The Nina


New member
Hey Krusty Krew:)

Sandy was getting seeds, and told me it was now or never. I couldn't find the northern lights x haze, so I decided to get Lanaina and devil. I split the devil with Sandy, cause she is helping me out. She says she is going to grow them outside in the garden.

I tried sprouting the Devil in a paper towel, and I got 5 out of 9 of them growing. Since my luck wasn't so good with the devil, I decided to try the lanina by soaking them in water. I put them in water this morning, and none have sunk yet. Sandy said to put them right in the soil after I let them soak until they sink.

After reading the soil recipies here, I went to bargain mart for peat, limestone, perlite and worm castings. I also got a bag of Scotts organic garden soil I got some party cups to start them in. I showed Sandy the mixed soil, and she said it would work good.

I put 2 screw in flourescents in a rubber maid box for their home for now. The 1 plant that is above the surface seems to like it.

Sandy told me to use 1 teaspoon of kelp and a drop of molasses in a gallon of water once I plant them.

Any tips? They are gonna go in a spare bathroom with a hps when I get it.
Hey Pat,
La Nina is a variety I havent had the oppurtunity to grow yet, but she may make her way to me some day. The particular haze in La Nina is not either Haze A or Haze C, which are related haze plants used in various haze hybrids here at Mr. Nice Seeds. So she stands alone from many varieties like Nevil's, Mango and Super Silver Haze which are varieties that contain the "usual" haze A or haze C hybridizations in that regard.

Below is some more information on La Nina from Shanti himself on the pedigree of La Nina.

La Nina is the widow father breed to a pure Haze female...neither A or C by the way so I hope that clears up all your doubts once and for all.

Welcome to the forum Patrick,

Peace brother man.
Hi Patrick,

I’ve never tried La Nina, but i know as a fact the quality of the Hazes MNS offers is really good :)

Put those seedlings under the HPS as soon as you can. It’s amazing how they grow under strong lights.

I used to germinate under HPS, always with excellent results.
Hi barletta:) I have a cameraphone but no pics to show just yet. I have 1 devil that is up for about 1 week, and the other devils are starting to poke up. No Laninas have poked through yet.

HeyJesseand Buddhadreams:) I really didn't expect them to be that 'hazey'. The strain section said 8-10 weeks I think. Hopefully I get at least one faster plant to smoke while I wait:) I don't have the funds for the HPS just yet. I'll probably have the clams in a week or so.

Thank you for your intrest, guys. I wish I could show Bob or Squidward, but I know the rules. Sandy made me swear em!
I put 1 Devil and 2 LN's in flower the same day- 1 LN (my favorite) was done 10 days before the Devil and the other LN was done 5 days before. Both LN's were Hazy. That particular Devil was faster than its sisters too, a nice squat indica heavy plant that was half the height.
Hi Ronin:) Your report on these strains was what pushed me to them:) I hope I like them as much as you do! Thank you for stopping by :D
hey bro good luck im just finishing up 3 la ninas right now and want to wish you luck a fairly easy strain to grow i just wish i would have put them in a bigger pot to start flowering as they were put in 2 gallon pots and were long flowerers like 75 to 90 days ill throw down a smoke report soon as they are in the process of being chopped now
Hey B :)
Hope to see you back around the forum soon, you're basically our adopted bastard child here at MNS lol and the place just wont be the same without you. You're family, so get back to us soon my man. Everybody here loves you and thinks you're a great poster, so your apparent departure means you will be missed.

The candle will be kept burning until you come back.

Gee, don't you know it's not good to burn a candle un-attended? I don't worry, cause I live under a rock, and all of my stuff is made of sand. And I live in the ocean. :^)

This is the only plant that hasn't sexed yet. I think that when she was going from a solo to the 2l, she was almost 'bare-rooted', so she stunted for a few days. I decided to put it back in veg, and see what happens. It should show soon, as she was in 12/12 lighting for ~2/3 weeks.

Here she is next to the 3 confirmed girls.

And here are the 4 boys. Bount-Chikka, wown-wow ;)

hey P

looking good mate

LN is a great strain , if you find the hazy pheno make sure to keep clones

good luck and cant wait to see how they turn out for you. keep up the good work
lookin good Patpat

your males look good,you say there quick maybe they are more widow than haze(use them as studs:D bount-ckicka wown wow)

nice pics mate, wats your weather doin looks like the big hps is shinnin:)

be safe Patpat

fs man, lol, good to see you back posting, nice pics, was going to ask a few questions, are these in flower now?? if so how big do you they will grow to and what do you expect to pull from each 1, to me they look a bit small to be put into flower, but I know every1 does things differently, looking very healthy anyway, nice work b.
Those leaves are super fat compared to mine. I do have one fatty this time though. The rest have the width of your 1st couple of dude shots.

I may have to kill my nice male. I can't set up an air cleaner in the dude room and that bitch stinkin up my whole place. I am opening my windows to smell the freshly manured fields to get a break from the sourness in here!

My best lookin one finally popped some hairs today!! Wooo ...
Gonna make that thing a bushy bush.

I am curious to see how these yield. Mine were fast as hell. Don't kill the airy ones is my advice. They ain't the selling kind but man are they good for the head. They tend to make everything better!

Good to see you around brother.
Whattap krusty krew :^)

L - There are certain 'grows' that just stick in my mind, and watching you handle the LN's is one of them. I had to get one of those plastic keyboard covers, cause I kept slobbering on the keys :D I have heard only good about the finished product, and I'm really looking forward to seein em do their thing. Of the 3 females (black pots), I have lollipopped the 2 on the right, as I don't think that they are gonna stretch too much. The one on the left is very aggressive, and stinky, and has less 'cabbage' to the leaves. I left the shoots, and I'm gonna try to clone her. I'm not really focused on the clones, so much as a healthy pollination of each of these 3 females with the 4 boys. These plants as a group stink pretty good so far. No haze, but FUN-KEY.

MrMr - Holla at a starfish. It's gonna be a big LaNina orgy. Wait..LaNina orgy... doesn't sound right. Ahem... 'The LaNina are becoming women...' Sun has been crankin the last 2 days, and now we are lookin at a soaker. We are WAY low on rain this late winter/early spring. Mad bownt-chicka-wownt-wow.

Tdub - These are in 12/12 lighting for ~2-3 weeks, and were under 20/4 with flouro's for ~2-3 weeks before that. They were in the boxes in solo cups, put into gallons when I flipped em, and I put em in the bigger pots when they showed. The 2 on the left showed at the beginning of the light cycle (lights on), and the other one showed when I looked at 10min to lights off, but all on the same day (handy :D). I needed to flip a bunch of seedplants, and they were all smaller than I would have liked, but I couldn't wait. I'm looking to end up with ~30+ girls, averaging 35g+ per. Ideally I'd have 6 lollypopped colas under each 400, and 4-8 plants in the 'alley'. I have read that this strain is not generally that heavy, so that's why these are in the 3(?) gallon pots. The rest of the plants are in either 1 or 2 gallons. The plan is to let each female get at least 2 gallons of soil. I know that I'm gonna have to put 2 in a few larger pots, cause I'm out of 2 gal bags already.

YoRo - Mine's fatter than yours. Mine stink too. Prolly not more so than other strains, but it is an obnoxious, unmistakable stankweed odor ;D. I'm only gonna take cuts of the plant on the left, and if the one in the white pot is a girl, I'll consider it. I HAVE to get some cuts going for the spring, and even though I have like 4 veg areas set up, and can use my deck (full time in a few weeks...), I can only juggle so many things. I'm already not 100% sure on what is what for some of the plants that I have going (6 different seedbatches in flower now, 1 more under the MH, and 2 more under flouro's.)

I'm lookin to make lots of f2's and do some clone selection from there when I have the time/space (same thing...).
Oh hey!!
PatrickStar, glad to see you're still floating around this part of the ocean. Your bud porn has been greatly missed! Good luck w/ the ladies. See ya around...
dcd - From one cartoon avatar to another, WHATTAP!! :D.

These lil plants do stink. Even that little thing in the white pot stinks of skunk and dookie and chemicals after a good leaf rubbin. I got the males out with some Shit F2 males and a Devil male, and the LN's are way out stinkin em. No visible trichs yet, though.