Resetting a tent after radioactive Mite infestation.

So. What is the general consensus about when to start treating seedlings with an IPM course. Should I wait a week or two, then start my IPM?

I wouldn't want to water with neem, or spray with products, when the roots and leaves aren't developed enough.

Any knowledge and personal experiences are appreciated.


Ps. I'll probably post this in my Medicine Man Thread, as well.
Update: I treated my seedlings with their first IPM treatment. They got sprayed with azamax, about 1oz per galon.

I inspected multiple seedlings with a jewelers loop, I need to clean off the trichs from previous harvests.

I didnt see any spider mites or eggs, but I did see the exoskeleton of an unknown insect sitting atop one of the leaves. I could see it with the naked eye and a closer inspection with my loop confirmed it is an exoskeleton.

I'll continue to update on here, periodically, as to the success of my IPM.

Thank you again for everyone's help.

Hi all. I wanted to thank everyone who has contributed their knowledge and experience to this thread. All of your advice has helped tremendously! I have not seen a single trace of any 🕷 mites. I saw a single silverfish, the other day. Otherwise, a bug free room!

I still have a good month or so until my staggered harvest begin. I'll update this thread again after some harvest.

hands/wear gloves when handling plants/soil
This is something I don't implement like I should. I feel like I'm wasting the gloves. I can't stand how much trash I accumulate becuase of growing indoors. 😆. I should really practice this though. I do shower and change clothes everytime. Just like you said. 😀

Again, thank you everyone. I was so worried about them surviving the onslaught. But, you all got me through 🕷 Mite free. 😁
