Is it possible to cull based on leaf morphology after 2 weeks?

Probably an early pheno. I prefer more amber in my Indies, less in the Sativas. Each hybrid has a sweet spot IMO. Different branches will exhibit varying rates of maturity. Harvest accordingly. Try these different buds to determine degree of amber preferred based on effect that YOU like. Using a 30x loupe will help with the guesswork. Keep bringing it Sister, you’re doing great!

Probably an early pheno. I prefer more amber in my Indies, less in the Sativas. Each hybrid has a sweet spot IMO. Different branches will exhibit varying rates of maturity. Harvest accordingly. Try these different buds to determine degree of amber preferred based on effect that YOU like. Using a 30x loupe will help with the guesswork. Keep bringing it Sister, you’re doing great!


Thanks for the advice and encouragement, Mu and Swifty! I've not done living soil before and spent too much time second guessing myself.
I'll try to find a better loupe and camera to fine tune the harvest point, for sure. I need to keep an eye on the seeded branch, too.

I hope #2 is a keeper after dry and cure. Currently, it has a pleasant SSH citrus funk (slightly more funk than citrus). Onset is slow, a bit of a creeper with an easy let down. 10/10 for pain relief. Just enough mental and physically relaxation to relieve stress, yet clear enough to be fully functional. It's perfect for high pain days where one has appointments or actually needs to adult.
Do you have any recommendations for a specific brand? I don't mind getting a loupe and/or new microscope. The one I have was "described" as 50x-1000x, but seems to fall short.
high, going by those photos of your beauty garden, if it were mine, id flush the soil until runoff is less than 100ppm and wait another 7-10 days

Thank you for your kind words and advice. I like this suggestion, and will incorporate it with what Mu suggested in reading the colas.
Based on the plant today a week of water only "feels" perfect.
I'm trying a staggered harvest to learn the perfect timing, though I did oops and took a cola I intended to leave.
No more vaping Mango Smile in the grow room!
Thank you for your kind words and advice. I like this suggestion, and will incorporate it with what Mu suggested in reading the colas.
Based on the plant today a week of water only "feels" perfect.
I'm trying a staggered harvest to learn the perfect timing, though I did oops and took a cola I intended to leave.
No more vaping Mango Smile in the grow room!
Screenshot_20221014-193651_Amazon Shopping.jpgI use one similar to this can be gotten on Amazon.
I also figured to share a pic of poor SSH #1.
She is outside and running LATE (we're at 37N I believe)...most everyone has harvested with just a few of us sativa/landrace stragglers going hard into November.



#1 reminds me a lot of my SSH mom, but fussier with slightly better structure. If it wasn't for the septoria I'd be pretty excited.
I ended up taking all of #2 down last week due to needing to flip some testers ASAP. It could've gone another week, possibly two. Oh well. Poor planning on my part.
I dried in a cheap greenhouse in the basement to slow drying times, but ended up crisp on day 7-day (65F/50RH +/- 5F/5%). I might try paper bags next time and move the fan farther after the first 3-4 days (it's indirect air, not blowing directly on branches). The pollinated branch was put in a paper bag to dry more.

Individual branches

Cola shots (please pardon my trimming)

A few random seeds (SSH x Strawberry Banana/GSC). They look viable! I'm drying the pollinated branch a bit more, then I will hopefully have a nice seed harvest.
I have some doubts about the male, but we'll see what the seeds have to say. I'll have to watch the girls closely for herm

A test lower from several days ago.

Not counting the seeded branch, it was 26.4g of loose airy flower. I think she could do better if there hadn't been so many problems during the run and if it hadn't been harvested early. The clone of this pheno really "came to life" in DWC and I think that's where this plant will show its full potential. I spent most of this run learning living soil and I'm sure an experienced soil grower could tease more out of her.
Week 12: November 5th and she still hasn't finished - send help!

(Apologies for the sideways images)

SSH-1 is finally making some progress, luckily we are not too far North (37N) and our autumn has unsurprisingly been warmer and drier than normal. The next 5 days will be nice, then forecast highs of 50F/10C and rain :eek:. It's not nearly done, but perhaps that will be the end?
She smells absolutely terrible, like something died. Or maybe a rotting old diaper with a hint of nasty rotten fruit? My sense of smell isn't the best, but gross....
Are these signs of a pheno worth keeping? Because honestly the smell from the bud I pinched off is so foul it's making me nauseous.
Hey Hazed, It's hard to give advice without being there, like smell etc.
The sativas are less likely to have mold issues so maybe you can just keep letting it go and protect it from the cold at night time.
I had one I picked after a week of rain and it was great smoke.
Something I like to do when evaluating plants is smoke the leaf.
If you are worried about having too many plants around this could be a useful tool for evaluating early on.
Smoke the leaf as the first thing you have for the day.
Something I like to do when evaluating plants is smoke the leaf.
If you are worried about having too many plants around this could be a useful tool for evaluating early on.
Smoke the leaf as the first thing you have for the day.

I'm banking on haze being mold resistant, just hoping we don't get any hard freezes. At least hurricane season is over.
Interesting you mentioned smoking the leaves. I read somewhere that one can eat a leaf of males for similar purposes. It's worth a shot, I just hope it's nothing like the rotting/death smell :sick:!
It can give you an indication of the type of high and how strong. I have smoked leaf that was exceptional before off a veging plant.
Another thing that may be of use is to get your magnifier and check the amount of resin around the axils, and top and bottom of the leaves themselves taking note of any that are abundant with trichomes. Start doing this once they leave the seedling stage
As others have said once the plants have shown sex and are ready to flower stem rubs can become useful in Id'ing the smells that you are searching for and eliminating what you may be encountering in your plant.
Are the plant limits for number of plants flowering or in total?