Is it possible to cull based on leaf morphology after 2 weeks?


Well-known member
(Plant limits suck)

Day 15 with 2 SSH seedlings. To my novice eyes, both to have wide, indica-leaning foliage. When I look at old pictures of my mom her leaves were thinner from the start. Matter of fact they look a lot like the individuals in this post Is it possibly some error on my part? What's the possibility they end up being more haze-leaning?

(Plant limits suck)

Day 15 with 2 SSH seedlings. To my novice eyes, both to have wide, indica-leaning foliage. When I look at old pictures of my mom her leaves were thinner from the start. Matter of fact they look a lot like the individuals in this post Is it possibly some error on my part? What's the possibility they end up being more haze-leaning?

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It is always difficult to be certain HazedNConfused, I always wait untill I see preflowers and alternating nodes to judge the leaf morphology. If you have time I would suggest to flower them, SSH is a polyhybrid and the leaves can become smaller on mature plants. I don't think that you made an error, they look fine but still young.
Thank you @Swifty for the tip and @musashi for the reminder. I'll admit TGTDE's thread got my paranoia going after I read the smoke report. Even looked at my keeper's earliest pictures and sure enough she had skinny leaves. After seeing these two replies, however, I looked again and immediately facepalmed: they weren't seedling pictures, they were her revegging (thus sexually mature) in a freaking solo cup. 🤦‍♀️ Been medicating due to a concussion so it's maybe time to step out of the tent and back off the Durban edibles 🤭

I'm otherwise thrilled with these two. They popped very quickly and are vigorous despite my best efforts at plant torture. Leaf morphology aside they are very much like their cousin. I'm hoping for a nice hazey male, but two individuals doesn't feel like much of a "hunt".
Ive had beauty looking plants deliver horrible flowerS.
Ive had beauty looking plants deliver the best flowerS.
but i Nev er could tell what the value of the plant is,
what the quality of the flowers is,
before i smoked them,
And they smoked me.
wishing a heavy ssh pollen harvest ! 🐝
Ive had beauty looking plants deliver horrible flowerS.
Ive had beauty looking plants deliver the best flowerS.
but i Nev er could tell what the value of the plant is,
what the quality of the flowers is,
before i smoked them,
And they smoked me.
wishing a heavy ssh pollen harvest ! 🐝

Excellent points that I should know and would do well to keep in mind! Thank you for the harvest wishes and likewise! (I left the Durban alone this morning as a precaution.)

And since I started this mess, might as well document for the benefit of some future overmedicated grower. ;)
Only days since the "panic" and the newer leaflets are moving in the right direction.
So far #1 (bottom) seems more stretchy. #2 is more compact. #1 is a little unhappy, so I may check the root zone and/or transplant today.

Many will disagree with me, but if you are looking for sativa/haze-leaning plants from a hybrid F1, it's not a bad strategy to select at two weeks based on leaf morphology, keeping only the skinniest leaves. You will definitely kill some plants that would've turned out nicely, but that always happens when you select and cull. A bit better to few the selection after 4-6 weeks when you can also use stem-rub aromas tho help guide your selection.
the leaves have nothing at all to do with the quality of the finished plant.
in fact, when judging a hybrid such as ssh,
the very best specimens will take in enough indica genes and combine with the haze,
to end up with a plant that is better than any of the components.

while skinnier leaves may lead you to "hazier" plants,
they can also lead to boring "hay" type plants with skinny leaves.

while im still waiting for shanti to release a better haze hybrid, a hybrid with less indica partners and more/mostly sativa,
i should look into his newer work, havent tried anything recently.
but the ideal plant that can come from this mix is a northern light or skunk type plant with haze features.
fast flowering, fatter denser buds, plenty of resin, with haze smell, taste, and high.
conversely, the plants that i dislike the most, are the haze structured plants with nl or skunkish type smells and tastes, and highs...

so to cull the fatter leaved plants may in fact ensure that you miss out on the best this combination has to offer.
Appreciate you all sharing your experience with a newer grower. :)

they can also lead to boring "hay" type plants with skinny leaves.

I was thinking an indica leaner could be decent sleep/pain medicine. Either way, hopefully I don't end up with connoisseur forage!

You said #1 seems unhappy ?

The #1 isn't bad, it just irritates me that I can't make it as happy as #2. More a personal hangup. Ironically, #2 was dropped and it's the happier of the two individuals.
As for SSH stretch, I learned the hard way (defoliation as well). Winged my way into what I thought was an even canopy (lol) at the flip. Then she proceeded to stretch and ate my entire 4x4.
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An update on my two SSH.

I think both are female, two very different growth patterns. I was harassed and arrested under false pretences, so they aren't as well cared for as I'd like. The 4x4 downstairs was hovering at 61F and the powder coating started flaking off both 240w boards. My solution was to end the Mango Smile early and move the 2 MNS SSHs upstairs into the 2x4 under the 260w HLG. They need repotting, but I was sent the wrong pots and didn't notice. So as you can tell things are chaotic, but I'm slowly trying to get back to normal.

Despite all the speed bumps, I'm really quite happy how these two have responded to suboptimal conditions.


SSH #1 - tall, upright, hollow stem, triple leaves on lower nodes

SSH #2 compact, nice plant structure, solid stem
In a much better place this week and I think the plants are mostly on the upswing. I also learned out how ridiculous it was to ask about leaf morphology, so yikes! Bit by bit we are learning.


SSH #1 has the blue tape
SSH #2 has a bunch of grey LST clips
(bonus NL5/Afghan bottom center)

As for their current state, I broke two arms on #1 squishing it in the 2x4 (had to remove a lot of stuff for the picture). This plant is fussy about watering. I added cover crop and she throws a fit whenever I water them. I'm going to try to let her dry out once it fully germinates. #1 is also a little "viney", like my GHS was, so hopefully that's positive. The #2 girl is an easier keeper. She's more compact, solid stem, prays whenever the sun is up. Both took a while to root in the cloner, but I tried a new method, so it could be rookie mistakes.

Both are female, confirmed by USB scope because my 40+ eyes were struggling. I'd originally intended to keep them small, but read it might change their gene expression, so I think I'll transplant one more time before flower. I've decided to swap LEDs around so I can use the 4x4, but I'll have to do some testing first to see if I can get the basement temp closer to 70F. Next week is looking busy with medical stuff, so if things look good I'll put them back under 12/12 the week after.

Any thoughts, suggestions, criticisms?
I'm embarrassed to post these plants, post concussion syndrome has complicated trying to learning organic living soil and my basement still hovers in the 60-70F range. Despite it all, they live and I'll try to get them to the finish line
That said, I think I have a clear answer to the original leaf morphology question.

#1 - I threw outside because I didn't like the internodal spacing. I tossed her clones like an idiot because they even were worse. I'll take another round of cuts. Should've trusted my instincts and put her outside months ago....and repotted. Thin leaves

The #1 clones became viney like my mom plant, but with loose internodal spacing (can't really see here, but nice roots). Still kicking myself for not keeping it, but I only have so much space. (At least the local grow store told me I can drop off clones in the future)

#2 - I kept in the 4x4 as she was more compact, less fussy. I was hoping I could keep her small and happy in the 3 gallon, but I have more to learn. Leaflets not as thin as #1, but still on the thin side

Just for fun, my 3 SSH pheno clones at the time of transplant.
Vigorous though I intentionally left them in too long to see how long I could leave it. Untangling the roots took some work.
One of the #2 clones practically took over the entire cloner and seemed to like DWC. It was interesting to see them change expressions from soil.
I also made two clones from my SSH-0 (Babushka) in case I continue to keep a mom. I've run low on other meds, so it's uncertain. I just need one male, but every SSH seed I pop ends up being female. :LOL:
Rookie coming in hot with another question for the resident gurus--

My #2 plant is showing starting to amber (Current day 62 of flower). Could this be the scuffed run and pollinated branch causing it? Or simply an earlier finishing pheno? The test bud was very nice in terms of effect (clear, but uplifting, strong pain relief).
I'm asking as the buds seem underdeveloped, but I also don't want to push and get much more amber
