What is really what?? MNS “children”

As Sensi purchased Neville's breeding plants, they had both the Haze A and C males
My understanding and take it with a grain of salt, is that only Nevil and Shanti ever had the original parent plants. Plus, when Nevil left Sensi, I believe Haze A was already diseased.

If Sensi did have Haze male A and C, then they did a horrible job with two of the most influential and possibly rarest most coveted plants on earth.

Jack Herer does have a similar profile like SSH.
Had the pleasure to have a cut that was seen in a lot of coffeeshops in the north of Holland around 2000.
I remember it as spicy haze taste with a very strong high (a bit heavier than my current SSH).
Buds had many crystals and they were a bit "darker", best I had came from Coffeeshop "Checkpoint" in Ijzendijke.
Those were great times.

Still have Sannies Jack in the fridge, should be a good source for Jack Herer.
In the Nordle line i found quite some fruity tasting pheno`s that could easily be what is past around here as skittlezz.
My Nordle smells exactly the same as all the wedding cake strains I've tried on the medi market and some from a local grower.
Wedding Cake is rumoured to have an affy from Nev in the linage somewhere.
I now believe this rumour to be true.
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Hey all, so after some extensive roaming of this website, and others over the years I have noticed members mention other breeders potentially using MNS genetics as their start off (sometimes with permission).

** I promise I’m not trying to start a war!**

People have mentioned various well known strains either being potential phenos of an already established MNS strain / or hybrid involving a specific MNS strain. Or they simply mentioned casually that they grew out a MNS plant and it reminded them of a well known strain from another breeder. There is a strong consensus across the internet (which is rare) that MNS genetics are top notch, and I’d like to continue exploring the massive collection I’ve ammassed but I really don’t even know where to start.. If I had more of an idea what MNS strains were similar or threw similar phenos to some other popular/ mainstream strains I feel like it would help guide my journey.

For example I believe I once read someone say Jack Herer is either similar to Super Silver Haze, or perhaps they thought it could have originated as a NL5xHaze Pheno (I don’t exactly remember). I know people say SSH, Amnesia Haze and some others are all SSH or phenos of it. I know there’s a whole thread dedicated to people claiming the famous New York Uptown Piff could very well be a specific Mango Haze pheno (that one I think was discussed on a different forum). And just today I read someone mentioning something about them losing or looking for a Deisel pheno within a MNS strain that they mentioned being sour.

I’m not trying to say Sour Deisel, Jack Herer or Uptown Piff are all MNS genetics, but I think it’d be benifical to compile a bit of a catelog describing what MNS strains you may be able to find phenos that are similar (or have similar qualities) to more mainstream / popular strain names. I know OG and Kush are talked about all the time but I personally wouldn’t know where to start within the MNS catelog looking for a plant with Kush or OG qualities.

I also recently saw some photos on this site of what looked like an MNS strain catelog that also included some more popular named strains, I believe the one that caught my eye was “Gorilla Glue” and it seemed to be being portrayed as a MNS strain in the listing.. did Shanti team up with someone and create gorilla glue?? I have heard Shanti has collaborated with other breeders in the past but I’d just love to know more about what strains may have come from where, and specific qualities come from various linages of plants.

Sorry if this post is all over the place, and @musashi if a thread of this type is too controversial or starts going in a negative direction feel free to delete it.

Mary, Jim and John. I like that. That sounds cool. Or Cluster 1, 2 and 3. That's sounds cool too. I'll use both names from now on. Odd that there are 3 though. It couldn't be Afghan, Skunk and Haze could it? Nah. Probably not. :cool:
