Is the A5 Haze cutting the mother of Nev's and Mango Haze?

false names are so true as a fellow in my area sells ASH from MNS as "Orange Kush"

really sucks especially for all of MNS hard work. I would declare what it is with pride, my friends have grown accustomed to the mr.nice stuff and call it by least that guy is selling good stuff

I started growing the OShazes in the early 90's
@ that time they have been circulating in the south of holland since the late 80's in a select group of haze lovers.
The A5 diesel pheno got very populair during the mid and late 90's in the rest of holland for it was the strongest strain that could be found @ that time, prior to the amnesia strains and other very potent killer strains you see nowa days.
The A5 was a very stoney strain but was also a rocket launching trip weed. stoned and tripping high in the same strain, the most heavy weed that was around, unbelievable for people that never smoked it before, i've seen people doing very weird shit after smoking that strain, like walking around the same building for 2 straight hours, he got so stoned after a few hits he had to walk it of. Another friend after having 2 drags(!) from a spliff went to the hospital cause he thought he was going to die...
Due to its potency it was getting very very populair, even with people that never actually smoked or grown it.
and so the A5 was being sold in more and more CS's in holland but i doubt it if it really was the A5 strain. It became more of a brand name instead of the original thing. The same thing happened to alot of populair strains like white widow etc... That why i doubt it if these CS's you mention really do have the A5 haze...
I grew the A5 haze untill 9 years ago when the mother plant died and nobody in my circle had it anymore. A pity yes... however i dindn't like to smoke the strain so much personaly cause of the strong stony high. I smoke every day and love to smoke lots of herb and for that reason i prefered to grow the more friendly high strains such as the C5 haze and the HPH haze. But of course now from time to time i miss the A5, a speacially when my back is killing me after a hard day of work. For medical users the A5 would be a super strain, in my oppinion.
The other OSH like the CG13 and the AG13 also got lost.
There seems to be a very small group of haze lovers around breda that still have these hazes but i haven't been able to get into contact with them to verify the authenticity of the strains.
anyways the strains that shanti is breeding at the moment are plants that do carry the same genes in them as these OSH but are different strains for they are made out of different seeds in a different time and crossed with other strains.
they are however connected with eachother but not as direct father or mother more as the grandparents of grandparents of shanti's breedings, witch are really high quality strains. I just finished my first neville haze grow from shanti's breedings, witch also was one of the OSH, and i must say that the new version is slightly different then the OS version but they both are super lovely strains, very special and you won't find it anywhere else then here, with MSN.
That is how i became a member here, in my quest for regaining the A5 haze i found the Mr Nice seeds hazes and to this day it makes me a very happy man.
I hope this will answer yr question properly.
All the best,
Y. Sam

I had the similar experiences with my Seedbank NL5Xhaze cut. It used to make folks flip out. A friend of a friend locked himself in his house for 3 days and then gave the rest of the bud back to my friend. He thought the FBI was onto him or some stupid shit. Thought it was laced.

I loved it. I smoked it all day every day. I lost mine around 15 years ago.

Still haven't found anything close, outside of her progeny.

Which MNS strain reminds you most of your A5 cut?

The reason I ask is that by far the best things I have ever tried in dutch coffeeshops are mexican haze from dampkring and NL5/Haze from Katsu. The owner of Katsu told me they are both mothered by the A5 cut, but generally the pure A5 is not sold in coffeshops due to lack of commercial viability

believe wat you wish

i already told you the shanti stated the mns haze hybrids are not related to the OSH soo this leads me too believe nevilles nl5 haze is a different select then the actual A5.

the A5 is sold in few CS in s.holland

ive sampled mexican haze in dampkring n a few other samples i believe on more than one trip ,nothin special

as for the mexican haze true its reported the OSH A5 mango pheno is the mother
Damn your shit is convoluted and hard to follow...
It's seems like you know what what you're talking about but who the hell could tell?
Is there an ignore button? There should be...
Which MNS strain reminds you most of your A5 cut?


There where two A5 pheno types around.

The first was the mango pheno and in my oppinion the strain that comes closest to the A5 mango cut is the hazy mango haze pheno. What's in a name hey... :D
But the A5 haze was much stronger in effect.
Mns Mango Haze (the haze pheno) is a more subtle version of the mango A5 pheno.

The A5 diesel pheno is something i havn't found anywhere.
The MNS nev haze comes closest to it in smell and flavour but the effect isn't in the same category.

It was and still is the strongest bud i've ever smoked.
A breed appart....
this picture is on the depot bank site...and is listed as nevs skunk...are you saying your picture has bubblegum in it ? im confused....elk


  • NevillesSkunk.jpg
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For some reason, I though the NL5HzA (Mango pheno) was the "one"! Wait a second??? I thought the Mango pheno was a C5Hz? I'm confused sorry!

If this plant that you are speaking of is a different phenotype of A5 why was it not kept by Nevil/MNS and used for hybrids?

Cheers, Sensi13

I thought Mango Haze was NL5/HzC x Sk/HzA?
Also, I found earlier the logic of not using the OSHs for breeding because the other plants gave better progeny.

The Mango A5 was never exctually officially named as "mango". A few guys named it like that before Shanti released his Mango Hz.
It was a more fruity phenotype of the A5, potent as hell but sweeter to smoke.
Same thing for the diesel phenotype, it never got named like that in the beginnning of the OSH's but only afterwards when the name diesel got into the cannabizz....
The guys named the 2 pheno's of the A5 just to make it easyer to know the difference between the 2 phenotypes.
There where more phenotypes of all the OSH varieties but some of them got lost, some of them hermied...
The Mr Nice mango haze (the hazy pheno) reminds me the most of the A5 mango pheno in potency and flavour.
I wanted to share that with joshuahazen and the rest of you growers and tokers, nothing more...
Hope this helps.
I can't find the quote but I've definitely read that Shanti stated that you will

find NLHaze phenos in Mango Haze that are very similar to the NLHaze A parent.

I'm assuming he doesn't mean among the longer flowering SkunkHaze phenos

but among the Mango tasting 70 day ones.

He has stated that Mango Haze is his favourite smoke.
so who knows the c5 cut
does anyone still holding it
any of you dutch guys ?
i believe ive located it
i was given an old cut that has been held since nevil passed it along 20 or so years ago
i brought it to amsterdam(the buds) to show some old school heads who used to smoke with nevil and it was confirmed, they did not grow the c5 cut back in the day just smoked it so would like to speak with some old heads who used to grow it
i also wanted to know if it is still around the south of holland

G`day OJD

Yes C5 , AG13 , Hash Plant Hz and The old Nevil`s Hz are still held in the Low Lands .

Karma G reckons he has the A5 as well .
hey elmer

wow didnt know the hph was still floating around, it has been many many years since i seen that cut
also not had the nevils haze for years, well not that spin you the fuck out cut
so happy to see they are still going strong

you got any pics of them late flowering
is she sold in any coffeshops in the south, the c5 , hph and nevil original cut
im planning a trip in january to amsterdam an want to head south for a few days to meet and chat with some of you old school haze growers, smokers

these guys were given the cut C5 20 years ago and given special food to feed them(powders)

have you ever smoke the sssdh
im sure you haze crew would love her
she very much on the C5 side of things, but potency is much stronger on the sssdh
the closest ive seen to the ssh they used to sell in greenhouse 98-99 not the later cut that floats around now

i would love to get it to you guys to play with

chat soon

G`day OJD

Yes my friend Dimodz rates the SSSDH .
He is a friend of yours too ?

I am growing ECSD x NVL`s Hz aka Sour Nevil`s and a femmed ECSD x NVL Hz x Lemon Sk / Mazar aka Sour Mazar ATM .

Yes your right that old NVL`s cut is scary . Not for beginners . lol

I took the AG 13 to A dam, gave the bud tender @ Green House a nug for good service . And vaped some nugs at Barnies in their Volcano. he he .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
so are these a5 mango and diesel and the c5, along with ag13, cg13, hphz, floating around in the states? Im sure moms from nevils commercial seeds are still around here in the states... but im wondering if specifically nevils a5 and c5 float around the states...
nevil has said himself he sold seeds, and much more.... if you came to the dam with some money he would tailor make the perfect strain(s) for you(think he said he charged round a grand for this and u got to go to the castle and check out his grow... would have been worth it). he also offered clones stock as well as all his seedbank strains he was doing selections from. its also been said that he traded cuts of the g13 and nl5 to a group from the states for a hash making machine they made(they had donated one for the winner of the ht cup or some shit)... and there used to be atleast a well documented ongoing thread regarding the dude who was still killin it with the pure g13.

so are these cuts around the states?
im very surprised that these aren't more prevalent in the dam... I mean don't get me wrong I get it... but if they were passed around more freely and or became a medical cut, I dare say we wouldn't have threads of yearning for that cut that used to be around. here in cali, its great that I can go get diesel chems and ogs from the 90s, jack, ssh, widow, and then new current elites like girl scout cookies and gorilla glue and sour dub and adub and odub and dt7 and aliendawg and stardawg and many more... and I know some may be used to hoarding as I get u have to look out for u and what sets u apart... but at the end of the day, when cuts get passed around freely, new things come quicker from there, and something like not worrying about the a5 cut being gone in 2040 could be a reality.

good vibes and haze to my mns bros


Great job KG!! So what you got planned for this please share!!!

Started in 2013, outcrossed it to white og, Results where not as A dominant as hoped for, only 30% showed A dominance. some nice things in it but very low percetage.

Currently doing a backcross . And expect way better results there.
That's a interesting route to go down, I wish you all the best,heard the haze doesn't inbreed to well but not sure how true this is, shanti did just release the mango haze ibl so maybe they were not talking about haze hybrids!
Just ordered 3 packs of Top Dawg with A5 genetics, mixed with ( Ft Collins ) Colorado Cough

Mango Cough
Colorado Cough x Mango A5.
NL5 x Hz17 x KC Brains Mango x A5
Should be interesting. 10-11 weeks flowering.

Also 3 packs Dynasty Genetics

Super Silver Cough
Cough x SSH F3