Longball's 2022 Summer Outdoor Grow Pictorial and Other Nonsense

the wooden barrier

Good idea, and getting them cut back from sight too. Maybe a couple of those musicians with properly working bendy parts of both of their arms could scare up some latticework or the like. The cops may not care, but they could feel the need to pretend to if they get enough complaints from the Puritanical segment of the population.
very advance your early queen have you selct the plant before or it's' from a seed ?
i rememlber have 3 girl and only one was early the best smoke of the 3
the 2 other were more long specialy one i cut after the nevil skunk
Hi @quinxstar! :)

The plant is from seed. Last year, 6 seeds, 6 males! :mad: This year, 2 seeds, 2 females. :) This year's 2 Early Queen females are a bit different than each other. The other Early Queen topped itself and is a couple weeks behind her sister in development!

The other Early Queen topped herself,
opt_EQ #2 01.jpeg

Bud development is slower than her sister's.
opt_EQ #2 02(1).jpeg

G13 x Afghan Skunk

Mother Fugly -
at least that's what I call her. So ugly I thought 'it' was a dude. A peek at the sex organs and no gender confusion here. Damn ugly plant and most likely I will cut off the few lower branch's as they will yield nothing. She will start looking more like a fruit bearing coconut tree. Or perhaps it is just me - cuckoo in the coconut?
Mother Fugly

Tall enough that I can't see the top even with the ladder. Of course, I can't go much past the 3rd step with only 1 arm for balance. I did go to the 4th step once, it was scary but I was able to grab the top and take a quick peek for bud rot or caterpillars and such. All I saw was a big ass spider and almost fell off the ladder. I guess he is eating any bugs he sees?
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Looks like she will be a trichome producer.
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The top of Mother Fugly does not look anything like her sister on the left.
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Mother Fugly and Sis posing together. Hard to believe they have the same parents.
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Sis has a completely different structure.
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Sis also looks like she will be a trichome producer. Both plants smell heavenly.
opt_SIS 03(1).jpeg

Both plants are from G13 x Afghan Skunk I mated last summer. Seeds were straight from Shanti so I think these plants are F2? Whatever, is fine by me. No selection was made, had 1 male and I thought he looked nice so mated him with everything I had in the garden last year. I thought he was fine looking specimen, studly and masuline, and yet in touch with his feminine side. Not sure if that is good criteria for selecting a male but it was the only male I had.

Not Safe For Work: Mom and Dad copulating. It was this little act that created the girls above! Sadly, Dad was knifed to death 5 minutes after this picture was taken, chopped into little pieces, and stuffed into garbage bags and never seen again. Some folks believe it was a mob hit and it seemed to be the work of Mad Sam DeStefano.
opt_MOM DAD.jpeg

Nonsense, or just me being me?
Inside Pines Mind.jpeg

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G13 x Afghan Skunk

Mother Fugly -
at least that's what I call her. So ugly I thought 'it' was a dude. A peek at the sex organs and no gender confusion here. Damn ugly plant and most likely I will cut off the few lower branch's as they will yield nothing. She will start looking more like a fruit bearing coconut tree. Or perhaps it is just me - cuckoo in the coconut?
Mother Fugly
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Tall enough that I can't see the top even with the ladder. Of course, I can't go much past the 3rd step with only 1 arm for balance. I did go to the 4th step once, it was scary but I was able to grab the top and take a quick peek for bud rot or caterpillars and such. All I saw was a big ass spider and almost fell off the ladder. I guess he is eating any bugs he sees?
View attachment 64514

Looks like she will be a trichome producer.
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The top of Mother Fugly does not look anything like her sister on the left.
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Mother Fugly and Sis posing together. Hard to believe they have the same parents.
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Sis has a completely different structure.
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Sis also looks like she will be a trichome producer. Both plants smell heavenly.
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Both plants are from G13 x Afghan Skunk I mated last summer. Seeds were straight from Shanti so I think these plants are F2? Whatever, is fine by me. No selection was made, had 1 male and I thought he looked nice so mated him with everything I had in the garden last year. I thought he was fine looking specimen, studly and masuline, and yet in touch with his feminine side. Not sure if that is good criteria for selecting a male but it was the only male I had.
View attachment 64521

Not Safe For Work: Mom and Dad copulating. It was this little act that created the girls above! Sadly, Dad was knifed to death 5 minutes after this picture was taken, chopped into little pieces, and stuffed into garbage bags and never seen again. Some folks believe it was a mob hit and it seemed to be the work of Mad Sam DeStefano.
View attachment 64522

Nonsense, or just me being me?
View attachment 64523

I see it Longball! Great minds eh. 😂
Grand Daddy Purple

It is one of the few non-MNS plants on the deck but it was given to me as a gift. When someone offers you a gift you must take it and thank them. I mean, what am I going say? No thank you, shove it up your fucking ass nose? So I took it and as it was only June 1st I asked them if it was an Autoflower plant? They said no, why. Well, I asked because it was flowering. And they are like really? It's flowering? If someone is growing plants and they are too fucking dumb to know the plant is flowering, well, I guess I ain't got much to say to them about growing!
Grand Daddy Purple plant as given to me, a skinny, flowering stringbean.
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I set the plant on the deck and as it was only June 1st, the plant stopped flowering and it did nothing for about a month and then it started putting out single leafs and started growing in an odd shape. If started fanning out on top and bottom and just a stalk where the original top was! I have a few odd shaped plants this year, like Mother Fugly is another one.
Grand Daddy Purple now.
opt_GDP 01.jpeg

The upper part of the plant is too messy to trim now. The plants is not topping itself but all the branch's are forming V's and the V's are forming V's! WTF? No longer a single cola but a mess of a mass! I need to bring in an expert to trim this thing. Where is @Kryppler when I need him?
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Top of the plant as best as I can get it without falling off ladder and breaking my other arm. No single top cola anymore. A mass of a mess.
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The buds are starting to add some weight so having a bunch of them is ok in my book!

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If things keep heading in this direction, it will be a good year for ol' Grand Daddy Purple! :)
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Hello Longball,

She is well on her way now and looking nice!
I would at least prune some (or a lot) of the bigger fan leaves that are in the center out to help airflow and to reduce the chance of rot.

I bet that she smells great.
Hello @Swifty! :)

Thanks for taking the time to read my thread and for the kind words. I think I will try your idea of pruning the bigger fan leaves in the center! Thanks for the idea! She smells wonderful but too many sinus surgeries and a lack of vocabulary keep me from describing the smells. However, the surgeries have not affected my ability to get high! :D

We are getting close to the finish line and I am hoping they finish up nice like your Super Silver Haze did! Great job there!

Hello @Swifty! :)

Thanks for taking the time to read my thread and for the kind words. I think I will try your idea of pruning the bigger fan leaves in the center! Thanks for the idea! She smells wonderful but too many sinus surgeries and a lack of vocabulary keep me from describing the smells. However, the surgeries have not affected my ability to get high! :D

We are getting close to the finish line and I am hoping they finish up nice like your Super Silver Haze did! Great job there!

Glad to hear that getting high isn't a problem! 😄
I'm sure that your plants recieve lot's of love and good care, they will reward you in return.

And thanks for the compliment!

Jack Herer

The girl who gave me this plant stopped by the other day and said she had two Jack Herer plants. She gave me one and hers turned out to be a male. :( In the spring she had a storm/ flood that took a couple of her plants so I gave her a couple plants from seeds I had made. They both turned out female so I guess it averages out! :)

In the meantime, to borrow a phrase from @Mr. Brown, I am balls deep into getting these plants trimmed up for the homestretch.
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Coming down the homestretch.
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For all you feet lovers out there in MNS Land, I made some 'Feetloaf'. Anyone hungry, feel free to stop on by!

First to Fall

This year it is this Early Queen #1. Found a little mold, removed it, 2 days later a little more mold. Down she comes. A little early but as them betting men say, "Better to harvest 95% of something than 100% of mold."
Early Queen #1
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A little early but very gooey and sticky. A bit of a pain to work with ;)

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Time of the year here where PM and Mold take many a harvest. Tried to jury-rig a little something in the garage to try and finish up the rest of the plants. Was hoping to fit 6 in there but managed to fit 7 plants in there. 2 plants, Grand Daddy Purple and Medicine Man have been left on the deck to brave the elements.

Jury-rigged grow area in garage. I know the walls aren't supposed to be blue but as @Islandgrower says, sometimes ya just have to use what you have. Throw in a one-armed grower and yes, it's jury-rigged!
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Yes, a week of rain coming here. Today is 20 minutes rain, 20 minutes sun, 20 minutes rain, repeat. Fuck. I don't know if I am coming or going! :unsure:
