How long to wait after topping before flowering?

The sativa is hanging up and drying.So far she hasn’t gotten hit with mold like the others.
Two to three flowers had bud rot deep inside but they were removed and tossed outside for the pigs to eat.

Here’s a picture of the final 3 cuts I put in to fill up the room.
Nice small plants are easier to deal with come harvest time.
A few more weeks and they are ready.
Time to drop the nitrogen (micro).

I had a few G13/Haze males hanging around for a while and one of them went down with grey mould while everything around it was not suffering from it.
Inbred line probably not as resistant as plants with hybrid vigor I am guessing.
Especially when conditions are less than perfect, as was the case at my end.
Cold temps etc.
IMG_0424.jpegThese are still not quite ready but are still filling out and swelling.
They look done but the trichomes are still clear and no amber yet when I checked yesterday.
They are supposed to be 9-11 week and it’s week 8 just ended.