Northern Kush (NL5/Hz x Master Kush) & CBD Critical Mass

I know I promised weekly update / but why not show how fast the development is :)

I have to say it seems very vigorous after rooting for just one week... And day by day bigger averything !
I hope the buds will do in same manner ;)

Today I gave full nutes at pH 5,9 EC1500

If nothing breaks, on weekend there will be repoting ;)

NK1.jpg NK2.jpg NK3.jpg NK4.jpg CBDCM.jpg
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Leafs are still twisting a bit there, but I dont think it is of CalMag, because I bought some distiled water to mix with my tap and then adding CalMag to EC400 (without nutes added), of course I think that plants do need some repoting and very soon really.

I backed of a bit on nutes to some EC1000 at pH 6 the runoff is good aswell at 6,1 EC750
One thing is for sure, after giving the nutes, the grow exploded really..

I see great uniformity in structure so far...
I will give some work names to young plants...:)
NK1 - The Bow, you see why
NK2 - The Saw, with particularly sawtooth leafs
NK3 - Star, 1st true leafs with 5tips each, fresh blossoms smell
NK4 - Strawberry, fastest yet low profile
CBD Critical Mass is girl to look at, she has some pretty structure too...

Now the hardest part.... To top? Or not? :D
CBD CM - Yes, but NKs? - It will be hard choice, tommorow or on weekend I will repot,, and after that... Hmm I will think of it...

MK1_4.jpg MK2_4.jpg MK3_4.jpg MK4_4.jpg CBDCM_4.jpg
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...repotting in progress

NK1.jpg NK2.jpg NK3.jpg NK4.jpg CM.jpg

All ocupants had arid night again, so they droop a bit. They all got pretty nice white spaghetti roots.
CBD CM and NK2 got slight win here, they were most root bound from the team :)

New home should be final one, canna coco pro plus mixed with some perlite, so on or two more weeks to setlle in new pots and fliiping will occur.
After repotting...

Now, I still dont know if to tip or not :/
Maybe I dont, so I can see how everything looks naturally :)

Special notes*
NK1 have theese blossom smells
NK2 will be surprise I think, but had best roots..
NK3 slightly more blossom-kushy smells
NK4 leafs really look like strawberry, darkest hindu colors (not so much visible from photos)
(NK3 & NK4 are my favorites so far)

As you can see, uniformity is held in structure, height and vigour.
Each plant differrs just slightly so far...
Day by day some differences appear, but on next node (or next day), differences are gone, and new ones appear - as if plants race who will be the one !

We are at pH6.0 at EC1100 and I think it is best for now... I will not rise above that, until maybe flowering or something..
Light are pumped at 25000lux (150W)

Iam enjoing so far !!

NK1.jpg NK2.jpg NK3.jpg NK4.jpg CM.jpg
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Hi, I would need some help/tip...
Iam doing something bad, and actually here are some fine Coco growers to ask..

After uppotting I got three problems at once.

CBD CM have leafs edges turning up..
Some plants did started some Tacoing of leafs (they are sturdy tho) , but the green is not so green and the veins are purplish somewhere..
On NK4 I start to see brownish litlle spots..

-photos are actually more yellow then in real, but still, I would love some help

My thoughts/solutions on problem so far:
- Moved light a bit away
- Turned off humidifier (rh 51% / 24°C now)
- pH pen got mad (readings on water intake pH6,0 EC1100) (outtake pH4,2 EC750) << I had calibrated the device, and it shows pH6,4 << new pH pen arrives tomorrow so aybe it will be solved
- I also stoped watering for some time as I think I was kind off drowning the plants immediatelly after uppotting and then adding the water 2times a day till runoff, which was after watrering with just 200ml in 7l pots...

Can this be pH related problem / too much moisture after repoting / light stress ??

I hope tomorow new pH pen arrives and it solves the problem...
I it weas in soil, I would say overwatering, but in coco+perlite? :O

On the other hand, the plants are still growing,just not so fast as before...

Will let you know how I fight this, to protect kiddies...

NK1 (is doing fine so far)
NK2 (leafs are still down like this)
NK3 (leafs are down like this and most Tacoing)
NK4 (not much tacoing, but leafs down a bit and small brownish on leafs started)
CBD CM (doing fine, but could be better, and the edges of leafs turning up)
CBD CM.jpg
i dont like this kind of bag is better a pot with holes behind
the blacks squares are the best

this kind of bag is too compact the roots do not breathe enough

you start with black square and repot with this kind of bag why ?
i dont like this kind of bag is better a pot with holes behind
the blacks squares are the best

this kind of bag is too compact the roots do not breathe enough

you start with black square and repot with this kind of bag why ?
I had feeling it is better then classic pot, but it really looks like overwatering to mee too...

If it dont get better till weekend, I will transplant into square again.. I have some bigger ones..

Iam used to bags from classic soil... There I think they do fine...
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This morning (one and half day in arid conditions) plants are catching green color back...
So i will wait a bit more..

And will be more carefull with the watering...

Also I will never again do the job as some sources claim..

Refering to coco like, you need to water it every day... I believed it.. Now I will get back to what I think is best..
Will grow like in soil, atleast to the point till the plants start drink a lot...

Wonder why everywhere is written "let the coco be water saturated all the times" yet seems best would be to tell, dont let coco dry completely.
it can be a difficult fine line to ride at certain times but your medium looks full of perlite and drains easy?

when dries out and nice warmth makes kind of like aeroponics in the medium.

a little dry time stress between watering in flower does help increase potency

they look awesome and sounds like a nice mix of genes will make for some sweet flowers to stash in your treasure chest

double check your EC and nutrient mix
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Thank you all for help

I found out the problem ....

New pH pen is on the left....
(of course not pH of water for plants, actually unchlorined tap)

So I will let the plants rdy a bit more, and see if I can water again later this day :)

Plants will be nourished... oh my.... How terorrous my watering must have been, and they just did take it all and are so „happy “

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Can you calibrate them?

Yes :) Got new calibration fluids... But I will stick to the new one... The old one will be good for bin.... I had xalibrared it already and it seems it xannot be calibrated....

To be sure I will recalibrate the new one.

But Oh my... i was watering on pH6 with the old pH pen.... so plants must had got pH 5.2-5.5 ?? damn... I think the only good, taht I threw lot of palin water into them also...
Yes :) Got new calibration fluids... But I will stick to the new one... The old one will be good for bin.... I had xalibrared it already and it seems it xannot be calibrated....

To be sure I will recalibrate the new one.

But Oh my... i was watering on pH6 with the old pH pen.... so plants must had got pH 5.2-5.5 ?? damn... I think the only good, taht I threw lot of palin water into them also...
The new pen, is calibrated quite well.
As I found what pH was I actually giving the plants, it wasnt so bad, I wanted pH 6,0 and it was actually 6,4 on the old pen <-> is kinda off / tap water 6,8 vs 7,6 on old pen, you see it was messed all the way (recycled by now)

So I made mild nutes mix, at pH6,0! :) EC1200 and gave few ml to each plant (no run off) and will see what happens.. I will also acomodate some arid days, so the aeration is better, until the plants starts drinking a lot...

I started blowing fan indirectly forcing the air in the tent, so to ease evaporation...

Hope theese steps help, and hope weekend, there will be some photos of plants beggining to get masses, now the bushiness started to appear, so I think it will be pretty nice very soon !!! :)

edit next morning: the plants are catching the colors back, so the pH was biggest issue, now need more arid days for the water to got away, so I believe in weeken it will really be good :)
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OMG :(
I just checked my plants and wanted to know how wet the coir is, so carefully stirred the upper part...

Found out some white 1mm in lenght maggots in the coir... :(

Tomorrow Iam gonna get some insecticide ;( neemazal

Thinking of taking clones first... :-(

If something bad happens, I swear Iam done with this coco thing and return to my beloved soil...

I will rethink tomorow... If it would be better to buy soil, dig out all plants, clean them amd pot them directly to soil, wonderi g what is more stress to them,, inscticide or change of bed..

grrhh.. so much trouble with the coco so far... :-(

sorry, i need to ventilate my anger o myself and the product,,, also no flyes around, so there had to be eggs in coco itself, or I dont know...
Can I see a pic of the pests?
OMG :(
I just checked my plants and wanted to know how wet the coir is, so carefully stirred the upper part...

Found out some white 1mm in lenght maggots in the coir... :(

Tomorrow Iam gonna get some insecticide ;( neemazal

Thinking of taking clones first... :-(

If something bad happens, I swear Iam done with this coco thing and return to my beloved soil...

I will rethink tomorow... If it would be better to buy soil, dig out all plants, clean them amd pot them directly to soil, wonderi g what is more stress to them,, inscticide or change of bed..

grrhh.. so much trouble with the coco so far... :-(

sorry, i need to ventilate my anger o myself and the product,,, also no flyes around, so there had to be eggs in coco itself, or I dont know...
Can I see a pic of the pests?
I will try but have to get to work now..
They are pretty fast, white 1-2mm long.

NK1 and CBD CM are least *sick* from all patients (utmost left & right one).

But just by looking at all of them now, they seem a lot better, as I let more air into - the colors are back to green scale...
So in some 8 hours I will try to take pic of creatures..
Never seen spring*something* so I need to figure out more before acting...

(also desinfection of whole area will took its place)

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I will try but have to get to work now..
They are pretty fast, white 1-2mm long.

NK1 and CBD CM are least *sick* from all patients (utmost left & right one).

But just by looking at all of them now, they seem a lot better, as I let more air into - the colors are back to green scale...
So in some 8 hours I will try to take pic of creatures..
Never seen spring*something* so I need to figure out more before acting...

(also desinfection of whole area will took its place)

View attachment 56852
So I made decision...
And bought canna bioterra... Repoting into soil today... "-)
There is my place to be...
I will try but have to get to work now..
They are pretty fast, white 1-2mm long.

NK1 and CBD CM are least *sick* from all patients (utmost left & right one).

But just by looking at all of them now, they seem a lot better, as I let more air into - the colors are back to green scale...
So in some 8 hours I will try to take pic of creatures..
Never seen spring*something* so I need to figure out more before acting...

(also desinfection of whole area will took its place)

View attachment 56852
Springtails . They are harmless . Are the roots covered in a white waxy substance?
Springtails . They are harmless . Are the roots covered in a white waxy substance?
Still dont know... I will tell in few hours..

The upper parts of roots I saw was good healthy roots...

But overall plant helth could be better and once I saw theese f.ckers.. I told myself it have to be changed...

I always wanted to try coco, I tried and will repot to soil... As I have great results with biocanna, I hope it will be best choice