criminal and unscrupulous. Nederwiet blijkt al in 1985 geïmporteerd door een Amerikaan met een alias, een strafblad en weinig scrupules. This David Watson (Sam Selezny ') in the Netherlands would have been an opium license from the Ministry of Health, after which he reasonably efficient competitors fought them to indicate to the authorities. Deze David Watson ('Sam Selezny') zou in Nederland een opiumverlof hebben gekregen van het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, waarna hij concurrenten tamelijk efficiënt bestreed door ze aan te geven bij justitie. Not solidified suggestion is that Watson has been released by the U.S. DEA in the polders so many years later, the names of cannabis growers to be able to play. Niet hard gemaakte suggestie is dat Watson door de Amerikaanse DEA is losgelaten in de polders om zo veel jaren later de namen van nederwietkwekers te kunnen doorspelen.
Frits Bolkestein was to stay at a congress of Liberal International. Blijvertje is Frits Bolkestein tijdens een congres van de Liberale Internationale. Not that he says funny things, too nimble for. Niet dat hij rare dingen zegt; te behendig voor. Devil lies in how this' ideological beacon of VVD says things. Venijn zit 'm in hoe dit 'ideologisch baken' van de VVD de dingen zegt. That ('We are all liberals now') no reason is something else to vote. Dat er ('We are all liberals now') geen enkele reden meer is iets anders te stemmen. Wiegel best that could be prime minister, but also not really: Dat Wiegel best premier kan worden, maar toch eigenlijk ook weer niet:
I think he's my social-democratic Vrind is not very convincing, very old, there's so much that his premiership would be frustrating. Ik denk dat hij op mijn sociaal-democratische vrinden niet erg overtuigend overkomt; daar zit zoveel oud zeer dat het zijn premierschap zou frusteren.
And do not Bolkestein 'intellectual and ideological indispensable: En dat Bolkestein zelf niet 'intellectueel en ideologisch' onmisbaar is:
I'm not an intellectual, I'm a politician. Ik ben geen intellectueel, ik ben politicus. An intellectual in politics is a recipe for disaster. Een intellectueel in de politiek is een recept voor een ramp.
THE GREEN Liro The discovery of the archive (on stolen Jewish property) was in the street before the green. DE GROENE De ontdekking van het Liro-archief (over geroofd joods bezit) lag op straat vóór De Groene. Leek was destroyed but simply on the top floor of a only by a 'kraakwacht "occupied house on the Herengracht. Leek vernietigd maar bevond zich gewoon op de bovenste verdieping van een slechts door een 'kraakwacht' bewoond huis aan de Herengracht.
In the Green-essay writer Sibil Bilgin a plea for abolishing the term immigrant. In het Groene-essay een pleidooi van schrijfster Sibil Bilgin voor afschaffing van de term allochtoon. A separate world of immigrants is not, and who pretends otherwise, lies trapped in dead-end thinking. Een aparte wereld van allochtonen is er niet, en wie doet alsof het anders is, zit 'gevangen in doodlopende denkpatronen'.
Drawing lines between 'us' and 'them' in terms of ethnicity involves assigning inferior to the other attributes and idealisation of their own image. Het trekken van lijnen tussen 'wij' en 'zij' op grond van etniciteit gaat gepaard met het toekennen van inferieure kenmerken aan de ander en het idealiseren van het eigen beeld.
Against the footballer John Wolf and his frustrated career continued in an Israeli club (headline: "My children suffered from hunger") you expect in The Green not to run. Tegen voetballer John de Wolf en zijn gefnuikte carrièrevoortzetting bij een Israëlische club (kop: 'Mijn kinderen leden honger') verwacht je in De Groene niet aan te lopen. And against 'gene robbery': how pharmaceutical companies 'pure' genetic material purchase of "indigenous peoples". Wél tegen 'genenroof': hoe farmaceutische concerns 'puur' genetisch materiaal opkopen van 'inheemse volkeren'. A Peruvian Indian: Een Peruaanse indiaan:
When she first came here, they killed the animals. Toen ze voor het eerst hier kwamen, doodden ze de dieren. Then they took the minerals and cut down the forest. Toen namen ze de mineralen en kapten ze het bos. And now we are left alone, they come to us. En nu alleen wij nog over zijn, komen ze voor ons.
FREE NETHERLANDS Only Harry Mulisch can get the idea "a mirror of my soul" when asked to twelve 'cabinets' in Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum in focus. VRIJ NEDERLAND Alleen Harry Mulisch kan op de gedachte komen 'een spiegel van mijn ziel' te maken als hem gevraagd wordt twaalf 'kabinetten' in het Amsterdams Stedelijk Museum in te richten. The agreement to write about it ("I was afraid of that. I always write something '), he generously after the UN: De afspraak erover te schrijven ('Daar was ik al bang voor. Ik moet altijd iets schrijven') komt hij ruimhartig na in VN:
It had twelve rooms () did me good. Dat het twaalf ruimten waren () beviel mij goed. It was a nice number, for months, hours, show, Israel's tribes and apostles - so not too little to form my basic layout. Het was een mooi getal, geschikt voor maanden, uren, tonen, stammen Israëls en apostelen - dus ook niet te min om mijn basisindeling te vormen.
Also Arend Jan Dunning, chairman of the committee that the Labour Party fielded candidates. Ook Arend Jan Dunning, voorzitter van de PvdA-commissie die de kandidatenlijst opstelde. About two man and three woman, suffering and little moral condemnation: Over man op twee en vrouw op drie, klein leed en morele veroordeling:
Others jumped back a hole in the air when the forty-second place went to the fortieth. Anderen sprongen weer een gat in de lucht als ze van de tweeënveertigste naar de veertigste plaats stegen. That was then regarded as a huge promotion. Dat werd dan als een gigantische promotie beschouwd. Is not that laughable? Dat is toch lachwekkend?
Yes we can, as an aside: Nou en of, net als Terzijde:
Melkert state with two women before him were really just the third? Staat Melkert met twee vrouwen voor zich eigenlijk toch gewoon derde?
ELSEVIER About the IND, the department dealing with judicial 'decision officials "worry about" undocumented asylum seekers' and Europe's external borders. ELSEVIER Alles over de IND, de dienst die zich met justitiële 'beslisambtenaren' druk maakt over 'ongedocumenteerde asielzoekers' en de buitengrenzen van Europa. And much of what is just beyond the borders is wrong: three excellent stories about countries who will want to be part of the Union. En veel over wat er net voorbij die grenzen aan de hand is: drie uitstekende verhalen over landen die straks deel willen uitmaken van de Unie. Under what Estonia. Onder welke Estland. First president of the new republic Mart Laar: Eerste president van de nieuwe republiek Mart Laar:
Beating the budget we had to do fifty percent cut all subsidies for agriculture, industry and the local civil service were abolished. Om de begroting kloppend te maken moesten we vijftig procent bezuinigen, alle subsidies voor landbouw, industrie en het lokale ambtenarenapparaat werden afgeschaft. It was work or die. Het was werken of sterven.
And Rob de Nijs, because of upcoming anniversary concerts: En Rob de Nijs, vanwege aanstaande jubileumconcerten:
Dutch is a singer for a horrible language. Nederlands is voor een zanger een gruwelijke taal. Hard sounds with lots of g's. Harde klanken met veel g's. Yet I have always focused on the language to nice to let my throat, so that it is an ointment instead of a saw. Toch heb ik mij er altijd op toegelegd om die taal mooi uit mijn strot te laten komen, zodat het een zalf wordt in plaats van een zaag.
HN MAGAZINE Asian financial markets falter and then in Japan as banks close down, insert here 'nippofobie' appeared. HN-MAGAZINE De Aziatische financiële markten wankelen en als er dan in Japan banken op de fles gaan, steekt hier 'nippofobie' de kop op. Elsewhere an excommunicated liberation theologian from Sri Lanka it all: Elders zegt een geëxcommuniceerde bevrijdingstheoloog uit Sri Lanka het al:
Ah, technology books Westerners still progress, but in proportion to their fertility and population declines. Ach, technologisch boeken de westerlingen nog vooruitgang, maar in vruchtbaarheid en bevolkingsaandeel gaan zij erop achteruit.
No, the trainer ZwaPiSi, Rien van den Heuvel: Nee, dan die cursusleider ZwaPiSi, Rien van den Heuvel:
Especially the beards are often appalling. Vooral de baarden zijn vaak hemeltergend.
Henk Blanken Henk Blanken
"Foundation for Cannabis Genetics" - Google zoeken
you can figure out that translation, you might want to then work on the hebrew bible too.
A while back I watched Strain Hunters Africa on YouTube, and Arjan said something about getting seeds for Sam The Skunk Man. Then gave some speech about how fem seeds would save the world , and I almost puked. From what I hear they just planted some greenhouse seeds in Africa, then pretended to find the fields. It was disturbing to watch, and know people are fooled by that garbage!