How long to wait after topping before flowering?

Here’s some pics of some close up of a flower from each of the 3 of the 4 strains.
The one missing is okay but not as developed as these.
They are 2 days into week 5.
These are G13 Genius which is a cross of G13 hashplant (Nevil) with Princess Haze.
Looks like some variety so I’m looking forward to smoke testing.


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They will be starting week 6 tomorrow.
They are filling out nicely.
I hope to get just one keeper.
Its an easy strain to grow and it has very nice frosty looking flowers.


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Here they are about mid week 6.
With week 7 right around the corner I think it’s time to start reducing the nitrogen or drop the micro from the micro/bloom mixture.
The indica females look like they will be 8-9 week finishers and the more hazy female could be 9-10.
It’s my first time growing G13 hybrid and I’m impressed with all the trichomes.


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You are doing a fine job CBDcure.(y)
Already impressive looking flowers and plants are in great health.
Any special smells from this line?
Thanks for the compliments.

They recently started putting out enough aroma that I can detect a sweet floral smell when I walk into my house.
The indica fems have a sour milk smell and they all smell very sweet.
The mostly sativa dominant has a weaker sweet scent but mostly haze with a pine as the dominant aroma.
The aromas should start getting more intense as ripening approaches.
I suspect a few 8 week finishers but the haze may be a 10 week finisher.
It’s pistils are still fresh,white and long.
I dropped the nitrogen or the micro a few days after week 7 started.
They are getting Calmag,humic anc and bloom only.
The trichomes are getting cloudy on the indica and branches are leaning.
The haze dominate are still clear with some cloudy and producing lots of fresh pistils with none drying out or turning colors.
I gave it the bloom only nutrient mix but I may go back to micro/bloom until it starts swelling or producing cloudy
Here’s a few pictures.
Hard to see the difference between these and the last ones about a week ago.
Definitely swelling up and getting heavy.
So far I don’t see any negative effects from the bloom only feed regiment.
I did give some duplicate plants in 18/6 the 0/9 micro/bloom mixture and the leaves yellowed up at the bottom and midsection in 24 hours.
The last picture is the haze dominant and I’m not sure if pistils are retracting or if it’s going to need 3-4 more weeks to finish.
It does look like the flower leaves are getting shorter so it could be swelling.
Trichomes are clouding up on the haze dominate but I also see lots of fresh long thick white pistils.

The sativa has me stumped and it looks like it may need at least another two weeks before it starts ripening. It didn’t seem to like the micro being dropped so I am back to feeding it the 6/9 mixture now.
Im a bit stumped and need some feedback.
It looks like it still has a week or two before it starts the ripening process but I’ve been looking at the same plants for months now.

What are some opinions about how much longer the flowers shown in the picture below needs?
The sativa has me stumped and it looks like it may need at least another two weeks before it starts ripening. It didn’t seem to like the micro being dropped so I am back to feeding it the 6/9 mixture now.
Im a bit stumped and need some feedback.
It looks like it still has a week or two before it starts the ripening process but I’ve been looking at the same plants for months now.

What are some opinions about how much longer the flowers shown in the picture below needs?
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I’ll try to get some more pics up before week 7 ends tomorrow.
Im going by the trichome color on the haze dominate to decide when to drop the micro from the micro/bloom mix.
They were tiny puffs of smoke or cloudy swirls in clear bulbous heads just a few days ago.

When the trichomes start getting bigger clouds or start ripening I will drop the micro.

The indica females might be ready to harvest. They appear to be done swelling and if I see amber starting to increase I may end up harvesting them before the end of week 8.
These indica dominant are looking ready to harvest or very close. I wasn’t expecting them to be ready so soon but they are close to ready.
I’ll show the sativa in the next post in case these don’t load before my battery dies.It has a way to go compared to these.


First day of week 8.
I took a few pics without the leds on and used flash. I was hoping to get better coverage of the trichomes but it didn’t work as well as I hoped.
The first pic is the sativa dominant which looks like is starting to ripen.Just a few days ago it wasn’t coloring up but it is starting to swell and color.
Indica females are ready for harvest but I may flush until more yellowing.

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The dropping the micro took about 7-10 days to start yellowing up the leaves.
Im flushing for a few days and they are done.
The vent that allows the cool air to flow in to the room got shut off for 3-4 hours during light on and the heat jumped up to 89 F.
Those little new white crowns weren’t there before so there’s a bit of heat and light stress.
Two days before the chop and the cool air inlet gets shut.
I’ll be triple checking tonight.


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This is one of the cuttings I put in later. I kind of regret putting them in because I can’t crank down the temperature as these others ripen up but the cuts are a strawberry cough hybrid.
This is the haze and it’s starting to ripen up.Its not been getting any micro for about a week now.
This female may be the keeper.
The aroma is a strong citrus followed by a sweet base.
Im hoping this female or the other one in the previous post is the keeper but this one smells better than the rest.
Unfortunately the indica dominant females got hit with mold.
I’ve heard G13 Hashplant can be susceptible to mold and try to find a keeper that is mold resistant.

I have had mold before but only up to 10% of the total yeild.It’s always on the surface of the flowers where they stick to the side of the branches. I used to pry the flowers off that were clinging to the branches but I didn’t and it could have prevented a lot of mold.

There were other places the flowers got mold that I have never seen so it could be susceptible to mold.
I’ve got the worst flowers tossed out and the others I suspect with little wisps are separate.Then I have the no mold flowers in a brown paper bag drying.

The sativa is looking good and hopefully since the flowers aren’t as dense isn’t susceptible to mold.

I’ve heard that there are UV lights that detect mold.Anyone know anything about spotting mold on flowers and other places?

I’m bummed out about that I got a bad case of mold I got on the 2 out of 3 indica fems.
I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out if I made a mistake or if it could be genetics. I used a different room than I normally do and may have kept it too cold.

Pictures of the sativa.Colors are filled in and she’s not showing any signs of heat or light stress.Distance from the light is just how I like it.

I think she’s just about ready.
I dropped the nitrogen (micro) about 2-3 weeks ago and she’s been getting water only for about 7-10 days.
I use 50/50 well water with RO,enzymes and with Flora Kleen.
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