High fellas n friends of cannabis

from which history should who learn what in this case?
All of it. To the best of your ability.

There is the saying that history may not repeat itself but it rhymes a lot.

There is a lot going on right now, that is unprecedented. Then some... that really isn't.

Take crypto for an example, think of the motivations behind it. Then see if you can find anything in German talking about the silver standard, as per American History. It was a BIG deal for much of the 19th into the 20th C. Then the resolution, well... has left something to be desired. On the same token, I'm sure that an economist would argue for the economic boom born of moving to a credit based system. The thing is: a lot of people are still feeling left out of the game. So in some ways I would say that the silver based dollar and crypto have some common core motivations.

The part of history that comes to my mind, concerning American domestic "dialogs?" (one guy described the state of our agoras as a Giardia epidemic) is the example of the Attica prison revolt. The solution? Race gangs. No joke. Divide and conquer. Oldest trick in the book. I don't even know how intentional it is. Its more like a room full of conartists all giving each other the wink. They are on the same page but not. See: The Network.
Sorry guys i will join the conversation the next days again got some fucking suicidal mood the last day. hope u excuse me for some days.

You see me now, a veteran
Of a thousand psychic wars
My energy's spent at last
And my armor is destroyed
I have used up all my weapons
And I'm helpless and bereaved
Wounds are all I'm made of
Did I hear you say that this is victory?
Don't let these shakes go on
It's time we had a break from it
Send me to the rear
Where the tides of madness swell
And been sliding into Hell
Oh, please, don't let these shakes go on
Don't let these shakes go on
Don't let these shakes go on

Hope you may enjoy this set as well as the NPR one. Something very special and with a complete unique drive. Got me out of some dark Hours.

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I will... Tomorrow. Its 2 minutes til 4 am here.

Really just got back on. Because I saw that it was you who responded. I get the feeling that our "Venn Diagrams" overlap more than most. I know I'm just "guy on the internet," but I will be sad if you don't come back around. So don't stay gone too long. You will be missed.

Remember that old parable about "this too shall pass" and get some sunshine, if you can. We are like the plants in that. We have a common thread.
ill do. need to forbid myself to be to much at the pc just take long walks within nature is by far the best cure. but this fucking meds and changing dosage gets my neurochemistry fucked up every time. kind of sensible i guess.
maybe you know this track, helps me the most to tune this in while in nature. idk how to explain but it crawls and calmes at the same time. would be really intrested what u thin about. also in germany we have some saying.... weed never dissapears. kind of funny in english as well.
in german its sayed.... Unkraut vergeht nicht.... thats the quote of my life.

I know I'm just "guy on the internet,"
we are all brothers and sisters i dont care if i knew you or what else. some thing may divine us but at least there is always more that combines us. all beings on this surface challange the same quest of life.

Its hard to state how much i like that picture. (one truth many songs)

Just so its waiting on you when you get back

I had to use Google Translate, being a dumb American. My German teacher insisted my pronunciation was spot on. Only if I remembered any of it.... I speak enough Mexican dialect Spanish, and well enough, to make the other party disappointed when they realize how small my vocabulary is. Its enough to be polite and generally get the job done. I can't count how many conversations I've had, that were a mixture of both, on both ends.

Anyways, considering the context, I was frankly expecting it to be something a lot more nihilistic. So that is encouraging. lol...

Thanks for contextualizing your struggles. It makes me worry less. I know that I am talking to future you. Being that you aren't going to be online for a while. Which is smart and for some people, frankly more impossible than they'd probably like to admit. Only wanting to add, that sometimes its not you. Sometimes its that our current Zeitgeist just really fucking sucks. But what is more subversive than being a decent person in indecent times, by choice?

From the woods of Western Oregon

Also, I found the smart phone I sometimes use for pictures! So... until I lose it or get a better camera, I can post at least as good of pictures, and you don't have to feel like it is 2010! Thaseus, I struggle with technology addiction. Really can't game. It just hits a part of my brain, that I can't control. Zero real interest in the hard stuff, but Fallout.... Where did the months go? Hence, the shitty flip phone pics some days, and hence getting the tech detox.

Also, I kidnapped that one and one of her sisters for a breeding project. The woods are full of them. Its a tough landrace. Where better to start? My idea: An American Damasc, maybe call it "Pseudo-Damasc Americana." With the idea being breeding via subtraction. To arrive at a heterogeneous genepool, with certain selected characteristics. This one was like the Road Kill Skunk, of wild roses. I didn't even have to stop an sniff. I got the idea, leaving "my spot." Knowing that it would be the last time... I saw a really healthy specimen at the entrance and took most of her rosehips. I just wanted to be able to, once relocated, pay homage. Then I noticed some smell A LOT more than others. It got me thinking....

Hope this finds you as a more whole person, one step closer to Jung's "supersanity."

The music is perfect to work to. And because sometimes, ad free and on hand is nice too:
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Sorry for the long break guys i had an messy month behind me... hope you excuse that but i really had no time and mostly no pc around me. wanted to take a outtime in my hometown and with my family and the second day of my "holiday" my elder brother hat something like a cramp attack and his heart stopped beating for a short moment and it developed to a holiday in hospital to take care for him.

First i want to update my Chunkadelic review for you, hope you enjoy it as much as I can. Unbelievable Strain with such an heavy smell of fresh honeymelon on a warm summer day... never ever had an indica like that mostly without any smell of wood/pine/earth/hash just and only warm fruity smells. So first Pic is the last cutting of the plants followed by the first weeks of flower, the last defoliation in week 4 and the actual view in week 5-6 i guess. Cant say it exactly because i wasnt around when they started flowering.


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the last 3 pics are from yesterday, for 240w quite impressive buds for the first run with this setup only the amount of nutrients they need is unbelievable never had so hungry indicas


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Glad that you made it back at all.

Hope that your brother is feeling better as well.

It sounds like the Fates owe you at least a few months of easy street. I guess some good homegrown is a decent consolation prize.

Look forward to seeing you around.
Thanks worn,
sadly he lost some of his life quality because he became an subcutane defibrilator. Looks like my family has on the male part some gentic defect called Brugada Syndrome. Never heard of it before but looks like its not that rare. Maybe i have luck and dont have it but i have to make a gen test to be sure. At least we live in a time where such things are no big deal.

Your words in gods ear we say in germany. Hope i will ever reach that easy street you mentiont. But at least each rocky road we gone gives us some knowledge and isnt it all about that?

Nice to hear that you enjoyed the one truth many songs picture so much ;) maybe you enjoy the next ones as well. I really feel some lysergic acid deficancy the last days :) signal-2017-02-12-001420.jpgsignal-2018-01-23-132446.jpg
Thanks worn,
sadly he lost some of his life quality because he became an subcutane defibrilator. Looks like my family has on the male part some gentic defect called Brugada Syndrome. Never heard of it before but looks like its not that rare. Maybe i have luck and dont have it but i have to make a gen test to be sure. At least we live in a time where such things are no big deal.

Your words in gods ear we say in germany. Hope i will ever reach that easy street you mentiont. But at least each rocky road we gone gives us some knowledge and isnt it all about that?

Nice to hear that you enjoyed the one truth many songs picture so much ;) maybe you enjoy the next ones as well. I really feel some lysergic acid deficancy the last days :) View attachment 88833View attachment 88834
According to Wikipedia it is not uncommon at all to have the genetics for it but to be asymptomatic. I don't know the official diagnosis, but my step dad had to have his heart reset, due to similar issues. It was pretty scary but it has been well over a decade or so and he is ok. So whatever comes to pass, don't lose your positive motivated attitude. Like you said, there is beauty in living in this day and age from a medical science standpoint. I mean, I find heavy metal salts and leaches underwhelming anyways.

I could use a hard reset myself.
I could use a hard reset myself.
Yeah i know what you mean, i made a break since my daugther was in my ex wifes belly, 4 years ago.... and then you visit the people and the places where you used to trip and istantly feel the positive vibes surrounding area and people.
Then u realize how much u could benefit from those sessions over weeks and months. Sadly im 500km away from most of my people to be close to my child so there is not much potential for me to trip and i only really enjoying it with some close buddys and some nature around u where u feel comfortable.

So when you ever plan to visit Germany let me know the first reset goes on my bill ;)
Yeah i know what you mean, i made a break since my daugther was in my ex wifes belly, 4 years ago.... and then you visit the people and the places where you used to trip and istantly feel the positive vibes surrounding area and people.
Then u realize how much u could benefit from those sessions over weeks and months. Sadly im 500km away from most of my people to be close to my child so there is not much potential for me to trip and i only really enjoying it with some close buddys and some nature around u where u feel comfortable.

So when you ever plan to visit Germany let me know the first reset goes on my bill ;)
Time away is a good thing rather than just doing it 24/7. Its a tool, not a cheat sheet for life.

Congratulations on your daughter!!! (4 years late)

If I am ever in Germany. I will absolutely keep you in mind.

For further reading: https://www.shroomery.org/12259/Europe
Time away is a good thing rather than just doing it 24/7. Its a tool, not a cheat sheet for life.
ofc youre right, but for me personally it was the healhiest way to use it every 2-3 months and quite small doses compared to other. i dont know why but like my medication im also very sensibel to psychedelics. Around 250mics are the best way for me.

Yeah sadly i never ever had any luck finding some in germany. My father knew some spots around my hometown where they used to find dozens of them easily and at the same spot but they completley dissapeard because of agriculutral use around the area espacilly they dont like the cows and what leaves them and lays on the grass. We also tryed to make some own cyanescens because my brother saw someone in the us who even managed it to grew them outdoor in some kind of self made wooden splits and harvested unbelievable amounts of them.

But to be honest i prefer Acid over all other psychedlics. Shrooms are to short for my. I love it to drop befor dawn and take a walk thru the dark woods up to an hilltop where u can see the sunrise and still everything has his own magic even when the acid also cools down.

And secondly its some price thing as well. Acid used to be so cheap compared to everything around. We pay like 1 buck per 100mcg blotter. So even making own Shrooms what a friend of mine does quite professional for illegal Standard is quite more expensiv and even the product is.
There you have some advantage about us in the US or some states and Canada. But how is it handled to get busted while youre high on something in the US ? Is it really like in the movies/series where police can arrest you just for being high on something?

We in Germany have some different way to handle those drug things. Use is never prohibited. Possesion can be completley discharged when posses only small amounts for personal use, there is a wide mid range between wholesaler and personal use and we have somethin called "nicht geringe Menge" what means something like "no small amount" where the point starts that u are safe some drug dealer or have the intention to be. And even these amounts vary quite insane. Example... since legalisation of cannabis you can posses 50g cannabis flowers or hash at home or 25g when youre on the street. But highest german court says the illegal amount of thc starts at a border of 7,5g pure thc. If you posses more than that you could be convicted as dealer. Funny Example on the opposite... You can posses 28g of clean MDMA and first over that amount you could get charged as dealer. Just Insane how we legalised MJ...

Congratulations on your daughter!!! (4 years late)
Thanks a lot, shes my little beacon in the shadows and storm of this sometimes dark world. Nothing is more healing than seeing an innocent child playing having fun and use theyre imaginary. Unbelieveable what wonderful things we lose over the time and by getting older.
I guess thats the price society has compared to our natural tribal nature.

Like a smart man once said....

Most people die as copies,
while they are born as originals.