How long to wait after topping before flowering?


Well-known member
Im running a scrog on one of my plants and I need to top each of the four main branches.
I have 4 branches running horizontal in an x shape after doing the manifold method.
How long should I wait after topping before I switch to flower?
I’ve read 10-14 days.
For 8 main flowers I would wait 14 days but for a scrog is it necessary?
Here a picture of the 4 plants I have tied down.
The ones on the right will likely react better.
The left ones may have been better topping once for the branches get closer together if topped too much.
Now the waiting game and hopefully the roots start peeking out the bottom of containers by flower.
Plants are getting bigger with each feeding but they were a bit root bound when transplanted.


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If you run indica dominant I would wait a bit and sativa dominant not.
It depends on how long they could potentially stretch imo
Like Swifty said, it's all a out the genetics. If it's indica dom let it fill out, otherwise with sativas you could flip earlier.

Btw, it looks like you're a bit of a ways off before that scrog fills. Or are you using it just for support?
It’s a bit of both for support and scrog.
A net always comes in handy.
I like keeping branches running horizontal so the flowers grow vertical away from the main branches.

I didn’t realize the coco coir I’m using has such a low WHC.
I’m using 5 gallons of 55% WHC coco mixed with what I usually use at 30% and my plant leaves sag after 10 from the last drenching.
The roots just couldn’t get enough moisture so I had to transfer every plant to a new container full of my usual coco coir.
They are looking better after 2 days so roots are growing.
I can see the difference between the sativa dominant which are great for a scrog and training.
The indica dominant are not reacting that great and I think they would do better if topped once so the secondary and other lowers reach the top.
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They are now in bloom.First night of 12/12.

Pictured below are the females clones I originally planned on flowering out that replaced the cuts with powdered mildew and root disease.
These are the way I prefer them when getting ready for bloom.Small,mature cuts, and ready to be trained in final bloom containers.
They were transplanted just a few days ago and are ready for topping and training but not 12/12 quite yet.
I will add them to the bloom room next week or so.

These other 3 clones I’m going to give a few more days and see how the lower branches come up.
The roots are coming out of the bottom of containers and they look healthy but they are still recovering from the topping and pruning off half the lower branches.


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I transplanted these about 10 days ago.
They are doing good but they need a bit more time getting roots established with bigger leaves.
Just a few more days should be enough.

Here’s the original 4.
I may not need the net except for the one sativa that had problems getting its roots established.It’s the last picture of the 4 shown.I pruned off a lot of the plant hoping it will be able to provide the nutrients what is left needs.

They are drinking more than I prefer but the extra time in veg after having to transplant a second time increased the root mass.
It’s the end of week 2,pre flowers are starting to show, and the lower branches have been pruned away.

I may do some light defoliation and lollipoping but after I move them to their final location water and feeding should be all that is required until harvest.

The mains are 2 nodes tall leaves are getting bigger but I think they need another day or two.

They are starting to take shape but the growth rate is super slow after topping and stripping off so many branches and leaves.

I was able to move the fans to the rear corners of the tent from in front of the cool air intakes at the front corners and temperature dropped from 88 F running lights at 75% down to 85 F running lights at 100%.
A week has passed since I cranked up the lights and no signs of light stress or burn.
I have tried other fan positions and added a few more but moving them to the rear corners opposite the cool air intakes has been the most effective.
Here they are at the end of week 3.
The other 3 that were manifold training are 3 days into bloom.
Still looking like they are in 18/6 and hopefully will start stretching soon.


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