Is the A5 Haze cutting the mother of Nev's and Mango Haze?

MacHaze and Zeno


The "old" guy MacHaze mentionned is a friend o mine.
Mac Haze was hanging on his lips and swallowed all his story's. Even if the stories were very doubtfull and we dindn't really know if it was a true version of the facts around the hazes. For example the smuggling of 1 or more clones in a pack of marlboro...
That's the prob with all the info that's online: i tell you a story today and you post this story in a topic tommorow in yr own words and the story is not the same. The story i told you was told to me by someone else, so my version of the story will slightely be different then the one that was told to me... etc...
That's how these storys begin to live their own lives and nobody really knows what excatly happened anymore due to exaggerations or wrong interpretations and so on....
The story i've been told was from people that held these OSHazes for years and got them directly from neville in the late 80's.
So believe who ever you want to, those who speak out loud get peoples attention.
But the loudest voice isn't the right voice to listen to in most cases...
Never the less i wish you all the best aspecially Shanti and Neville for they are the people that make these beauties available for us growers.
Loving every grow i'm doing every second of it!
Haze is realy the thang when you love to smoke, and that's what i realy love!
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This thread has some interesting info , thanks to all the contributors

I just finished my first neville haze grow from shanti's breedings, witch also was one of the OSH, and i must say that the new version is slightly different then the OS version but they both are super lovely strains, very special and you won't find it anywhere else then here, with MSN.

hi Yosemite Sam,

According to Shanti himself the Neville'sHaze has never changed, its still made by the same 2 parent plants.Mother being a selected NL5HazeA female and father being the HazeC male.

Can you please tell what differences you saw between the old and new stock and how many seeds/females you grew from the old and new version?

PS Do you remember what year you got the A5 cut yourself?
hi all i call tell you one thing for sure no one out side of Mr nice co have any of the parent lines i do believe a few do have selected clones from the f1 seeds of a few of the Mr nice co lines they them selfs as in Mr nice co had selected.

If my memory is right i believe clones were also offered in Switzerland.

What i am sure of tho is no one holds any of the breeding parents that make any of the lines selected plants from a given f1 line yes.
the doors uses nl5/haze(2A) x (nl5/hazeAxsk/hazeC)....So would these mr nice haze hybrids (Rock and Roll) have similar genes (A5) to be found since these seeds were 1987 seeds from nev???

IMO similar yes as the genetics are from the same stock, atleast the haze A male for sure , remember OSH were clone only the 87 seeds you refer too were just that seeds not a selected nevs clone from who knows how many plants

shanti could best answer that question ,but from my previous post shanti has told me none of the OSH are used in the current mns strains

yosemite sam

intriguing ,thats really somthin ,makes sense i remember there was som debate/confusion around the winner of the 2006 cup genetics ,would hav been great to hav had took the cup under the correct name

how bout that quaze strain aka equatorial sativa amazing lookin over priced strain,there was somone posting under the name i believe quasar who claims it was his strain,any knowledge of this suppose pure mexican ?

another money issue sad ,they dont deserve such a privledge

im also interested in comparison to mns neville haze and the OLD nevilles haze you and a old ic member fuzzydonlop refer to, mrhaze420 said i believe it was nevs 88 NL5haze only referred to by the name becaz nev was the breeder ,mrhaze also said nev first referred to his haze aka NH as 3/4 sativa

id lov to hear your thoughts on this ?

thanks again

This thread has some interesting info , thanks to all the contributors

hi Yosemite Sam,

According to Shanti himself the Neville'sHaze has never changed, its still made by the same 2 parent plants.Mother being a selected NL5HazeA female and father being the HazeC male.

Can you please tell what differences you saw between the old and new stock and how many seeds/females you grew from the old and new version?

PS Do you remember what year you got the A5 cut yourself?

The main difference in the 2 nev lines is the generation gap between the two lines.
The taste, aroma and high of these 2 lines are very simular.
The OSnev haze was a slightly bigger plant, more whimsical to grow and was also clone only so no other pheno was ever seen before i grew out of shanti's stock. We never had seeds from the OSnevline.
Now with the new nev seeds i got from shanti we selected a nice mom out of 4 plants and i must say that the taste and aroma is alot like the OSnevhaze but the plants themself are a bit smaller. However its not less potent, the OShaze had more leafs and less buds, with shanti's version it has almost no leafs and is one big bud.
Also the flowertime is slightly different. Were the OSnev haze could flower up to 14 weeks, the new pheno we have is ready at 12 - 13 weeks max.
Maybe it was a bit premature of me to make such a statement however that was my first thought when i was growing the new stock.
Maybe the progress we made over the years in growing is what's causing the differences combined with the pheno selection.
I should pop some more beans out and select another pheno that could be more like the OSnevline.
Don't get me wrong cause i'm very happy with what we have cause they all are very beautifull plants.
The nev haze is a very special one just for the remarkable taste and superb high of it.
The first time i smoked the A5 diesel was in the summer of 1992.
I started to grow her a year later.
All the best,
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So if what Jesse copied and pasted is true then are the OSH's relations of the Parental lines of MNS haze stock as opposed to being seperate selections from the NL5/HazeA grow?

Yosemite thanks for the insight, have you got any pics of any of them lying aroung? Especially intrested in the HPH, according to AquaLabTechnology Shanti gave HPH seed in bulk to some spanish growers and HP13 is a select clone from these seeds. It's also been said that HP13 is a select HP from NY or Maui. The HP13 is another story I want to unravel, maybe you can shed some light?
So if what Jesse copied and pasted is true then are the OSH's relations of the Parental lines of MNS haze stock as opposed to being seperate selections from the NL5/HazeA grow?

Yosemite thanks for the insight, have you got any pics of any of them lying aroung? Especially intrested in the HPH, according to AquaLabTechnology Shanti gave HPH seed in bulk to some spanish growers and HP13 is a select clone from these seeds. It's also been said that HP13 is a select HP from NY or Maui. The HP13 is another story I want to unravel, maybe you can shed some light?

my brotha the question was asked and answered several times in this thread

as ive told you all shanti said the OSH hav nothin to due wit the selections of mns hazes

to answer CATALYST question shanti also stated the haze C and 88 seed of nevs AC haze are the only (IN MY WORDS)wat we could consider OSH in action

quoted yosemite sams
anyways the strains that shanti is breeding at the moment are plants that do carry the same genes in them as these OSH but are different strains for they are made out of different seeds in a different time and crossed with other strains

hp13 has nothin to due wit HPH

although the hph seeds bring a question to my mind of

shanti with all these new releases and bringing back of ortega would you cosider makin seed stock for mns memebers of HPH ?,if soo id lov for you to consider puttin out the parent hashplant for a pure top notch selection of hp which is rarely available these days being a hashplant/haze lover i always thought this hybrid to be a ideal cross of my style highly desired ,also considering i had the pleasure to hav a sample from green house in red light distrcit which i believe to hav been authentic .although other like spanish growers/DNA hav released there version from your seed stock ,selection is key and we kno mns is number one for that

quoted myself from another thread at the farm
hopfully i can shed som light

the hp13 is thought to be a pure afghani maintained in afghanistan by a family for many years brought to cali and made its way to NYC ,its also said their could be possible thai influence in the hp13,the hp13 has nothin to do with sensi seeds the mrnice is a g13 Xhp hybrid i believe made by neville in honor of howard marks one of the biggest hash smugglers of all time

quoted jjnyc
I hold the HP13 and the Skelly cuts. Seems the 13 might have some sativa influence, it can be topped and has a little stretch for a HP. It has an insane bag appeal with it's super stinky skunky smell. That used to be the taste also but it has faded over the years and the high has never really been super strong but nice

my last question for shanti if it would be possible ,the g13hp im sure we would all lov to see ,im not sure of her history if you hav seeds stock or original parents ,but that would be the end all be all g13 or hashplant hybrid,considering clones survive and motarebel is releasing hybrids i thought it was perfect time to ask

would you consider releasing or working this line?

Hi bigherb, according to the quotes in Jesse's post the OSH existed before Neville/Shanti made their parental selections so could not be NL5/Haze A crosses as I assume Neville was the frist to make that cross.

I have heard the same stories of HP13 as you but there are also opposing stories such as this quoted from aqualabtech at another site:

Barcelona - Hash Plant Haze
These are some old photos of a Hash Plant Haze grow I had in Barcelona.

The seeds originally came from Shantibaba. The seeds were given to 2 brothers in Valencia, Spain many years ago when Shanitbaba brought 2 kilos of seed plus a few personal seeds to give away to the Spanish growers to help start the Spanish Marijuana Movement.

They found this Pheno and then passed it to my friend Gavi in Barcelona.

This Hash Plant Haze has been taken to AMS and is called HP-13 by THSeeds and some other names by other seed banks.

This is the same plant that THSeeds entered as HP-13 in the Cannabis Cup a few years ago.

Aqua Lab Tech

Then this version from someone else at the same site:

Thumbs up Fond memories of Hash Plant #13.....
The 13th pheno of the hash plant those hippies in the 70s brought back from Afghanistan to San Francisco was actually the first strain I ever grew. Ironically in the very conservative "commonwealth" of VA the last I ever saw of it was the bonsai in the woods behind what I called home after I was forced to cut it down. Now that I am a refuge from the valley to Cali, myself and my network are determined to once again find the true HP-13 only available in clone form that very few people know about or have actually ever had the pleasure of puffing on. True "H-Pizzle" is furry as shit and smells like garlic, cat piss, and mothballs--in a good way that is. As a more seasoned medical grower in Cali, my mission here is to once again reunite with this strain that has healing powers beyond any other herb I have ever puffed.

And of course there is the Jason King Maui/NY version that you mentioned.

Maybe Yosemite or even Shanti could put a more accurate date on the creation of th OSH's as there have been a few thrown around this thread, I've read your opinions bigherb but I'm also seeing more than one possibility by what I read here.

Shanti could also confirm or deny the HP13/Barcelona story hopefully.
Hi all :)
One of my main problems with those associated with the A5 and C5 is the claims they have allowed to persist, to their benefit, many of which are proving to be questionable to say the least. How much longer would these rumors have spread, had Trillion not started this thread I ask myself? How much longer would have those associated with these lines allowed the hype to spread, before revealing the 'true' origins of the varieties they are pushing?

If you're basing your business model on hype and questionable information, much of which can be called into question, how much success do you honestly hope to find? To my knowledge, I do not know or know of anyone associated with these lines. But riding the coat tails of success the Mr. Nice strains have earned through many years of trial and error, sacrifice and hard work is something that can not be brushed off so lightly. And I hope in the near future the buck stops, and the truth starts to emerge in a much more transparent fashion than we have previously seen.
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Hi all :)
One of my main problems with those associated with the A5 and C5 is the claims they have allowed to persist, to their benefit, many of which are proving to be questionable to say the least. How much longer would these rumors have spread, had Trillion not started this thread I ask myself? How much longer would those associated with these lines allowed the hype to spread, before revealing the 'true' origins of the varieties they are pushing?

If you're basing your business model on hype and questionable information, much of which can be called into question, how much success do you honestly hope to find? To my knowledge, I do not know or know of anyone associated with these lines. But riding the coat tails of success the Mr. Nice strains have earned through many years of trial and error, sacrifise and hard work is something that can not be brushed off so lightly. And I hope in the near future the buck stops, and the truth starts to emerge in a much more transparent fashion than we have previously seen.

seems like im on that list ,anyhow this post has me curious

no disrespect but i
dont know wat ur sayin here

the only facts were gonna get are from neville direct ,hopfully shanti can tell us wat he knows this is wat ive been askin for som time

the claims made are from 2 poster's one is a mns member i highly respect and thank for his contributions the other was machaze who had a big ego and bad intentions ,info wit pics from both sources .soo if shanti or neville wishes not too speak on the issue should we not believe anything obvious posters who experienced and were gifted these rare clone only's speak of

aside from that wat beneift/bucks or riding success do you speak of ,these clones were gifted from neville and the only hype is from kiwi seeds i believe who claims of A5 or watever OSH in their mexican haze and oceans 12 haze old news,i dont care about becaz those strains arent nothin special IMHO/E
Hi bigherb, according to the quotes in Jesse's post the OSH existed before Neville/Shanti made their parental selections so could not be NL5/Haze A crosses as I assume Neville was the frist to make that cross.

I have heard the same stories of HP13 as you but there are also opposing stories such as this quoted from aqualabtech at another site:

Barcelona - Hash Plant Haze
These are some old photos of a Hash Plant Haze grow I had in Barcelona.

The seeds originally came from Shantibaba. The seeds were given to 2 brothers in Valencia, Spain many years ago when Shanitbaba brought 2 kilos of seed plus a few personal seeds to give away to the Spanish growers to help start the Spanish Marijuana Movement.

They found this Pheno and then passed it to my friend Gavi in Barcelona.

This Hash Plant Haze has been taken to AMS and is called HP-13 by THSeeds and some other names by other seed banks.

This is the same plant that THSeeds entered as HP-13 in the Cannabis Cup a few years ago.

Aqua Lab Tech

Then this version from someone else at the same site:

Thumbs up Fond memories of Hash Plant #13.....
The 13th pheno of the hash plant those hippies in the 70s brought back from Afghanistan to San Francisco was actually the first strain I ever grew. Ironically in the very conservative "commonwealth" of VA the last I ever saw of it was the bonsai in the woods behind what I called home after I was forced to cut it down. Now that I am a refuge from the valley to Cali, myself and my network are determined to once again find the true HP-13 only available in clone form that very few people know about or have actually ever had the pleasure of puffing on. True "H-Pizzle" is furry as shit and smells like garlic, cat piss, and mothballs--in a good way that is. As a more seasoned medical grower in Cali, my mission here is to once again reunite with this strain that has healing powers beyond any other herb I have ever puffed.

And of course there is the Jason King Maui/NY version that you mentioned.

Maybe Yosemite or even Shanti could put a more accurate date on the creation of th OSH's as there have been a few thrown around this thread, I've read your opinions bigherb but I'm also seeing more than one possibility by what I read here.

Shanti could also confirm or deny the HP13/Barcelona story hopefully.

exactly neville selected the OSH quite a few years before shanti arrived in holland,yes neville was the first to cross hazeA male with the selected nl5 along wit the other OSH then again for the sensi seeds 88 nl5haze release

the farm quotes i kno of ,i also hav spoke in pm wit aqualabs ,i kno all about the hph seeds release and shanti kindness i thought for sure the barcelona story was true as dna claims to hav aquired stock tagged hollywood hashplant ,now again as you quote the post the hp was taken to ams and called hp13 doesnt mean it is hp13

ive read the other story before som more detail thats all ,it sounds believable the story is it was taken to san fransico ,the fourth most populous city in CALI

id lov to hear exact dates also if your thread gets the answer ive been searching for god bless,i hav many questions id lov to hear alot of neville's experiences it be nice to hav a mns gathering of som sort he would attend


hi !!
is the A5 cut still alive ? i remember very well having buy that weed long time ago in south holland(club69 cs in maastricht)and it's still one of my favourit weed up to date.

is there any real cross out of A5 haze ?
i heard that utopia haze from bf is C5 haze, is that right ?
hi !!
is the A5 cut still alive ? i remember very well having buy that weed long time ago in south holland(club69 cs in maastricht)and it's still one of my favourit weed up to date.

is there any real cross out of A5 haze ?
i heard that utopia haze from bf is C5 haze, is that right ?

Old thread I know but the utopia haze is not c5, it's a manga rosa x brazilian green (or some other pure brazilian sativa) bx'd to manga. not a haze at all.
A5 is known in the usa as Mass super skunk, then was called E.C.S.D, now known as Chem91
A5 is known in the usa as Mass super skunk, then was called E.C.S.D, now known as Chem91

Sup brotha

This above statement is untrue A5 was a direct cross of the NL5 mom crossed to the haze A dad.The chem line are hybrids of colorado green bud

This post reminds me of my convo wit Nevil soo unless you have had private Discussion with nev the only connection is the tag name to A5 - diesel which I believe Nevil had no Part of

The CO boys got their stuff from a dude back east. Thats all i have to say on the subject. But certian names of clones refer to people not smells and places.
A5 is known in the usa as Mass super skunk, then was called E.C.S.D, now known as Chem91

I am not an expert on the chem lines but I have bred and grown both 91 and ecsd. They are definitely not the same. Aren't the Mass Super Skunk and 91 the same? or more closely related.

The ECSD gets tagged on some pretty interesting examples....I just saw a bay area dude passing Mandala's "Eight Miles High" as ECSD, LOL