.Yesterday I switched light schedule to 16/8 - slowly going for that 12/12
.Today, early morning, I made clones from lower branch of each plant.
.Later this day, I wanted to take pictures and...
Found out first signs of feminism !!!!
Those two ladies both have 11point leafs, one of them have narowest leafs and is a queen in its own, and second is my spider leafed beauty....
Ladies and gentlemen !! NK2 & NK3 showed some pistille preflowers...
As time got by....
-fastest to get rid off a sead shell, leafs got rounder edges
-got shortest 1st leaf set
-true leaf sets had like sawtooth edges
-at first no smells just generic kushy smells on stem rub
-had best roots at repoting
-after my fault of owerwatering & pH lockout for a while, it wear some batlle scratches but nothing serious, rejuvenated quickly
-best bushy plant between all Northerlings, long branches, still cannot compare to CBD CM which is in its own league, but...
-whole plant smells now evolved to fresh kushy ones
-leafs with 11tips in sativa shapes
-best looking plant at the end of grow period
-last to get rid off sead shell
-most appealing baby to me
-early smells of blossoms
-1st true leafset had 5tips (1st time I encountered that)
-after my fault of owerwatering & pH lockout for a while, it wear some batlle scratches, stunted for a while
-shorter 2ndary branching, but it worked on it by the time
-smells evolved to sweet, skunky kushiness, rub stem give pleasurable, sligtly acrid smell
-leafs with 11tips in shapes of spider
-2nd best looking plant at the end of grow period
Now if NK1 will be so kind and add its Indica feminism, that would be it... One Indy, one 50/50, one Sat at grow shapes... But its enought for my place already, will see how it ends up in short future !!!
...Stay tuned for the others