Any experience/opinions on whether or not cannabis use can affect antibiotics efficacy? Also, any tips or tricks on how to deal with diverticulitis?


2022 COE Winner
Gday folks! I was diagnosed with diverticulitis(old person disease) just over a month ago, they put me on a ton of antibiotics for 2 weeks, a week later the infection came back. I did a bit of googling on possible interactions between canna and biotics and found it may be possible but no scientific proof (I'm seeking personal experiences only please). Meanwhile I don't really believe anything I read on the internet anymore.

So I took myself completely off cannabis because I need this to work. First of all, I've found an amazing amount of extra energy, work flow is fantastic, like I'm in the zone, and getting extra stuff done around home. Another funny thing, which I've also noticed when I went a few weeks from smoking herb to strictly vaping years ago, is the body odor from my pits reeks of weed. Fun fact, do with it what you will.

So today, one day after finishing my second round of different antibiotics, I am back in the hospital with the same pain in the same area, which likely means I still have an infection, which MAY mean canna doesn't affect the biotics.

Any experience on the possible interaction here at the forum? Also, any alternative ideas on dealing with this affliction, from experience ? I just heard from a friend who swears by consuming aloe vera, which makes sense. I've also heard from another that Oreganoil can be used as an antibiotic. That also makes sense, but I would only try that after the medical stuff.

No need to be alarmed though, I'm not. Worse come to worse, I get surgery and they take the affected area out with surgery. I live in a country that takes care of their own (although I have no idea how we can afford it and keep it up). Things can always be worse :)
Gday folks! I was diagnosed with diverticulitis(old person disease) just over a month ago, they put me on a ton of antibiotics for 2 weeks, a week later the infection came back. I did a bit of googling on possible interactions between canna and biotics and found it may be possible but no scientific proof (I'm seeking personal experiences only please). Meanwhile I don't really believe anything I read on the internet anymore.

So I took myself completely off cannabis because I need this to work. First of all, I've found an amazing amount of extra energy, work flow is fantastic, like I'm in the zone, and getting extra stuff done around home. Another funny thing, which I've also noticed when I went a few weeks from smoking herb to strictly vaping years ago, is the body odor from my pits reeks of weed. Fun fact, do with it what you will.

So today, one day after finishing my second round of different antibiotics, I am back in the hospital with the same pain in the same area, which likely means I still have an infection, which MAY mean canna doesn't affect the biotics.

Any experience on the possible interaction here at the forum? Also, any alternative ideas on dealing with this affliction, from experience ? I just heard from a friend who swears by consuming aloe vera, which makes sense. I've also heard from another that Oreganoil can be used as an antibiotic. That also makes sense, but I would only try that after the medical stuff.

No need to be alarmed though, I'm not. Worse come to worse, I get surgery and they take the affected area out with surgery. I live in a country that takes care of their own (although I have no idea how we can afford it and keep it up). Things can always be worse :)
Hey Deach man, so my chest is in bits and I regularly get chest infections from it. I've never found cannabis to impact the efficacy of antibiotics. I did work in healthcare dispensing medication for over 10 years, and it was something that I've never heard of.

Your "in the zone" comments match to my own so much! I'll quit for a t break sometimes or if I'm travelling and a few days into quitting and everything is so fast, makes me realise I probably need to cut down a bit...

It's strange that the infection keeps coming back, to me that would suggest that there might be bits getting stuck in the pockets that are caused from diverticulitis that's leading to the infections.

Aloe vera people used to swear by, but you have to take it several times a day for a good while for it to help. You might find L glutamine to help too, as it can aid in repairing damage to the bowel. Neither of these will contra-indicate with any medication you may have been prescribed too.

My father in law has it also, the best thing he has tried is actually magnesium.

As for natural antibiotics, I would personally recommend garlic, colloidal silver or something like Manuka honey. Oregano oil is supposed to be very good, but from memory ( I may be wrong) it's more for fungal issues than bacterial issues.

Your stomach biome will have been blasted by the several courses of antibiotics, make sure you're eating something with probiotics in (natural yoghurt/ cider vinegar/kefir/Kombucha etc).

Good luck man, hope that helped some what.
From my personal experience I have never noticed a negative effect from cannabis while using antibiotics. But I'm no doctor and have very limited experience.

I found studies regarding this topic.

Get well soon
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With CBD, a lower dose of antibiotic is needed. Lead author Janne Kudsk Klitgaard, a researcher at the University of Southern Denmark, explains that by combining CBD and existing antibiotics, it is indeed possible to achieve a more powerful effect than with antibiotics alone.

i always hear cannabis take in combo with other product increase the effect that confirm by researcher
Okay, I will speak to this from personal experience. First off, cannabis in general does not conflict with antibiotics, it is the other way around which I'll explain in a moment. But there are many types of antibiotics each with different requirements i.e. with or without food, other drug to drug interaction considerations, etc.; one has to consider and based on your own hypersensitivity to various substances.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease back in 2005. I struggled for several years, in fact I bled for over 8 months without letting anyone know bc I was so fearful and in denial. My doc was convinced I had intestinal cancer, a death sentence. Pharma had me on very expensive drugs for symptom relief and fkn doctors were preparing me for regular MRI's and a colostemy bag. So much ignorance and obfuscation from those fkrs. Not willing to live like this, I prepared for my departure but TG I stuck around! Post 2005-24 have been some of my best canna grows!
In moments of despair many find redemption and answers. I did. Fact is most of our immune system, health and energy are derived from our gut. Your gut's microbiome is most critical. Taking antibiotics destroys the beneficial bacteria in your gut thereby upsetting the body's equilibrium. Consider the following:
1. The body functions best and metabolic/chemical processes work more efficiently in neutral or slightly alkaline environments (just like most plants). Most diets are primarily acidic, promoting the wrong bacterial environment resulting in inflammation and the triggering of an autoimmune response. Your body works against you using energy trying to re-establish homeostasis.
2. As we age, intestinal motility slows meaning there are certain foods we can no longer eat bc our body has a harder time breaking it down. Large meals affect us adversely causing reflux.
3. High dose vitamin D is beneficial to gut health.
4. Cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties.
How did I resolve my disease state? Diet and exercise.
1. I stopped all inflammation causing foods for 2 years and let my body repair/reboot. I quit alcohol, sugar, caffeine, tobacco, vegetable oils, HFCS, milk and processed white wheat products during this time. They are all acid producing and potentially carcinogenic. The pantry and freezer were cleared out to reduce temptation.
2. I began juicing regularly and eating more greens and sprouts focusing more on neutral and slight alkalinity. I began drinking lots of water. I ate meals more frequently but portion size was reduced taking into account reduced motility.
3. I began taking 50,000 units 3x/wk of vitamin D.
4. I used aloe vera for it's beneficial polysaccharides.
5. I started taking CBD RS oil for intestinal pH and inflammatory benefits.
6. I exercised to keep core muscle strength critical in aiding peristalsis.
7. I slowly re-introduced some of those "bad" foods in moderation and anytime I started feeling low-energy (an indication of unbalanced microbiome and mitochondrial destruction) I backed off. I no longer use HFCS, tobacco, alcohol or coffee which are the worst offenders.
8. I got rid of all processed foods, foods with preservatives especially nitrates (bacon :cry:) and stopped eating out.
9. I fired my GI doc and avoid medical visits unless necessary which is rarely once I got a handle on my diet and it's positive effect.
10. I regularly read food labels.
I am sure I will think of other things to say but for now... As with plants so with the rest of nature. Don't take antibiotics to kill off the bad bacteria, change your diet to encourage benefical bacteria. I think it wise to take a break from cannabis from time to time. It does increase energy. Lots of water and saunas are very beneficial for purification. That's how I did it anyway. Once I changed my diet all problems went away, I stopped bleeding within the first week and my energy came back. In essence, I became more attuned to my body's needs. To be clear, I am not a doctor just sharing what worked for me. And alot of the knowledge gained did not come from the medical industry which I am glad I am no longer a part of; it came from common sense. Take care of yourself brah and wishing success in your healing.

A lemonade (Master) cleanse may also be beneficial in clearing your intestine and all of its little pockets. Processed white flour is not good here and many foods now contain titanium dioxide as an additive which also gets caught in those tiny folds. It is known to be a carcinogen.

Gday folks! I was diagnosed with diverticulitis(old person disease) just over a month ago, they put me on a ton of antibiotics for 2 weeks, a week later the infection came back. I did a bit of googling on possible interactions between canna and biotics and found it may be possible but no scientific proof (I'm seeking personal experiences only please). Meanwhile I don't really believe anything I read on the internet anymore.

So I took myself completely off cannabis because I need this to work. First of all, I've found an amazing amount of extra energy, work flow is fantastic, like I'm in the zone, and getting extra stuff done around home. Another funny thing, which I've also noticed when I went a few weeks from smoking herb to strictly vaping years ago, is the body odor from my pits reeks of weed. Fun fact, do with it what you will.

So today, one day after finishing my second round of different antibiotics, I am back in the hospital with the same pain in the same area, which likely means I still have an infection, which MAY mean canna doesn't affect the biotics.

Any experience on the possible interaction here at the forum? Also, any alternative ideas on dealing with this affliction, from experience ? I just heard from a friend who swears by consuming aloe vera, which makes sense. I've also heard from another that Oreganoil can be used as an antibiotic. That also makes sense, but I would only try that after the medical stuff.

No need to be alarmed though, I'm not. Worse come to worse, I get surgery and they take the affected area out with surgery. I live in a country that takes care of their own (although I have no idea how we can afford it and keep it up). Things can always be worse :)
It doesn't necessairie mean antibiotics are not working....and cannabis is not known to counter antibiotics fx...or very few.
diverticulites are some kind of pockets that form on the intestines wall.
If you have something stuck in a pocket the infection will start again.
You will have probably a surgery called sigmoidectomie.
They always do it when you have several diverticulosis crisis in a row.
They will remove the whole sigmoid (the intestines part between rectum and colon, it's where diverticulites appear most of the time) and just stay 24h at the hospital.
But you need to cure the infection first they can't do it on infected or inflamated tissu.
If they have to make a surgery in émergency (your colon can disrupt or you can have an occlusion) they won't be able to reconnect directly and you will have a plastic bag for 2 or 3 months before they can reconnect to your ass.

Did they asked you to stay on a .''no fiber'' diet during the antibiotics treatment and à few weeks after ? It really fruit no vegetables no bread no diaries mostly only meat fish potatoes ( boilled) pastas and rice...
And if you cure you will have probably a spécial diet to avoid new épisode....the idea is to avoid everything that can get stuck into your diverticules...remove all seeds and skin from fruit and vegetables, things like that...
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Thanks for all that folks, great information and advice. It's my third day here and I'm feeling much more comfortable now, just some discomfort as opposed to pain. They decided to keep me here for at least a week, and their giving me IV antibiotics, which is supposedly a better way to deliver them. The dilaudid injections were a real treat, but took a pass on them when the pain was ok. I had some problems with that kind of stuff in my youth. Kicked it then and have only ever used it as needed since for the odd surgery and such, as it should be.

I'll be pretty well following what Musashi had listed above, it's the only way to go now. I wholeheartedly believe this was meant to happen and is a wakeup call to straighten up this part of my life. It's pretty well compulsory for the kind of spirit work I do, and I can't see myself really pushing myself to that level of health any other way, times a tickin :)

@Tom bolenate , you're right about the fact it may not be because of an interaction, I just knew it is out there as a possibility and wanted to see if there was any experience here on the subject. The difference between where my infection is and where you described it, is that mine is higher up, about halfway up towards the first corner (whatever that's referred to). It isnt as convenient for surgery and would keep me out of commission for about 8 weeks. Not only that, there's always the possibility (very slim they say) of an ostomy bag 😬. The plan is to wipe this infection out, change my health lifestyle choices immediately, and avoid that surgery.

I don't believe I'm worried, I think I'm getting great healthcare, the rest is up to me :) .

PS, I have some loved ones looking after my plants at home. I have a home security camera I always thought of putting in my tent, coulda shoulda woulda

Take care folks
With CBD, a lower dose of antibiotic is needed. Lead author Janne Kudsk Klitgaard, a researcher at the University of Southern Denmark, explains that by combining CBD and existing antibiotics, it is indeed possible to achieve a more powerful effect than with antibiotics alone.

i always hear cannabis take in combo with other product increase the effect that confirm by researcher
I found some information on this, very interesting. I'll pass it on to my doctor but doubtful he would be up for it, with me at this time
Glad to hear you are on the mend. I would suggest buying litmus paper to inform you of your pH state. I measure my pH in the morning and adjust what I eat accordingly. There are also alkaline pH drops available. If I’m acidic it is a simple matter to put a few drops in a glass of water for drinking. Good luck brah. Health is the most important thing ❤️🙏🏽🤙🏽
Glad to hear you are on the mend. I would suggest buying litmus paper to inform you of your pH state. I measure my pH in the morning and adjust what I eat accordingly. There are also alkaline pH drops available. If I’m acidic it is a simple matter to put a few drops in a glass of water for drinking. Good luck brah. Health is the most important thing ❤️🙏🏽🤙🏽
What's a good ph for urine?

Have you ever looked into alkaline water machines? I've tried some of it, definitely interesting, not sure about the science behind it. The machines can be very expensive as well
Neutral is 7, blood is around 7.3. Shoot for that range. Those machines are foolishly expensive. Throw some baking soda in your water. My tap water runs 7+ in the summer and 8 in the winter. Water is good stuff and can help alkalize you. Aloha!

over 80% of my daily protein intake is thanks to my breville control stick with food processor attachment

all those years trying to cook up tofu every which way and then i discovered blending it gets way more protein into me way faster, and that frees up my solid food meals from needing all that extra protein (i am vegetarian mostly vegan rarely pescetarian btw)

just 120g of sunrise brand (canadas best) extra firm tofu, 50g of dry roasted no additive peanuts (#117 from the bulk barns), 15g-20g pea or brown rice powder also from the bulk barns, 30g-40g of tahini, whole slice of lemon or lime, 100% juice of choice to taste and a bunch of water

blend with stick attachment in large canister until milk consistency. that's 55g+ of protein and it tastes like a delicious yogourt smoothie and/or cheesecake. that's one and a half steak dinners in two sittings and is a 'complete' protein just from the tofu. and you will want to sit after consuming, soon after which you will want to become the kool aid man

just sharing because that really helped me reach daily protein targets and getting older those requirements increase
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over 80% of my daily protein intake is thanks to my breville control stick with food processor attachment

all those years trying to cook up tofu every which way and then i discovered blending it gets way more protein into me way faster, and that frees up my solid food meals from needing all that extra protein (i am vegetarian mostly vegan rarely pescetarian btw)

just 120g of sunrise brand (canadas best) extra firm tofu, 50g of dry roasted no additive peanuts (#117 from the bulk barns), 15g-20g pea or brown rice powder also from the bulk barns, 30g-40g of tahini, whole slice of lemon or lime, 100% juice of choice to taste and a bunch of water

blend with stick attachment in large canister until milk consistency. that's 55g+ of protein and it tastes like a delicious yogourt smoothie and/or cheesecake. that's one and a half steak dinners in two sittings and is a 'complete' protein just from the tofu. and you will want to sit after consuming, soon after which you will want to become the kool aid man

just sharing because that really helped me reach daily protein targets and getting older those requirements increase
Thanks for sharing. I've been meaning to dabble in vegetarianism for a while. It may happen now :)

This is all great information, for many others to look into as well. Diverticulitis is on the rise, and not just for the "oldies" as another member shared with me in a PM.

Grow your own food is probably a big part of prevention. I wouldn't be surprised if pesticides is the bigger culprit.

Know thy food!!!
8......and stopped eating out.


@musashi how does your lady feel about that?
@Deach69 thats some crazy stuff you all been through.

over 80% of my daily protein intake is thanks to my breville control stick with food processor attachment

all those years trying to cook up tofu every which way and then i discovered blending it gets way more protein into me way faster, and that frees up my solid food meals from needing all that extra protein (i am vegetarian mostly vegan rarely pescetarian btw)

just 120g of sunrise brand (canadas best) extra firm tofu, 50g of dry roasted no additive peanuts (#117 from the bulk barns), 15g-20g pea or brown rice powder also from the bulk barns, 30g-40g of tahini, whole slice of lemon or lime, 100% juice of choice to taste and a bunch of water

blend with stick attachment in large canister until milk consistency. that's 55g+ of protein and it tastes like a delicious yogourt smoothie and/or cheesecake. that's one and a half steak dinners in two sittings and is a 'complete' protein just from the tofu. and you will want to sit after consuming, soon after which you will want to become the kool aid man

just sharing because that really helped me reach daily protein targets and getting older those requirements increase

how are you still alive?
or you are small?

you are right in that blending /blitzing in a food processor aids bioavailability and uptake of nutrients.... chewing is important as also produces saliva and enzymes used to aid digestion. as we enter older age chewing can become an issue.

Nutrition Facts Search Tool

126g extra firm Tofu
126g tofu.jpeg

50g roast peanuts
50g peanuts.jpeg

28g pea protein powder
28g pea protein powder.jpeg

34g tahini
34g tahini.jpeg

This is from NHS site and is pretty good idea,
"An ideal daily intake of calories varies depending on age, metabolism and levels of physical activity, among other things. Generally, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men."

knowing about Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and how to manipulate it to your advantage, especially between ages 14 to 40 thereabouts is well beneficial , especially as we enter older age, the hard work in manipulating BMR when young provides positive effects and health benefits that last a lifetime.

we grow from conception to around age 25 thereabouts and from then on we age faster than our bodies can repair our cells fast enough to be growing anymore , that is our optimum or "prime" between about 20-35, from about 25 on we are no longer "growing" we are now beginning to die.

if that's 80% of your protein, what else do you eat?

103 total cal
Total Fat 0.69g 1%
Protein 23.2g 46%
Total Carbohydrate 1.7g 1%

294 total cal
Total Fat 24.8g 32%
Saturated Fat 3.9g 19%
Protein 12.2g 24%
Total Carbohydrate 10.6g 4%

181 total cal
Total Fat 11g 14%
Saturated Fat 1.6g 8%
Protein 21.8g 44%
Total Carbohydrate 3.5g 1%

200 total cal
Total Fat 18.1g 23%
Saturated Fat 2.5g 13%
Protein 5.7g 11%
Total Carbohydrate 7.1g 3%

103 + 294 + 181 + 200 = 778 total CAL /DAY (31.2% RDI for a male) - way too low, what else do you eat?
0.69 + 24.8g + 11g + 18.1g = 36.6g total FAT/day (70% RDI) - most of the fat from that is saturated fat.... get some OMEGA 3 AND 6 in as i read heaps of stuff on it think "synergy" and "enterouge" effect, ...get 50g of flaxseed (linseed) into you or fresh salmon from a known clean source ... fatty products pick up and accumulate toxins easily and pass them on to consumers... salmon and dairy products had quite high amounts , if you interested search 'toxic salmon' on youtube there's a bit about it.
23.2g + 12.2g + 21.8g + 5.7g = 62.9 total protein / day (125% RDI) - that'll fuck your kidneys, and your body can only absorb about 30g every 2-3 hours and is better bioavailability/absorbed through mastication and eating mixed together with carbs. any extra protein your kidneys have to work overtime to process and piss out... you will get away with it for a while while you're young but it will catch up eventually as you age.
1.7g + 10.6g + 3.5g + 7.1g = 22.9g total carbs /day (9% RDI) - i do agree carbs are generally bit overrated i have seen enough to know it feeds and aids cancer growth but is essential MACRO NUTRIENT and FME I got super sick cutting out carbs to stupid low daily intake

a 363g t-bone steak, 50g linseeds, some fresh fruit and veges (esp. dark green leafy ), some herbs n spices, bit of yoghurt, an egg or two, some nuts and seeds, a tablespoon or two of fresh high quality honey,
mmmm im hungry
everyone is unique and different though, and one size definitely doesn't always fit all

363g steak.jpeg

@dankd i think eating mostly veges and fruit is a good idea but need some meat in the sandwich bro...
too much of any macro or micro isnt good, but the macros .. 1g of fat is 8cal, 1g of protein is 4cal, and 1g of carb is 4cal.
too much protein, meat or of any sort = bad kidneys
too much fats = atherosclerosis
too much carbs = inflammation
balance is key but not always so easy to achieve, im still trying to sort my diet out because other shit in life gets in the trying to get away from lot of crap so can focus more on exactly this and growing some cacti like @Swifty and @Redlegs .

All disease begins in the (leaky) gut: role of zonulin-mediated gut permeability in the pathogenesis of some chronic inflammatory diseases​

Twenty-five hundred years ago, when Hippocrates stated that “All disease begins in the gut”, he had an incredible intuition that only recently has been fully appreciated because of new insights into the pathogenesis of many chronic inflammatory diseases (CIDs) afflicting humankind. Until 30 years ago, when the Human Genome Project was still in its planning stage, the general hypothesis was that genetic predisposition and exposure to an environmental trigger were both necessary and sufficient to develop CIDs, including infectious, allergic, neuroinflammatory/neurodegenerative, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. However, the epidemiological observation showing a major surge of CIDs during the past four decades in the Western hemisphere coincident with the declining rate of infectious diseases was at odds with the gene/environment paradigm 1, 2. This generated the hygiene hypothesis supporting the notion that we had made ourselves too clean for our own good and that people embracing a Western lifestyle would slowly die of CIDs instead of rapidly succumbing to infectious diseases as still is happening in developing countries.
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