Any experience/opinions on whether or not cannabis use can affect antibiotics efficacy? Also, any tips or tricks on how to deal with diverticulitis?

@musashi how does your lady feel about that?
@Deach69 thats some crazy stuff you all been through.
*Actual* LOL

So far so good, it could be worse that's for sure. They're going to keep me on IV antibiotics for a couple of weeks now, and I'm happy with that. I may even get to do some of that from home, where my fam and I get to swap out the bags and a traveling nurse drops in once or twice a day, much cheaper than taking up a hospital bed. There are others who are in worse shape than I

All disease begins in the gut = likely. I've been wanting to work on my gut for a while now. Here's my chance, sink or swim
*Actual* LOL

So far so good, it could be worse that's for sure. They're going to keep me on IV antibiotics for a couple of weeks now, and I'm happy with that. I may even get to do some of that from home, where my fam and I get to swap out the bags and a traveling nurse drops in once or twice a day, much cheaper than taking up a hospital bed. There are others who are in worse shape than I

All disease begins in the gut = likely. I've been wanting to work on my gut for a while now. Here's my chance, sink or swim
Good to hear that it is going in the right direction Deach69.
Recovery is better at home imo, hope you can leave very soon.
I hope you overcome this fast.🙏

I see lots of good info here, thank you all for sharing.
Good to hear that it is going in the right direction Deach69.
Recovery is better at home imo, hope you can leave very soon.
I hope you overcome this fast.🙏

I see lots of good info here, thank you all for sharing.
Easier to keep a positive attitude at home. Our mind is integral in recovering.
@musashi how does your lady feel about that?
@Deach69 thats some crazy stuff you all been through.

how are you still alive?
or you are small?

you are right in that blending /blitzing in a food processor aids bioavailability and uptake of nutrients.... chewing is important as also produces saliva and enzymes used to aid digestion. as we enter older age chewing can become an issue.

Nutrition Facts Search Tool

126g extra firm Tofu
View attachment 84555

50g roast peanuts
View attachment 84556

28g pea protein powder
View attachment 84557

34g tahini
View attachment 84558

This is from NHS site and is pretty good idea,
"An ideal daily intake of calories varies depending on age, metabolism and levels of physical activity, among other things. Generally, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men."

knowing about Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and how to manipulate it to your advantage, especially between ages 14 to 40 thereabouts is well beneficial , especially as we enter older age, the hard work in manipulating BMR when young provides positive effects and health benefits that last a lifetime.

we grow from conception to around age 25 thereabouts and from then on we age faster than our bodies can repair our cells fast enough to be growing anymore , that is our optimum or "prime" between about 20-35, from about 25 on we are no longer "growing" we are now beginning to die.

if that's 80% of your protein, what else do you eat?

103 total cal
Total Fat 0.69g 1%
Protein 23.2g 46%
Total Carbohydrate 1.7g 1%

294 total cal
Total Fat 24.8g 32%
Saturated Fat 3.9g 19%
Protein 12.2g 24%
Total Carbohydrate 10.6g 4%

181 total cal
Total Fat 11g 14%
Saturated Fat 1.6g 8%
Protein 21.8g 44%
Total Carbohydrate 3.5g 1%

200 total cal
Total Fat 18.1g 23%
Saturated Fat 2.5g 13%
Protein 5.7g 11%
Total Carbohydrate 7.1g 3%

103 + 294 + 181 + 200 = 778 total CAL /DAY (31.2% RDI for a male) - way too low, what else do you eat?
0.69 + 24.8g + 11g + 18.1g = 36.6g total FAT/day (70% RDI) - most of the fat from that is saturated fat.... get some OMEGA 3 AND 6 in as i read heaps of stuff on it think "synergy" and "enterouge" effect, ...get 50g of flaxseed (linseed) into you or fresh salmon from a known clean source ... fatty products pick up and accumulate toxins easily and pass them on to consumers... salmon and dairy products had quite high amounts , if you interested search 'toxic salmon' on youtube there's a bit about it.
23.2g + 12.2g + 21.8g + 5.7g = 62.9 total protein / day (125% RDI) - that'll fuck your kidneys, and your body can only absorb about 30g every 2-3 hours and is better bioavailability/absorbed through mastication and eating mixed together with carbs. any extra protein your kidneys have to work overtime to process and piss out... you will get away with it for a while while you're young but it will catch up eventually as you age.
1.7g + 10.6g + 3.5g + 7.1g = 22.9g total carbs /day (9% RDI) - i do agree carbs are generally bit overrated i have seen enough to know it feeds and aids cancer growth but is essential MACRO NUTRIENT and FME I got super sick cutting out carbs to stupid low daily intake

a 363g t-bone steak, 50g linseeds, some fresh fruit and veges (esp. dark green leafy ), some herbs n spices, bit of yoghurt, an egg or two, some nuts and seeds, a tablespoon or two of fresh high quality honey,
mmmm im hungry
everyone is unique and different though, and one size definitely doesn't always fit all

View attachment 84559

@dankd i think eating mostly veges and fruit is a good idea but need some meat in the sandwich bro...
too much of any macro or micro isnt good, but the macros .. 1g of fat is 8cal, 1g of protein is 4cal, and 1g of carb is 4cal.
too much protein, meat or of any sort = bad kidneys
too much fats = atherosclerosis
too much carbs = inflammation
balance is key but not always so easy to achieve, im still trying to sort my diet out because other shit in life gets in the trying to get away from lot of crap so can focus more on exactly this and growing some cacti like @Swifty and @Redlegs .

All disease begins in the (leaky) gut: role of zonulin-mediated gut permeability in the pathogenesis of some chronic inflammatory diseases​

Twenty-five hundred years ago, when Hippocrates stated that “All disease begins in the gut”, he had an incredible intuition that only recently has been fully appreciated because of new insights into the pathogenesis of many chronic inflammatory diseases (CIDs) afflicting humankind. Until 30 years ago, when the Human Genome Project was still in its planning stage, the general hypothesis was that genetic predisposition and exposure to an environmental trigger were both necessary and sufficient to develop CIDs, including infectious, allergic, neuroinflammatory/neurodegenerative, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. However, the epidemiological observation showing a major surge of CIDs during the past four decades in the Western hemisphere coincident with the declining rate of infectious diseases was at odds with the gene/environment paradigm 1, 2. This generated the hygiene hypothesis supporting the notion that we had made ourselves too clean for our own good and that people embracing a Western lifestyle would slowly die of CIDs instead of rapidly succumbing to infectious diseases as still is happening in developing countries.

wow! thank you for this information it is something to take notes from

i drink two and a half of those smoothies every day and for solid food currently i make bread/hummus/salad/boiled potato (sometimes its vegan hot dogs instead of hummus) (15-30g protein) and then a pasta with simple raw ingredient marinara and kale and salad (15g protein). and for deserts i make a brownie out of peanuts cocoa powder raisins in the food processor with almond milk and banana (25g protein)

for my height and weight and age (nunya bidness btw lol) and physical activity i need about 225g daily protein
also, holy frickin smokes(!) i didn't know a steak could have so much protein

still, 200g daily protein from those tofu shakes vs 200g daily protein from oh... i don't know.....


is not a logical sentence lol
Here is an article from Mercola about the benefits of bone broth and its beneficial effects on gut health.

Two of the best books that I have on nutrition and health:
Nourishing Traditions- Sally Fallon
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration- Weston Price

Basically, telling us to go back to the garden. Here's to your health!

And hydration is so very important.
I use many legume sources for protein including garbanzos and lentils. Peas not so much bc of uric acid levels which may exacerbate gout which I used to have. I eat tofu in limited amounts also.

"Caution: Eating massive amounts of tofu regularly (as some Americans do) can contribute to kidney-adrenal weakness, loss and graying of hair, impotence, frigidity, and decrease in sexual sensitivity,."

I wonder if this has to do with the estrogen content? I got this from Healing with Whole Foods- Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, another excellent book in my library.

All good but too much of anything... I just wish it wasn't so. I miss my ice cream AND cognac lol!

phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in soy have no considerable effect on male reproductive hormones

some more info

from the second link:

"Even Men’s Health has changed its perspective. An article published in 2015 stated that “soy contains phytoestrogens, plant-based hormones that may, in excess, lead to dips in testosterone. Up to four servings a day, however, shouldn’t hurt.” And in 2019, the magazine published an article entitled Is Tofu the New King of Protein? in which the question was asked: “What about low sperm count and man boobs? The publication notably replied: “Several news outlets (including this one—our bad) may have overblown those findings.”"
And hydration is so very important.
I use many legume sources for protein including garbanzos and lentils. Peas not so much bc of uric acid levels which may exacerbate gout which I used to have. I eat tofu in limited amounts also.

"Caution: Eating massive amounts of tofu regularly (as some Americans do) can contribute to kidney-adrenal weakness, loss and graying of hair, impotence, frigidity, and decrease in sexual sensitivity,."

I wonder if this has to do with the estrogen content? I got this from Healing with Whole Foods- Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition, another excellent book in my library.

All good but too much of anything... I just wish it wasn't so. I miss my ice cream AND cognac lol!

Personally I don't think so Mu. The amount of estrogen in a glass of cows milk is far higher than anything you'd get from soya. The other interesting thing with phytoestrogen is that your body doesn't really utilise it if you don't need it.

There's a vegan YouTuber called Brian Turner that has done a few videos that are called something like "eating a lb of soy a day for a month", and he does blood tests before and after eating that much soy for a month.

I'm on your side dankd. I've never eaten meat, and I am more muscular without working out than most of my friends. Whenever I do work out I put on muscle probably 2 or 3 times faster than my friends I might work out with.

Disclaimer: not telling anyone how to eat- you do you 😁
Personally I don't think so Mu. The amount of estrogen in a glass of cows milk is far higher than anything you'd get from soya.
The average american get's most if not all of their soy intake from heavily processed foods, not tofu. I personally don't concern myself about phytoestrogens from vegitarian dishes utilizing soy, I do however limit my intake from heavily processed frozen foods.

Disclaimer: not telling anyone how to eat- you do you 😁
At 28 I was in the hospital with a micro-perf. I was told I would need surgery and possibly a bag. Thank goodness they put me on a fast with serious antibiotics. I was out of the hospital in 5 days, no surgery. The reality is, it’s all about inflammation. Not sure where your problem is but mine was in the bend of the sigmoid. When the pouches are inflamed and it’s a tight bend rubbing and possible perforation can happen. So… fast for 24 hours as soon as you feel a pain in the lower left quadrant. Stay well hydrated always. Add bulk to your diet to make stool softer. And eliminate things that cause inflammation. Fatty foods, fried foods, stress, etc. I’m a butcher and chef so I don’t always take care of my self the way I should but I haven’t been back to hospital in 15 years. I bet you can control this with diet. Good luck buddy.

Also please get a colonoscopy if you haven’t already. It’s not too bad and it could save your life.
I too disagree about estrogen in tofu having any effect. Like @Soulman sez it's all about diet which is what I am saying. Acidic diets promote the wrong kind of bacteria causing inflammation in the intestines. The body works overtime to get back to neutraI stripping minerals in the process causing mitochondrial inefficiency and resulting loss of energy. There is another culprit that many don't consider, it is the preservatives and other additives which makes this situation worse. Bottom line, eat healthy food. Great conversation braddahs! Thanks for bringing this up @Deach69 :)

I too disagree about estrogen in tofu having any effect. Like @Soulman sez it's all about diet which is what I am saying. Acidic diets promote the wrong kind of bacteria causing inflammation in the intestines. The body works overtime to get back to neutraI stripping minerals in the process causing mitochondrial inefficiency and resulting loss of energy. There is another culprit that many don't consider, it is the preservatives and other additives which makes this situation worse. Bottom line, eat healthy food. Great conversation braddahs! Thanks for bringing this up @Deach69 :)

NP, it's turning out to be a great thread, many different things to consider. I'm mid 50's now, time to shape up or ship out

So, I've been home for a bit over a week now. I'm on my third set of antibiotics since I was admitted to the hospital, the last time. The antibiotics I'm on are being injected at home, by a nurse once a day for a couple of weeks. Sweet deal, it was either that or get it through an IV at home... no brainer. I'll be getting CT scans and blood tests at the end of the week

I forgot to mention, when a microbiologist was looking into my case, he asked a ton of questions about my whereabouts, animals I'd come in contact with, etc.. But when I mentioned camping in upstate New York last summer his eyes lit up. Apparently New York is notorious for harboring certain resistant strains, and one of the campgrounds I stayed at, put me in their overflow area, where in retrospect I'm sure folks had used every nook cranny and tree as their toilets for years on end. It also rained quite a bit during my stay. So that was enough of an excuse to put me on a last resort antibiotic, the doctor nicknamed the "atom bomb"(made me sick as hell) . They put me on that till they ruled out the resistant strains they were worried about. Apparently the one I'm on right now is almost up to that caliber.

Anyhow, all very interesting stuff. As I left the hospital I told the staff at the nurses station that it was a great experience I, had and how impressive their teamwork was. I just blurted it out, got some strange looks from them for my first statement but that's how I felt. I lived through it and loved watching how their system worked. I could easily tell that the majority of those who worked there were dedicated and their hearts were in it :)
Apparently New York is notorious for harboring certain resistant strains, and one of the campgrounds I stayed at,

It is impossible to catch diverticulitis from a campground or any physical place for that matter. It is not contagious either and so cannot be spread from person to person. Diverticulitis is an infection of protruding pockets in the colon. It is thought to be brought about by genetics, diet, or both. Most people over 55 have diverticulosis(uninfected pockets in their colon).

How is diverticulitis contracted?
While the cause of diverticular diseases is unknown, several studies have associated the conditions with low fiber intake, excessive alcohol use, anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, obesity, lack of exercise, and smoking.

As a person who has lived their whole life in New York, if you have caught something strain resistant at a campground in New York, I would seriously get checked for VD, or Hepatitis C as diverticulitis is impossible to catch at a campground. Hope this helps!

Good Luck!

The doctors were trying to figure the specific bug infecting my diverticula, you must have misunderstood what I was saying. My intestines have been weakened over time for one reason or another and susceptible to becoming infected. Now we are trying to find the right antibiotic to kill the bacteria that I picked up somewhere, somehow

I love NY, one of my favorite States