Black Widow x Zunami Test

Little update on my BW X Zunami. They are coming along nicely and should start to really take off from here! Gorgeous plants with a great structure to them so will be cool to see. I may have to top them though due to height restrictions!
When I cracked the shell there was some soft white stuff inside the seed :unsure: Didn't look healthy at all :(

I bet that the next seed will develop into a healthy strong plant with giant buds :)


The first steps are made (y)

We will see where this Black Zunami takes me ;)

Keep planting seeds
Quick update from me after 6 days of flowering. Girls are really looking good and I'm pumped to see some buds. They'll get more room to breathe once I start removing the males from the blueberry's in the room with them, which should be in the next week or so!
Day 15

Today 'Black Zu' moved to her new home :)
I set up the DIY DWC system with an air ball and a light nutrient solution with CalMag and trichoderma.

I washed of the perlite/vermiculite and found some strong and healthy roots :love:

Finally I put her in net pots with clay pepples (y)

I'm excited to find out where this journey takes us and how all our different styles of growing compare to each other (y)

Day 15

Today 'Black Zu' moved to her new home :)
I set up the DIY DWC system with an air ball and a light nutrient solution with CalMag and trichoderma.

I washed of the perlite/vermiculite and found some strong and healthy roots :love:

Finally I put her in net pots with clay pepples (y)

I'm excited to find out where this journey takes us and how all our different styles of growing compare to each other (y)

Love the DIY!
@easty The girls look happy. Are they all black widow x Zunami? That front corner is a much lighter shade of green.

Thanks for sharing.
Thanks mate, I appreciate the kind words!
The 5 bigger, darker girls at the back are the Black Zunami. The other,.lighter plants are my Old Blueberry F3, old Blueberry F4 and Old Blueberry F3Bx which I'm looking for a female to reverse onto some clones 😀