Uncle Jack's indoor horticulture

I said this was indoor didn't I?

MNS volunteer
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Mango Haze (C) Indoor
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MNS Haze hybrid (Either Skunk/Haze or Critical/Haze)

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Mango Haze (C) Outdoor
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The Mango Haze grown outdoors is wonderful medicine, even if it was grown a bit too far south.
Very reliable smoke, motivating and makes the munchies hit hard.
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I said this was indoor didn't I?

MNS volunteer
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Mango Haze (C) Indoor
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MNS Haze hybrid (Either Skunk/Haze or Critical/Haze)

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Mango Haze (C) Outdoor
View attachment 87122

The Mango Haze grown outdoors is wonderful medicine, even if it was grown a bit too far south.
Very reliable smoke, motivating and makes the munchies hit hard.

@Uncle Jack your grow is a real inspiration (y)

I'm curious how your G13 Haze turns out :love:

Keep up the good work
Got a bit behind with my horticulture duties.

I can report that G13/Haze is a very nicely balanced hybrid.

A good balance of effects from both parents and no anxiety.

Motivational but definitely happily baked as well. Strong but not debilitating. Very nice mixed with Nl5/Af

Early test of the Nordles were nice and relaxed yet euphoric effect with one having noticably stronger flavor after a microwave or two.

Will do a smoke report in a few weeks.

Started a pack of Dreamtime today to do a selection run.

Apologies for my awkward style, but we are all different after all.

More photos next time.
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My apologies for not posting photos like I said i would but photos are coming.
I can report that one of my Nordles has extremely high trichome density.
It also smokes very well.
So hard to put words to smells but musky/candied menthol, or good.
I see why Howard was into this strain now.
NICE one to have in the stash box.
Calm, droopy eyes....strong and relaxed but capable of doing more in an emergency..
Very good for sleeping..........................
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Anything else interesting going on with the semi-variegated Nordle pheno? (I mean, aside from it being Nordle)
Sorry WDS I missed this one.
That Nordle B was the one I had my eye on through the grow as well, but she doesn't smoke as well as Nordle C
Nordle C better yield, better toke.
I may grow her out one more time to make sure it wasn't human error, which is one thing I have perfected.
but she certainly had the looks and the smells while growing, unfortunately the smell didn't translate across to flavor.
Another thing I found is the Nordles like their food.
Myself and fertilizers though, what can be said except, we weakened and used salts, enough said, there goes my taste.
The next ones coming through will not be fed that way.

It would be good to have a thread on here about feeding and feeding regimes.
I would certainly be in there all the time trying to improve my methods.
Unfortunately alot of what is available in one country is not available in others and vice versa, so it makes it a bit hard.
It's amazing how a few words from somebody that is getting good results can lift everybody .
All the best
Sorry WDS I missed this one.
That Nordle B was the one I had my eye on through the grow as well, but she doesn't smoke as well as Nordle C
Nordle C better yield, better toke.
I may grow her out one more time to make sure it wasn't human error, which is one thing I have perfected.
but she certainly had the looks and the smells while growing, unfortunately the smell didn't translate across to flavor.
Another thing I found is the Nordles like their food.
Myself and fertilizers though, what can be said except, we weakened and used salts, enough said, there goes my taste.
The next ones coming through will not be fed that way.

It would be good to have a thread on here about feeding and feeding regimes.
I would certainly be in there all the time trying to improve my methods.
Unfortunately alot of what is available in one country is not available in others and vice versa, so it makes it a bit hard.
It's amazing how a few words from somebody that is getting good results can lift everybody .
All the best
My gut feeling is that the ideal use of the Nordles would be to lightly seed them, blend them together, and convert them to beautiful, beautiful resin, with your Hash-O-Matic-2000. That way you would get a fuller spectrum extract. Its on "The List." Of course I'd have to win a pack and in my case it would be my happy ass and a couple of screens, rather than your Billy Bad Ass Weed Machine.

Thanks for the reply though. Your stash cabinet must be something to behold. How is the strain tolerance on the Critical Skunk so far? Have you found any phenos in there that are must look out for?
Yeah you have me mixed up with somebody else @Worn Down Soul .
I don't own a Billy Bad Ass Weed Machine and I haven't grown Critical Skunk yet.
I have the seeds somewhere though.
I get what you mean about growing them all out and making F2's to capture all genetic material though.
I for one do not have the space or the time to do that, however in a perfect world it would be ideal
Another thing, the male Nordle I got flowered under 18 hours of light.
So it may be worthwhile selecting males that don't do that.
I will also say that there are specimens inside Nordle that are perfectly fine for smoking as bud.

All the best
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Yeah you have me mixed up with somebody else @Worn Down Soul .
I don't own a Billy Bad Ass Weed Machine and I haven't grown Critical Skunk yet.
I have the seeds somewhere though.
I get what you mean about growing them all out and making F2's to capture all genetic material though.
I for one do not have the space or the time to do that, however in a perfect world it would be ideal
Another thing, the male Nordle I got flowered under 18 hours of light.
So it may be worthwhile selecting males that don't do that.
I will also say that there are specimens inside Nordle that are perfectly fine for smoking as bud.

All the best
You're right. I confused you with Skunkle Lenny. My mistake. Can't remember the last night I got enough sleep.

I've grown a few straight from source hashplant cultigens at this point and many of them have some degree of auto-flowering with the males. Also, if you think about how a field, grown for hash making purposes is spaced out (look at the pictures) At some point, the roots of one are pushing against their neighbors. I've noticed that root constriction can cause some of the males and females to auto-flower. It just seems part of their make up. In instances where the males have done this. It hasn't seemed to be a problem. Just collect the pollen and store it in the freezer.

Anyways, sorry to confuse you with someone else.
Yes I agree @Worn Down Soul
It could have something to do with the genetics.
With hash varieties coming from landraces that were acclimatized to drier and generally harsher conditions.
This would also explain the density of trichomes on hash varieties
Perhaps a survival mechanism whereby males and females are flowering over a longer period of time.
Ensuring pollination and the future of the next generation in the event of a disaster.
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Cultigens? Ahh, nevermind.............I think I'll just stick to what I do best, grow plants.
People pretty freely use the term "landrace." The thing is, if it isn't growing on it's own in a place, like kune kune pigs, that acclimated to New Zealand for an example. "Cultigen" is probably a more accurate term. "Heirloom" also would be applicable.

Cultigen - A plant whose origin or selection is primarily due to intentional human activity. More pointedly, it often refers to a plant, that doesn't grow outside of domesticated settings; it isn't found in that form in the wild. So its the sort of thing where even in the places where say, Mazar-i-Sharif grows AND where some wild stands of Cannabis might be found. Its not like you are going to find Mazari growing as ditch weed. Over time, it will take on a more feral growth habit. As that point, over time, it would become a true landrace, growing itself. Where the cultivated form would be a cultigen.
Well I beg to differ @Worn Down Soul
Your definition of landrace needs broadening.

A landrace is a domesticated, locally adapted,[2][3][4] often traditional[5] variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.[2] Landraces are distinct from cultivars and from standard breeds.[6]

Cultigen - An organism, especially a cultivated plant, such as a banana, not known to have a wild or uncultivated counterpart

This is the first I have heard of this word so thanks for the share.

All in all we are starting to split straws around here.
There is the definition of a landrace and it was being used correctly.
You are using the word cultigen incorrectly.
All the Best.
A landrace is a domesticated, locally adapted,[2][3][4] often traditional[5] variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species.[2] Landraces are distinct from cultivars and from standard breeds.[6]

^^^^^ on the same page, a few paragraph's down....."The label landrace includes regional cultigens..." sigh