Northern Widow (NL5/Hz x Black Widow)

So here we go again !!

Yesterday I have soaked the seeds, and today morning I have put em on for some paper towel method :)

The place is small, so I will have to finish with 4 plants only...

I wonder what awaits in Northern seeds ;)

Method would be simpler then ever...

I plan to plant the seeds directly in Plagron ligthtmix (around 1,5 l pots)
- will be adding Canna nutes (rhizotonic and grow) once needed

Then final 4x pots will be 11 l
- I will have to pick 4x strongest plants / unfortunately no other way around
- on final pots, the plagron light mix will be ammended
( coco+trichoderma / wormcastings / supermix / calcium kick / bat guano and some crushed neem )

NL5Haze x BW seeds


NL5Haze x MKS seeds

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Day 10

I have added humidifier and upped LED wattage to 60W , so it outputs around 400umols and clima is stabilising on rH 65% at 24°C

So far some leaf deformations telling me I should be slower with those nutes, and Iam really carefull now.

Picking up my favorites from now, because, only 4 plants will end in final bags „remember

* Kushes left / Widows right side


At day 15 plants are looking better and better.
My obvious bit of damage is visible here and there... Iam not used to pregrow in light mix...

But I am already tracking each plants . . .
Picking favorites, cause there will be need of transplant very shortly....

Iam to prepare final soil mix shortly
View attachment 75225

At day 15 plants are looking better and better.
My obvious bit of damage is visible here and there... Iam not used to pregrow in light mix...

But I am already tracking each plants . . .
Picking favorites, cause there will be need of transplant very shortly....

Iam to prepare final soil mix shortly
It is my experience that light-mix soils don't need fertilizer the first 4-6 weeks, they should have enough nutrients in them.
Today is the Jing-Jang day. . .

I have made decision to make my finish pick from this nice pack...
It was „easy“ this time, as one plant was weird almost on every leaf posible (possibly nute overdose) and one plant grown too fast to height (possibly male)..

So 1 minute of silence for NW1 and NK2 as those living beings were to be culled this day.
If it wasnt for upcoming space issues they would still be around, maybe one day :/

Now for the better part, here we have remaining plants, that looks healthy enought to be chewed :)
So small plants and yet all of them produce bit of some flavoury smells already !
Colours are pretty and vibrant.

First is Northern Widow 2
-pearl green colours
-bit of body odour smells


Next is Northern Widow 3
-darker green hew
-have some onion smell to it

Northern Kush 1
-deep green hews
-flower shop smells (that reminds me her sisters from previous grow)


Finally Northern Kush 3
-emerald like green colours, I just cannot make it to be captured on photo
-just hints of sweet smells


I plan to give them bigger pots next weekend.
Till then my potting mix will have to be mixed and rest :)
(Northern Widows up & Kushes bottom)

Day 22 yesterday I have added some nutes as plants started to starve a bit...
They also gain some mass.... NW2 also in height department :)
So in few days, I will be getting them their bigger final pots.

Northern Kush

Northern Widow

Soil is prepared

I have tiped the plant tops this time and also cleaned the bottoms of few yellow looking leafs, So next weekend will be transplanting...

My soil mix recipe was made just a bit more powerfull then previous Afghani search grow one... Where it was great until last few weeks of flowering.
It should seem like small time for Living soil to proper prepare itself in its things, but I also believe, at the time roots grow thru, it will already be active, it was done last time in same manner.

So final recipe is
(Caution! still testing my recipes you know)
- 11l coco (from coco bricks soaked in 6,3 pH water)
- around 20l of Plagron Light mix * this is only adittion from last time - or better said, substitution for perlite
- 3l of Plagron Wormcastings
- 0,8l of Plagron Supermix
- 100g of Plagron Calcium kick
- 110g of Plagron Bat Guano
- 110g of Crushed Neem
- few gs of LivingSoils MycoBoost / Frass / Rockdust / Malted Barley Powder
edit: it needs proper mixing, need to be kept moist enought, and then few days off wait atleast, and before repoting this needs to be mixed again I believe
edit#2: it smells quite a bit :D

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Pretty nice plants, waiting for repoting here..
Up Widows / down Kushes

Northern Kush 1

Northern Kush 3

Northern Widow 2

Northern Widow 3

They are all sitting in 10l of my soil mixture.
LED output was uped from 60 to 75W (around 500 umol)
Also the humidifier was switched to clip fan.

Today is day 29
(I believe, next post will be from flowering phase, as I will probably switch on weekend)

-plants got aclimatized in new pots
-colours tend to become more rich
-only plain watered at 6,2-6,4 pH

Northern Kush 1
-now I have captured the vibrant colours more (really deep they are in real)
-my favorite ;)

Northern Kush 3
-more fatty leafs
-looks much better in real

Northern Widow 2
-bit of height gainer
-amazing „speary“ leafs

Northern Widow 3
-glossy darker green colour
-pretty interesting christmass bush stature
-again some special spery leafs

that is all for a while. . .