Resetting a tent after radioactive Mite infestation.

Wasn't he referring to Skunk #1? I believe I remeber reading that post. The Bluedream knockoff I had and the Blueberry were both mite magnets.

I'll consider putting plastic sheets down. That is a good suggestion. I wonder if the high humidity in my area, would cause mold issues between the plastic and carpet. šŸ¤”

I'm probably overthinking this.

The carpet should not be a problem unless it is damp before you put the plastic down.
That photo gave me the willies as it was the same exact scene I had experienced years ago. I let a friend house-sit and water for a week. I came back and all my Diesel plants were exactly like that. To see shit moving within your plants, sucking, suffocating- Yeah, it was intense. And thus begets the concept of IPM...

@Uncle Jack i'll be putting plastic sheets down. Thanks for the suggestion

@dingo thanks you. I'll make sure to use a IPM regimine using insecticidal soap.

That photo gave me the willies as it was the same exact scene I had experienced years ago. I let a friend house-sit and water for a week. I came back and all my Diesel plants were exactly like that. To see shit moving within your plants, sucking, suffocating- Yeah, it was intense. And thus begets the concept of IPM...

Yes, after seeing that pic my skin crawled until halfway through my j of Ghost Train Haze.

After the reset I'll be making scheduled IPM system to protect my future plant babies.

i lose a mother of diesel like that too
My condolences.

I'll be bleaching the inside of my tents within a day or two. Hopefully I'll be ready to continue my Herbal journey within the week.

Thank you for everyones advice and feedback.-Diesel840
Holla my Mr. Nice familia. Funny thing happened the other day. I was wiping down my tent, after spraying it down with bleach. When, I threw out my back šŸ˜…šŸ¤£.

I had planned on spraying with vleach, rinse with water, then do that with peroxide a few days later and repeat.

At this point, I don't know if my back can handle spraying down the tent and cleaning it 3 more times, six more times if I include spraying it with plain water and wiping the bleach or peroxide residue away.

Would wiping it down once more with a single round of peroxide be enough? I'm afraid to have any dreaded mites survive.

Let me know what you all think. I will have to wait anothet few days before my back is well enough to clean again. So, hopefully I'll have had a few opnions from our little family of Herbalist.

Holla my Mr. Nice familia. Funny thing happened the other day. I was wiping down my tent, after spraying it down with bleach. When, I threw out my back šŸ˜…šŸ¤£.

I had planned on spraying with vleach, rinse with water, then do that with peroxide a few days later and repeat.

At this point, I don't know if my back can handle spraying down the tent and cleaning it 3 more times, six more times if I include spraying it with plain water and wiping the bleach or peroxide residue away.

Would wiping it down once more with a single round of peroxide be enough? I'm afraid to have any dreaded mites survive.

Let me know what you all think. I will have to wait anothet few days before my back is well enough to clean again. So, hopefully I'll have had a few opnions from our little family of Herbalist.

Hope you get better soon @Diesel840,

How I see cleaning grow spaces:

-Mold/fungus with hydrogen peroxide or bleach, peroxide isn't corrosive for materials like bleach. Every surface has to become in contact with it.
-Insects/pests with pyrethrin or spinosad, both need to be in direct contact and Spinosad can kill the eggs also.

I always try to rotate the products I use when I clean after a grow and use one for fungus and one for insects.

Hope it helps.
^^^ forms the foundation of good IPM practice. All products cited are effective in control. Important to understand life cycle and vectors going forward. Cleaning at the beginning will minimize but not stop invasion. Interruption of this cycle is critical. Like lice, itā€™s those damn eggs that keep hatching every 3-5 days lol.
A regular and consistent IPM program needs to be followed for control. Use of clean soil and materials to start is important. Using Neem meal in soil or watering with solution can be helpful. Clean up all lower branching to enhance airflow and better canopy growth. Scheduled foliar sprays alternating as @Swifty suggests. When I spray, I spray everything with insecticide, containers included. Utilizing floor protection, I let the spray puddle on the floor to provide a protective barrier. Using something sticky like Tanglefoot on the lower, cleaned-up stalk keeps them from crawling up and populating. Like fly traps, this product is also excellent for trapping fungus gnats that congregate. Cleanliness, daily inspection and prophylaxis is the key.

musashi said: "Using something sticky like Tanglefoot on the lower, cleaned-up stalk keeps them from crawling up and populating. Like fly traps, this product is also excellent for trapping fungus gnats that congregate."

In a pinch, I've used Con-tact paper, sticky side out for crawly things on my plants. Generally though, I use 4" clear Scotch packing tape, sticky side out, of course. If fungus gnats are a problem then I put a yellow sticky note under the clear packing tape. 500 yellow sticky notes, 72 yards of clear 4" packing tape, $20, should last the rest of my life. Available pretty much everywhere(in USA)

"Cleanliness, daily inspection and prophylaxis is the key."

The tents have been bleached once and sprayed with peroxode. All tables, lights, fans, vents, ducting, wires, glasses, timers, storage containers, and planters have been wiped/sprayed with bleached/peroxide.

My ocd/asbergers wants to continue raging chemical warfare on the vermin. Alas, my back continues to plague me, and my homegrown won't last much longer. So I've decided to soak my MedMan beans tonight.

I'll be spraying all surfaces, including in and out side the tents, with peroxide twice a week for the next few weeks. Once the plants get bigger I'll be using peroside inside my tenta 2x monthly as part of my IPM.

Thank you to everyone for all of your help and support.

I'll start a grow thread on the MedMan soon. Once there is something to show.

The tents have been bleached once and sprayed with peroxode. All tables, lights, fans, vents, ducting, wires, glasses, timers, storage containers, and planters have been wiped/sprayed with bleached/peroxide.

My ocd/asbergers wants to continue raging chemical warfare on the vermin. Alas, my back continues to plague me, and my homegrown won't last much longer. So I've decided to soak my MedMan beans tonight.

I'll be spraying all surfaces, including in and out side the tents, with peroxide twice a week for the next few weeks. Once the plants get bigger I'll be using peroside inside my tenta 2x monthly as part of my IPM.

Thank you to everyone for all of your help and support.

I'll start a grow thread on the MedMan soon. Once there is something to show.

Good start @Diesel840, wish you best of luck with your MedMan grow!
I would check the leaves daily for the tell tale signs of spider mites and perhaps it is wise to already have predatory mites, just in case.

Looking forward to seeing your grow and hope the MedMan helps you with your back problems.:(
The tents have been bleached once and sprayed with peroxode. All tables, lights, fans, vents, ducting, wires, glasses, timers, storage containers, and planters have been wiped/sprayed with bleached/peroxide.

My ocd/asbergers wants to continue raging chemical warfare on the vermin. Alas, my back continues to plague me, and my homegrown won't last much longer. So I've decided to soak my MedMan beans tonight.

I'll be spraying all surfaces, including in and out side the tents, with peroxide twice a week for the next few weeks. Once the plants get bigger I'll be using peroside inside my tenta 2x monthly as part of my IPM.

Thank you to everyone for all of your help and support.

I'll start a grow thread on the MedMan soon. Once there is something to show.


I can't wait to see your Medicine Man grow (y)

Hopefully it will help with your back pain (y)
