Methods to identify gender early


Well-known member
HIDIHO Boys/Girls
As some of u know that i have problems identify gender.Is there a trick under a scoop or something like presex because some look a bit diverent but not what i could say thats a femail hair or mail sack how u pip´s doing it

HIDIHO Boys/Girls
As some of u know that i have problems identify gender.Is there a trick under a scoop or something like presex because some look a bit diverent but not what i could say thats a femail hair or mail sack how u pip´s doing it

Same as you my friend! The hydro shop by me are selling gender kits, take a clip send it in and they tell you the sex
No idea what they charge.
HIDIHO Boys/Girls
As some of u know that i have problems identify gender.Is there a trick under a scoop or something like presex because some look a bit diverent but not what i could say thats a femail hair or mail sack how u pip´s doing it


even with years of experience I can anticipate a little but I'm often wrong

patience is the key
Put your plants under a 12/12 for 3-4 days then back to whatever veg cycle you choose
They will show sex in 2-3 wks
HIDIHO Boy&Girls so is that the famous preflower i have another one that have this kind but much smaller so its a boy right? after looking and thinking i think i have some females then it gets pointy its a girls right? anyway i will wait to 100% proof
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Often, females will present first. However best to wait a few days to see the two (2) pale white-yellow pistils (stigmas) protruding from the upright tear-dropped body structure (calyx) to confirm. The male pollen sacks, rounded and sectioned develop in a downward fashion.
“Look for the hairs.” They provide the certainty and that’s when the excitement begins!
