NEW RULES- Open photo assignment- Share your favorite random pics

My older brother had Norton commando’s when he was playing up, pre kids. I fell in love with them as a kid don’t see many around anymore. Dad used to ride a BSA but had a big accident and never rode again.
Who can forget the push button transmissions that worked even when the car was off. Without Smart phones or SuperMario we usually played in the dirt, mud, or Dad's car. Only a matter of time before someone pushed the reverse button(like the picture) and down the driveway goes the car! Here come Mom and Dad running down the driveway arms a-waving and yelling! Some Plymouth's had the buttons on the other side of the steering wheel. Very dangerous with a car full of kids. Going down the road about 40 once and a kid reached up and pushed Reverse. Tires locked up with much screeching and smoke and backwards we went. As usual, everyone got punished for it.

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In Mother Russia, motorcycle drive you!

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Personally, I like something a little more streetable.

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Look at that punk, lol​

My 1968 Triumph 500 Tiger/Daytona (pretty sure 1968 vintage)

I struck gold while cleaning out my mom's garage.
I have a few pic's of my 1968 Triumph 500 Tiger/Daytona and none with me in the pic.
I purchased the Triumph from my friend when i was 18 and had it till I was around 26/27.
So the pic is ~ 44 years ago

I only had 2 pics of the bike, didn't take many pics of anything back in the day
I was lucky that my sister was taking a photography class and wanted to take some
pics of the Triumph , then do the final in black and white.

I found some negatives and looked at one and BAM, pure gold.
A picture of me with the bike, probably @ 19/20 sweetness.
There were 2 on the strip of 4 pics...
I haven't done photo retouching in years so I just did a rough black and white.

I love the bike. It was loud, straight pipes plus I put a lot of chrome on it.

Damn :)_~

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Look at that punk, lol​

My 1968 Triumph 500 Tiger/Daytona (pretty sure 1968 vintage)

I struck gold while cleaning out my mom's garage.
I have a few pic's of my 1968 Triumph 500 Tiger/Daytona and none with me in the pic.
I purchased the Triumph from my friend when i was 18 and had it till I was around 26/27.
So the pic is ~ 44 years ago

I only had 2 pics of the bike, didn't take many pics of anything back in the day
I was lucky that my sister was taking a photography class and wanted to take some
pics of the Triumph , then do the final in black and white.

I found some negatives and looked at one and BAM, pure gold.
A picture of me with the bike, probably @ 19/20 sweetness.
There were 2 on the strip of 4 pics...
I haven't done photo retouching in years so I just did a rough black and white.

I love the bike. It was loud, straight pipes plus I put a lot of chrome on it.

Damn :)_~

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What is the car in the driveway, first picture?

That was the 1st floors vette, not what you’re looking for but..

I was more of a muscle car guy

hahaha I thought it was one of those Vette's you wouldn't want to be caught dead driving. Better you said it first! I love 68-70 Chevelle 454's like the red one below. I felt bad beating it by 15 car length's. But it's racing, Sworn To Fun, Loyal To None. 🏴‍☠️🏁 Prefer to beat Ferrari's and Lamborghini's. There's some Big League Crybaby's.
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Here's a picture of one of the top 5 cars i owned.
Not original pic.

My Favorite Big Car but not totally luxury car: - 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix SJ 2-Door Hardtop
Stories from this one stay in the vault...
I didn't even know what was under the hood when i purchased this car.
I got in it and started it up, looked around at the he interior, listened to the motor when I was revving it.
I told the guy I usually don't do this but I pulled out my wallet and offered all the cash i had, BAM he took it signed the title to me and I left quickly.
When you buy a lot of cars you kinda know a deal when you see one.
So I am driving home and the car if front of me is going to slow for my liking, I pick my spot
and I nail it. I didn't stop laughing all the way home.
Come to find out this car had the 455ci HO monster motor in it. It was screaming fast, sporty and very much a luxury model.
What a great car!

This picture isn't my car, again I owned so many and this was early 81' so no real pics.
But this picture could be my car, mint, mint ,mint...
I had got my EE but it wasn't hands on enough so I went to Connecticut School of Electronics, 24 month straight school but really hands on, we started learning microprocessor logic and assembly language. Graduated with a Journeymen Cert from the State. But back to the car, it became my daily driver...


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What kind of climate are you in bro if you don't mind saying. Never had a birdnest in my trees hahaha my trees are more like small shrubs .
hey @Islandgrower , subtropics, 20-35 degree summers, winter 0 to 15, rainfall varies like the seasons but usually regular for lush growth for nature to flourish... i never had a bird nest in a ganja plant either pretty cool find, they're tiny birds, the eggs are about 15mm long, making my tiny shrubs look like big trees haha, their mum only flies out of the nest last second when I go to remove some yellowing leaves i see her fly out then i left all the yellowing leaves to help her stay hidden in her nest. What you got gracing your garden?
Apollonia, Albania

From the second century BC Apollonia allied itself with the Roman Republic, which maintained a military base there for a time. The city flourished in the Roman period, housing a renowned school of Greek philosophy, rhetoric, and military training which attracted students from across the empire. Augustus, the first Roman emperor, studied at Apollonia in his youth. The city began to decline in the 3rd century AD when its harbor started silting up as a result of an earthquake. It was abandoned in the 4th century AD.


The "Monument to Agonothetes" was built in the 2nd century BC and functioned as Apollonia's municipal council meeting building in the Roman era.

hey @Islandgrower , subtropics, 20-35 degree summers, winter 0 to 15, rainfall varies like the seasons but usually regular for lush growth for nature to flourish... i never had a bird nest in a ganja plant either pretty cool find, they're tiny birds, the eggs are about 15mm long, making my tiny shrubs look like big trees haha, their mum only flies out of the nest last second when I go to remove some yellowing leaves i see her fly out then i left all the yellowing leaves to help her stay hidden in her nest. What you got gracing your garden?
Haha besides pests and the occasional spinybacked orb weaver I think their called and a few plants in flower. Shit and lanina . The first 2 bud pics are on 2 clones i got from my bro in law. I am at about 18 N20240223_095946_compress33.jpg20240223_113455_compress99.jpg20240223_113532_compress79.jpg20240223_113716_compress10.jpg20240223_113708_compress82.jpg
Since we are on the subject of motorbikes and sharing our rides.
I used to be a good trials rider, before breaking my hand (i now cant grip the handle bars tightly).
I got to "Expert level" courses held a solid 3rd or 4th place in NZ. I was sponsored, and enjoyed touring New Zealand riding some crazy places.

As seems to be the natural course for riders i moved to a sports road bike.

2008 Buell 1125r
The rotax engine was mad, this bike just loved being raced... Not a bike to cruise around town on at slow speeds, anything over 3000revs was good.

I got in a police chase on that bike, as I was quite comfortable riding everywhere at no less than 150km/h - a chase was bound to happen.
During the chase, the abrupt braking as required weaving in and out of traffic made my brakes fail. Approaching a hair pin corner.. I got round it very sketchy without brakes, and surrendered before something did happen, I was heading for a coffin.
I nearly got jail for that chase 😆.. the police took my bike and licence after that lol.


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Spring is coming :)
This was a big thrill for me. Someone close to me decided to build a house in the vicinity of some extremely large Spruce. So big, I figured they were near the end of their lives and a hazard to the house (as it turns out they were growing within the range of an old septic field which made them grow twice their normal size. They weren't too old). I used to spend a lot of time in our woodlot thinning out the diseased trees for firewood as well as for the health of the lot. That was roughly 20 years ago, good times, I loved working alone in the woods, and pulling them out with the tractor. I was pretty good at it as well. So I offered my help when he asked and cut them down for him. It all worked out, but never again. In retrospect I realized I wasn't in as much control of those trees as I thought, they were massive, close to a meter in diameter, a lot of weight. I did secure them with my tractor winch but I don't think it would've helped much If I had miscalculated and they went the opposite way. Anyhow, it worked out and I strengthened bond between the house owner and myself. These days it costs roughly a thousand dollars per tree in such situations. I'm proud, but never again, too much could've gone wrong

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