Mohan Ram, Amnesia13 & Zunami feminized project from Shanti’s new store

Skuncle Lenny

'23, '24 COE Winner
I took advantage of the opening prices and grab these 3, along with NL5 I have going already.
Soaked back on 4/20, so 43 days old.
Mohan Ram:
Amnesia x G13

No info on flowering time so guessing Mohan Ram should be Indica quick, and no idea about other 2.
I’ll read the plant vs the literature 😊
60 days today for this trio.
Usually I do the final transplant to 5g @60 days, but I topped them all last week, so I’ll give them another week.
A13, all 12-15” tall:
There’s 4 Mohan Ram, all 14-16” tall:

Last are the 4 Zunami, all of which are also 14-16” tall:
The closet filled along with the 10g tub for Angel Heart & ZamalDelica:

There’s just enough room to start transplanting to 5g, veg another few weeks, then flip in early-mid July when flower room opens up.
Genetics looks very healthy, slow and steady growth and pretty good consistency between phenos.
Smoke well 💨
1719613946408.png Transplanted this week. Sexiest of each got the 5 gallon bucket, others 4g fabric pots.
Last week A13 was 12-15” tall. A few days post transplant shock and they’re now they’re 13-17”, with the 5g bucket one 20”but not shown, except group shot.
Last week the 4 Mohan Ram were 14-16” tall. This week they’re 16-21”.

Last week the 4 Zunami were 14-16” tall. This week they’re 16-19” and LIKE BEING TOPPED:


The remains 2 in the veg closet in the back R are Angel Heart & ZamalDelica. They’re now 3 months post germ and ready to be grown like vines along the walls of the flower room away from direct light. That will open space for veg growth.
2 spots will open soon(10-17 days) in the flower room when the 2 ZunamiHaze projects get harvested. Will probably start with the buckets for A13 & Zunami.
Grow well
1720915896490.png This group is vegging beautifully.
1 week from today will be 90 days since soak and I’ll start flipping. Had to make some space in the 40x60 closet and moved the 3 smallest to the laundry room to veg with others.
Here’s A13-Amnesia x G13. Beautiful structure with some nice stretching post topping. 31” tallest in bucket. The 5th and smallest is downstairs.

Zunami has more of a bush structure and has branched very well after topping. Intriguing ladies. Bucket girl at 30”.

Batting 3rd is Moham Ram. The 2 here, plus 2 others downstairs. The smallest group of the bunch. Tallest=29” and untopped.
The run of Shanti Project Fem’s is lucky 13 in all. Expect A13 to be tallest & longest, then Zunami and MoRam. We’ll c.
90 days from soak will be 7/20 and I’ll flip the 1st 3, one of each.
I scratched off the top layer and added Skuncle Lenny’s Flip Mix 😂(Stonington blend organic fertilizer, fishbone meal, worm castings)
Zunami liked being topped and branched out nicely by itself. Might need staking down the road.
Mohan Ram has a nice structure that has responded well to staking. She’s gonna be bushy.

Amnesia13 has the longest branching and least amount of branching. Expecting elongated arms.
They’ll be kept in the dark( the less they know the better) until Saturday to jump start flowering(theory).
Will add others as space allows.
Little known/expected from these, so the journey should be fun. 🤩
Next Trio up for flipping
A13 topped well and pruned down to 6 branches.
Mohan Ram being grown Classic Indica style 🌲
Zunami showing consistent bushy structure with lean branches.

Added my Skuncle mix of organic fertilizer, fish bone meal, worm castings & topped with Stonington blend soil.
That should jumpstart and feed the ladies thru October harvest.
@Skuncle Lenny, how do you like those taller fabric pots vs. the perforated 5 gallon plastic bucket? I've got a set of tall 7 gallon that are identical size of a plastic 5 gallon bucket I'm wanting to try out.
Those taller v round fabric pots are said to be 5g, but I found out it’s really 4g. Yet the growth is just as good as 5g buckets, so IMO fabric👍
Funny you mention tall 7g, as I’m in the middle of transplanting into those 10 gallon fabric potato bags with root windows…
@Skuncle Lenny, how do you like those taller fabric pots vs. the perforated 5 gallon plastic bucket? I've got a set of tall 7 gallon that are identical size of a plastic 5 gallon bucket I'm wanting to try out.

As someone who regularly uses both type containers I say the answer - depends. Are you indoors or outdoors? If outdoors, will you be moving the containers? Neither one is actually the size advertised but that's ok. Buy a bigger(or smaller) size. They run small. All these plants were started on same day. Plastic airpots produce bigger plants - but not by much, and there is a caveat.

T1 08 16 20 P1030521.JPG

In the end, I chose airpots. More work, so much air to roots 3 waterings a day are common. No problem. For me it was the fact that I need to move my plants daily. The size and weight of the plants always broke off the cloth handles. They are impossible to carry without handles. The airpots have no handles but the hard plastic is easier to carry. Also, if you forget to move cloth pots the roots will grow into the ground and you are fucked. With airpots the bottom is actually 2 inches above the bottom you see.

Go To P1050848.JPG

Now I mix and match. If growing indoors I'd suggest high quality cloth bags.
07 03 Veg 1 P1070968.JPG