The Doors 2021/2022

Marijuana Gangster

Well-known member
Wassup brothers and sisters,

I am currently finishing up a doors grow and would like to share the results with you. Setup is as follows:

Grow space: 0.6m2
Light: Viparspectra p2000 (200W LED)
Soil: Peatless potting soil with Guano and added perlite
Fertilizer: nutrient solution at EC=1.5 – 1.8 and pH=6 - 6.5, irrigated for 5min daily
Pots: 9x9x10cm (very small to fit many plants in room)

I germinated 18 out of 15 purchased seeds :D and 17 popped making for a germination rate of 94,4 %. One was killed by mishandling so I ended up with having 16 healthy plants of which 11 turned out female and 5 males (wow how lucky I was :D). The seedlings were rather consistent, with no big differences in leaf morphology as you can see on the picture below. Initially, the differences were only minor, but different morphologies appeared later during the life cycle. There was some variability in growth rates with 3 plants that were growing slower than the rest.

The Doors group.jpg

So due to these differences in growth rate and due to 1 plant disliking getting topped, I had to send 4 plants later into flowering. Usually I grow the plants until they are big enough to getting topped and then I wait another 2 weeks to take the top 2 cuttings of every phenotype. The plants of which I took the cuttings are sent into flowering right away. But this time I needed to leave for a business trip for 1 week and this was at a point where the cuttings just started showing roots. So I put them into pots a bit prematurely and placed them in a tray with some water at the bottom hoping they would survive for one week. When I came back I was shocked to see that I put too much water and only a few survived 😭. So I can only hope that those phenos where I lost both cuttings are no keepers. In case they are I will need to go for reveg, something I have never done before.

On top of that, I realized that the doors is late to flower or maybe they were still a bit immature, but my intention was to send them into flowering two weeks before I leave in order to identify the males and remove them. However, when I was about to leave, the plants showed no signs of flowering yet, not even on the males. Damn, so I had to leave everything inside together, and when I came back I saw that both, females and males showed sex and the male flowers were already open and shed pollen, so I will have seeds in this round. I don’t really mind but I prefer to know which males pollinated which females…now it was kind of an open pollination.

Thats it for today, more infos and pictures coming soon...stay tuned

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So lets continue this thread. Before flowering I numbered the plants from 1 – 12 and after 3 weeks sorted out the males. Four plants were smaller from the beginning and were sent into flower 3 weeks after the first ones. That are the plants numbered from 13 – 16.


The differences in leaf morphology appeared already during late veg, with some showing thinner sativa type leaves while others were rather of the hybrid type. None had fat indica leaves. However, after seeing the plants flower for a while now I can confirm what @Jahnova also observed, the leaf morphology cannot be taken as an indicator for haze smells in the buds. My number 10 had rather thin leaves during veg and flower but produced very dense hard buds with a special smell but no haze.
Considering bud formation, there were three types of buds, the pointed ones, the flat ones and the domed ones. Most of them were pointed or flat and all of them produced foxtails, some more, some less. Many of them looked a bit like the NL5xHaze picture of Nevilles that is still used by sensi seeds, which is actually funny because when I grew the NL5Hz from sensi years ago, the buds did not look anything like that. This reminds me of the quote I often read here in the forum…” The truth is in the seed” and so is it. I cant remember who said this, if it was Neville himself or somebody else 🤷‍♂️.

Here is a pic of the bunch in week 4. The ones in the larger pots are not the doors, only those in the middle. In the front there are the 4 that went in later. The rest is behind them. The first flower on the right, just behind the ones that were put in later is D10, with the thin leaves, which turned out having hard and dense buds.

4th Week 3.jpg

The smells are really nice, nothing I ever smelled before. At the beginning there was a haze smell to all of them but this quickly changed into a gassy oily smell. I think @Dkeppel described it best by saying the smell is like entering an engineers workshop, and that is exactly what it smells like. There are differences among phenos though, some had a sort of spiciness to them, like “herbes de provence” or some kind of meat seasoning like reported by @musashi . Then there were others they had a more fruity touch, some were lemony and some more like lychee or mangosteen kind of. And some of them smelled only gassy and oily…I love it 😍. Only one of them was rather afghan leaning and smelled a bit like some average NL5xAfghans I grew before. Nothing special. I did not smell anything that reminded me of cinnamon as reported by @musashi and @Jahnova , but maybe the right pheno was just not there.

Finishing time
Concerning finishing time the phenos are very heterogenous. The earliest (the afghan leaning one) finished at day 64 while four others were harvested at day 73. Three more will be harvested on the weekend on day 80 or 81. The three later ones (1 of the 4 was male) are still standing and will probably go another 3 weeks. Reports on yield are following, all I can say is that the buds look fat … but as you all know, after drying, almost nothing is left 😭.

Here are some more pictures … enjoy the show

Week 4 of flowering

4th Week (2).jpg

4th Week 1.jpg

Week 5. notice the one on the lower right corner? Thats D13. For her it is week 2 and although she was slow growing in veg, she s now ready for takeoff 🚀

5th Week (2).jpg

Week 8. Its getting interesting

Week 7 mid (2).jpg

and a close up picture of D2

Week 7 mid (5).jpg

and here is D14, also one of the later ones, so for her it is week5. She has a strong lemon scent on an oily gassy background. This will probably be one of my keepers.

Week 7 mid (4).jpg

Separate pictures of all phenoes will follow once harvest is done.


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OK, found more picture of week 8/5 so I thought I d share some.

The plant with some problems in the back is Blueberry Headband from HSO and right next to it is a Sour Blueberry also from HSO. Rest is the Doors. Notice how #13 took off? All plants were topped and have 2 tops but #13 did not accept it and grew one strong branch instead of 2 medium 😄 Smell of that one is not too strong but reminds me of Nevilles Haze I once bought in the Dampkring but the buds are rather dense. Think I ll keep her too 😁

Week 8 (3).jpg

And here still week 8 but for the ones in the front its week 5 as they were put in later. The smaller two branches in the bottom center is an Ortega though.
Week 8 (1).jpg

stay tuned for more pictures coming soon

Under 200w LED? impressive

Thanks for sharing :cool:
Thank you 🙏
these modern LEDs are putting out some serious light. Light intensity is higher than under my 250W HPS. I will post the numbers tomorrow for anyone who is interested. This is enough for the small growing space i have. I m thinking of adding another LED on a second layer though ... vertical farming style 😎
Wassup everyone,

its me again … today I got a little information on the lights I use and used to use. I did a direct comparison between 250W HPS and 200W LED and share the results with you here. But before we start, first a little theory for those who don’t know.

PAR stands for Photosynthetic Active Radiation and describes those parts of the spectrum that can be used for photosynthesis by plants. The PAR region reaches from 400 to 700 nm and excludes far-red radiation.

PPFD is the abbreviation for Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density and describes how many moles of photons in the PAR region hit an area of 1 m2 per second. The unit is micromoles per squaremeter per second (µmol m-2 s-1). Theoretically you could convert the µmol to mols and multiply by the Avogadro number and receive the exact number of photons that hit the squaremeter per second. However, nobody does this 😂😅.

PFD is Photon Flux Density and is like PPFD but counts also photons other than the PAR ones, including far-red photons and UV. Therefore, the PFD is usually a bit higher than PPFD.

PFD-R, PFD-B, PFD-G, PFD-Fr, PFD-UV are the PFDs for red, blue, green, far-red and UV respectively.

Alright, enough theory, lets get to the comparison.

I have a growing space of 1m x 60cm, made a grid of 15 points over the grow area and placed a photospectrometer (PG200N, UPRtek) to measure the light intensity and the light spectra. First thing we will do is an honest comparison with the same distance between the light source and the sensor.


Next is the practical comparison. Since the LEDs do not get too hot you can place them much closer to the plants, and generally, I have them hanging at 30 – 35 cm above canopy height. With HPS, such a small distance becomes critical, even when using a cool tube. So here is the practical comparison between a 250W HPS at 50 cm and an LED at 35 cm distance.


and finally the graphs of both light spectra. Left is HPS and right is LED. The red curve is the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll.


that was it ... stay tuned



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Nice. What light do you have? Red-blue LED? Cause your plants on the pictures reflect purple light. What yield do you reach with your setup?
i have a 150w full spectrum led Groplanner Hyperlite and 100w from this cheap amazon burple light but i think this extra 100w buple light have made the yield better in terms of how much i dont know yet i have harvested 15.02.22 they hanging for drying i will update on waight ones its dry
edit i think this burple light have uv and red light and every i read that that is what the plant need in flower maybe some of the pros can give some info for dat this was my first true 100% indoo run and the best in bud size and stickyness and yield of course

more edit i know i could push the yield even more by watching the plants more because some bud didnt got the light and are smaller then the rest with a coursete of wire to hold all 8 main buds in the light i can and i will increses the yield but still for first true indoo its more that i could dream of im pretty happy
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i have a 150w full spectrum led Groplanner Hyperlite and 100w from this cheap amazon burple light but i think this extra 100w buple light have made the yield better in terms of how much i dont know yet i have harvested 15.02.22 they hanging for drying i will update on waight ones its dry
edit i think this burple light have uv and red light and every i read that that is what the plant need in flower maybe some of the pros can give some info for dat this was my first true 100% indoo run and the best in bud size and stickyness and yield of course

more edit i know i could push the yield even more by watching the plants more because some bud didnt got the light and are smaller then the rest with a coursete of wire to hold all 8 main buds in the light i can and i will increses the yield but still for first true indoo its more that i could dream of im pretty happy
Your plants are looking superb for a first indoor grow 👍

I doubt that your light contains UV, especially when its a cheapo LED. Those UV LEDs are very expensive and also dangerous for your eyes and skin. Therefore they are usually not used in most available LEDs. I think its the red light that boosted your yield since red is the most efficient wavelengths used in photosynthesis.
Alright, lets get it started. Some phenos are already dry and were sampled and I will report on those now.

The Doors #6
This is the afghan dominant phenotype, finished on day 64. It was shorter and had smaller buds because it was mostly shaded by larger plants. The tops are domed and the smell is fresh hashy weed that is similar to some of the NL5xAfghans I grew before, nothing special though. Unfortunately, this one did not get me high when I vaped it, even at 230°C in the volcano. Probably because it was shaded too much and therefore did not produce a lot of cannabinoids.
Yield is 6 g

The doors 6 (7).jpg
TD 6.jpg
The Doors #4
This is the one that had the thinnest leaves during vegetation. It turned out to produce hard and dense buds with flat tops and little foxtails. The smells are oily and gassy like the engineers workshop. It was harvested on day 73 and the leaves were very easily trimmed, but during flowering it threw a couple of bananas so I will not keep this one. The taste and effect of this pheno are both average.
Yield is 8.30 g


The Doors #5
This is one of the taller phenotypes, a real beauty. It had medium large buds that had pointed tops and produced some foxtails. The buds were rockhard, the hardest of all the phenotypes. Smells were spicy herbs like “herbes de provence” mixed with gassy oily undertones. Harvest was on day 73 and the leaves easily came off. Consuming this will leave you starring in the air, feeling totally stupid and unable to get up 😅. Unfortunately I did not like the spiciness in the smell initially, so I did not keep a cutting of this one. Was a mistake, especially as this one was among those where the cutting survived.
Yield is 10,65g




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The Doors #10
This is one of the medium sized plants. Buds had domed tips with little foxtails and were altogether rounder than the other phenos, kind of like golf balls. Smell is oily/gassy, like #4, but with a spicy undertone. The harvest was on day 73 and the leaves were easily trimmed off. This was the second I sampled and it is strong. Effects are like #5, hitting you hard. I will not keep this one simply because other phenos are better, but I do have two cuttings of her which I am going to give another run before she will be gone forever…
Yield is 9g

