Mango Haze x AC and Friends Outdoor

Mango Haze X AC #1
This one has had the the most different smelling terpenes the whole way through. Strange sweetness with a strong spring onion smell, curing out to a commercial cleaner smell with spring onions. It grew the smallest and had the least vigour compared to the others. Most pale green of the lot. Nice bud structure and very easy to manicure but not as ‘branchy’ or as long a branches as the others. It definitely would need staking in a good grow year. Very white pistils that changed to orange.
Smoke is smooth but closes the lungs up even on a good to moderate sized puff. The taste is slight flowery fruit at first then flavours dissipate quickly. Enjoyable happy and energetic high. Feel it the eyes quite heavily for a couple of hours and blurry vision.98843CBC-27F1-4362-88C5-A55118A13671.jpeg04947EDC-D93A-4059-9961-C6F061B59C7F.jpeg76CC0631-8CE3-435D-B1C4-42F0FBDACA10.jpeg7C9D2459-D5E8-4C26-B00C-56A54F6BD0F0.jpegB2AF4668-1D36-4967-BA96-5D76C4F23259.jpeg0A279A20-54A5-48C7-AD9C-D673DAF11F9A.jpeg3C9924B5-C43F-48F4-979E-72AE7B6EE19D.jpegA937A6AD-3A7F-4690-95D8-01660E00C20E.jpeg
My favourite
Mango Haze x AC #2

This one caught my eye right at the beginning it was very vigorous and has potential to be a very tall giant. I had to restrict its growth considerably to make it fit in the greenhouse.
Super white pistils that change to orange hairy buds that smell a mix of mango, pineapple and banana. Taste is of tropical fruit, mostly mangoes. It’s really nice in a joint it burns well, smooth smoke and flavour that dissipates gradually through the joint but still has a little taste at the end.
The high is soaring along with the heart palpitations. When I was first testing it I went to a concert celebrating the 50th anniversary of Dark Side of the Moon by the Pink Floyd Experience band. I had a modest joint on the way, which was nice and put me in the right mood for an awesome concert and light show. During the intermission I thought I’d have a nice big fatty, delicious, no one else came to join us so my wife and I had it to ourselves. Well my wife then had to use the facilities before going back in and while I waited, alone, with the crowds of people around me, I had a huge rush right through my body, flushed red face, my heart beating through my chest. With some heavy obvious breathes I calmed and steadied my self for the rest of the concert. I was very impressed with this smoke! Love it!
After the soar it settles into a great long lasting sativa high. Quite motivating but forgetful and like the others a happy high. Can’t wait to work out how to grow this beauty properly in my neck of the woods. Definitely one I’ll keep for quite a while I’d say!

Mango Haze x AC #9

This was the longest maturing plant of my mangoes I grew. I didn’t do it justice either it should’ve gone longer but was running out of bud so I cut my losses.
All the way through growing she had an incense/flowery smell probably the most hazy smells of all of them. But after a cure had changed to a more fruity/flowery smell maybe stone fruit blossom smells? Unfortunately the smell didn’t transfer to the flavour. I had trouble with keeping this one going in a joint too. I probably mucked a few things with her as well as the fungus/weather. I used a small amount of a generic solid fert I don’t normally use in my cannabis and I think this contributed to the poor burning and bud development.
Very fluffy flowers. Another plant that could’ve been huge too.
All Mango Haze x AC #4 died in the weather last season so I didn’t get to try her so an another clone will get another shot this summer.
Anyway flowers of #9

What a season, one to forget. Hopefully we don’t get that sort of rainfall for another 100 years!
As I stated before my grow this past season is not a good example of these test seeds. As the weather was extraordinary to say the least! What I have witnessed with them is some huge potential with some good weather or grow room. The flavours and smells are delicious, the highs are strong and the plants can be humongous! Everything I love in a dope plant!
I’ll be growing #2, #10 and #4 again. I’ve kept #3 and #7 males to play with as well. 8 seeds to try out another season maybe the next one.
El Niño is taking hold here so looks like a long hot dry summer this season, much better for haze growing!
