Mango Haze x AC and Friends Outdoor

Thanks @Fish, those are really nice photos from your ladies.
I love seeing how these grown to full mature and big plants outdoors.
Shows their structure very well.

I hope that the end of the season is going to be kind to your plants and ensures a good harvest.
Plants look great anyway!

Update time.
Mango Haze x AC #1
‘scuse the backdrop, duck pen in background bit of a mess.
No smell still. Smallest and most yellow of the bunch. Looks like it’ll be covered in buds though!
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Mango Haze x AC #2
This girl is 7.5 feet ish with the pot now buried in the ground! I think her stretch has slowed now she has been very vigorous. Only one with a little purple/red on stem and leaf. I can’t describe the smell yet maybe some sort of spice incense? but most of the Mango I’m growing smell very similar, they just have varying sweetness at this stage.
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Mango Haze x AC #5
Seed plant. I pulled the top out when young. She went berserk. Initially I was only growing this one at home with the more affy holy smoke I thought they would be smaller and quicker neither are small and the HS looks like it’s gunna be long and not so Afghan now haha. She will be the earliest to finish of the Mangoes though, I think. Not a stretchy plant. High yielding. Has that spicy smell.
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Mango Haze x AC #9
This one is growing on me. She was the one that was moved and survived on the farm so she’s tough. The farm one smells really sweet this one is still developing it’s smell but is the most sweet at home to. Long lower branches, dark green, still stretching and possibly long flowering.
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Mango Haze x AC #10
Still my favourite. I love the thin leaves and structure. She has that spicy smell no sweetness at this stage. 6 foot tall long branches. Wonder what she’ll taste like.
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Mango Haze x AC #5 and #9 got my attention for different reasons.

Great work your so well cared garden 🙏.

Mind if I ask your reasons?
Of-course i dont mind 🙂 I will share my thoughts

What in my eyes stand in Mango Haze x AC #5 mostly is:

First of all the vigorous looks and the bud formation .The shape of the leaves

Looks as you said : Not a stretchy plant,High yielding,the fast maturity and the information about the smell (I like this spicy hints in mango ibl alot)

Now the Mango Haze x AC #9

She is a wild wild wild Beauty I love so much observing her, so strong plant,

Reminds me some old school Sativas grown back in the days in my village, It gives me this Heirloom vibe and if smells already so sweet with the long flowering I also predict from the looks.

oh man this will be a real Medicine 😍

Two total different ways to follow. I hope this helps.🙏

G’day fullas and fullesses
Well I’m getting pissed off with the weather and rot!
The greenhouse is not helping the cause now at all. I may have to cut my losses and cut early, I hate doing that but I’m cutting out huge amounts of rot and getting a bowl of premature buds twice a day that have been cut off around the rot. Have a look, what do you reckon I should do?

I took the No5 outside as it was the only one having real problems a week or so ago. I did this to see if the wind etc and keeping it away from the others would help/change shit.
In the greenhouse now I have the no1, no2 and no10 all suffering bad!
Here’s photos from the other evening (two nights ago). (Saturday)
Todays continued on next post.
Todays photos. Monday.
All have lost a significant amount from their tops and rot is turning up randomly through the plant.
No5 I’m going to take her down tomorrow morning.
I’m fighting a loosing battle. What do you guys think?
It’s a season to forget this year! I’m gutted I couldn’t do the testers justice, but there’s always next season.

A fan, ventilation in there would be a good start. Do you have power to run a dehumidifier and a heater out there to even out your temps and humidity?

Hi Mu.
I have both doors and roof vents open except for when it’s really wet/windy. Which we have had the last couple of days , probably causing a lot of the mould.
I can’t get power out there very easily but I’ve been looking into solar fans to keep the air moving in there.
Temps are ok at the moment. I might just whip the bad ones out and put them back outside. They might get a bit of sunburn and freak out a bit, what do you think?
Fans are a start for sure. I'm not there but air circulation is critical as well as maintaining humidity within a range. Spraying them with something will only create more problems as you appear only weeks away. Do your best is all you can do, harvesting the most mature intact pieces along the way. Good luck brah.

Fans are a start for sure. I'm not there but air circulation is critical as well as maintaining humidity within a range. Spraying them with something will only create more problems as you appear only weeks away. Do your best is all you can do, harvesting the most mature intact pieces along the way. Good luck brah.

Cheers mate.
Humidity would be all over the place in there lately! I think I’m gunna have to really look at setting the greenhouse up properly this winter if I’m to have any success growing cannabis in there again. I don’t normally grow in there at all other than starting seeds I haven’t needed to other than this year.
Cheers mate.
Humidity would be all over the place in there lately! I think I’m gunna have to really look at setting the greenhouse up properly this winter if I’m to have any success growing cannabis in there again. I don’t normally grow in there at all other than starting seeds I haven’t needed to other than this year.
you are really pessimistic when the result is not bad at all

when there is mold it must be removed immediately otherwise it will contaminate the rest if you can also change the plants because sometimes the water always flows in the same place in the greenhouse and causes mold if you move it the water falls on different places on the plant so less chance of mold
Hi @quinxstar @Islandgrower and @King Tubby. I have 4 roof vents and two doors open. I closed the doors when it rained and all but one roof vent/window. The mould went berserk over those couple of days.
If I rip out a couple of panels there’s a high chance someone passing might see (I’m on a main road).
I think you are right @quinxstar with the water leaking but to move them now would rip their roots out as they have grown through their pots. But I might have too. I might try them back outside.
Im not trying to sound pessimistic I’m just cutting lots out and still got a couple of weeks of dealing with it before they are ready. I can see how much I’m wasting and what I may still have to cut out.
I’ve ordered a couple of solar fans.