High fellas n friends of cannabis

That stem in the 1st one (picture) is certainly chunkadelic.
U already grew them once or knew/tryed it? First time for me and was mostly a joke to have some time testing the new setup while having autos and clones within the same chamber to make some proper LST. But now im quite intrested in this little indica lady bcuz she pretends to be my kind of variety
U already grew them once or knew/tryed it? First time for me and was mostly a joke to have some time testing the new setup while having autos and clones within the same chamber to make some proper LST. But now im quite intrested in this little indica lady bcuz she pretends to be my kind of variety
No... I was just saying "chunkadelic" is an apt description of that fat as fuck stem.
Yeah it is. My actual provider for Clones has it in is shop.

Sleepy Joe​

  • feminized seeds
  • Genetics: 80% Indica / 20% Sativa
  • Obama Kush x Nova OG
  • Yield: 600g/m² • 700-1000 g/plant
  • Flowering time: 8 to 9 weeks
  • Harvest Outdoors: end of september
  • suitable for indoors and outdoors
  • Height: 110-130 cm • 180-230 cm
  • THC: 34%
  • Aromas / flavors: strawberry, lemon
Hope thats ok for the forum to post it here :/
For me, everything in hand, synthetic might just be easier. There are is super high yielding total synthesis, but one that looks viable and potentially one that can be optimized. I little microwave energy and ultrasound, for an example can do wondrous things. Then one of my favorite publications is The RSC's (Royal Society of Chemistry) Green Chemistry journal. Its like an old lady with knitting patterns. The trouble is, being unmedicated with ADHD at moment and a mountain of shit on my plate, and being that everything is basically a lot of steps to get lost in. Then the ASD part of my brain, especially in chronic crisis mode, just sees all of the details at once and sort of freezes. So its a future project
Anyways, the muscarine content worries me, in terms of daily use too. There is a research article. Where a guy uses a special chromatography column set up to purify it via filtration and the different solubilities of different substances in different solvents, and the differing speeds, at which they travel through any specific media.
We made it via Decarboxylation, in a pressure cooker and citric acid (lemon acid) 1g per 100ml Water. What i heard is that you also can use the sun for that but wont get the same rate of decarboxylation.
So you should turn the Muscarine into muscimol.

Arent there gums around in the US with muscimol in it anyway? For safer use?
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Yeah it is. My actual provider for Clones has it in is shop.

Sleepy Joe​

  • feminized seeds
  • Genetics: 80% Indica / 20% Sativa
  • Obama Kush x Nova OG
  • Yield: 600g/m² • 700-1000 g/plant
  • Flowering time: 8 to 9 weeks
  • Harvest Outdoors: end of september
  • suitable for indoors and outdoors
  • Height: 110-130 cm • 180-230 cm
  • THC: 34%
  • Aromas / flavors: strawberry, lemon
Hope thats ok for the forum to post it here :/

"Obama Kush," I'm dying! 🤣 Thanks for sharing that. I've never heard of those genetics over here. I kind of doubt they're in the American dispo yet, at least under those given names; but 34% THC indica is sure to deliver a knock-out effect. I don't think posting that data here is a problem; at least not for me, personally. Cheers!!
I knew that name gets me too everytime and reminds me for harold and kumar 2 scene when they sit there with Georg Bush to smoke some Alabama Kush.
As far as i knew the Breeder is Anesia Seeds and sits in Spain so for sure they send to the US seeds at least.
Do you mean Muscarine or Muscimol?

Muscarine was originally discovered (1869) in the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) as the first mushroom poison and was named after it and is the cause of its poisonous/intoxicating effect. According to later findings, however, it only occurs in trace amounts (2-3 mg/kg); the substances ibotenic acid and muscimol (around 500 mg/kg) are the cause of the effect of the fly agaric. It occurs in large quantities in various funnels and crack mushrooms (crack mushrooms contain up to 200 times the amount of muscarin of a fly agaric) and is the cause of their toxic effects.

What the german wiki says about Muscarine. I only knew to be aware of ibotenic acid (idk if thats right translated) and Muscimol.

I never heard of someone grew those shrooms but i already saw some different mykorhizza shrooms grown indoor with an small tree in a bucket. I take a look the next days and send it to you. Also i knew from Truffels that they are sold with small trees already infected with truffel spores in the ground so why should it not work if you really try?
So ibotenic acid and muscimol are related compounds compounds. One converts to the other ad visa versa. They kind of mirror glutimate and GABA in our CNS. Muscarine is a separate compound. It's actual contribution to the desired pharmacology is contestable though and at least one of the toxic Amanita, is not chocked full of amatoxins. It is just that potent of a source of muscarine. That species freely associates with and maybe hybridizes with North American A.pantherina's. Which is why I wouldn't pick them in the Olympia area, despite being more potent and plentiful. The advice I was given (and take it with a grain of salt) is to observe the patch in question for 2 years to be certain that both aren't present.

So in most medicinal plants/mushrooms, the crude form is best. There are outliers though. I just wonder if with long term use, the small amounts of muscarine might add up. The thermal regulation issues, the drooling and other somatic effects, sometimes associated with full on A.muscaria intoxication, are actually a result of musrarine, not the primary active component, muscimol. There are similar compounds, that occur in trace amounts and frankly the pharmacology of this one is poorly understood. I saw an article in The Journal of Psychiatric Pharmacology, or some such thing. Where they showed that the muscimol itself is virtually nontoxic, and they had to inject the ibotenic acid directly into the rodent's brain to induce any sort of damage. Yet find the A.muscaria entry in any id guide and it will list them as toxic. Then many sources confuse what the actives are at all. We do have muscarine receptors in our brains. The idea for the belladonna as a prophylactic I got from the ethnobotanist Jonathan Ott. I give it my thumbs up, but for daily use, maybe purified muscimol is better.

That NPR set is straight fire. Thank you so much for posting it.

As per the growing experiment, how you describe it, is how I'd try it. I just don't know 100% that it works so am giving the most conservative answer.
So ibotenic acid and muscimol are related compounds compounds. One converts to the other ad visa versa. They kind of mirror glutimate and GABA in our CNS. Muscarine is a separate compound. It's actual contribution to the desired pharmacology is contestable though and at least one of the toxic Amanita, is not chocked full of amatoxins. It is just that potent of a source of muscarine. That species freely associates with and maybe hybridizes with North American A.pantherina's. Which is why I wouldn't pick them in the Olympia area, despite being more potent and plentiful. The advice I was given (and take it with a grain of salt) is to observe the patch in question for 2 years to be certain that both aren't present.

So in most medicinal plants/mushrooms, the crude form is best. There are outliers though. I just wonder if with long term use, the small amounts of muscarine might add up. The thermal regulation issues, the drooling and other somatic effects, sometimes associated with full on A.muscaria intoxication, are actually a result of musrarine, not the primary active component, muscimol. There are similar compounds, that occur in trace amounts and frankly the pharmacology of this one is poorly understood. I saw an article in The Journal of Psychiatric Pharmacology, or some such thing. Where they showed that the muscimol itself is virtually nontoxic, and they had to inject the ibotenic acid directly into the rodent's brain to induce any sort of damage. Yet find the A.muscaria entry in any id guide and it will list them as toxic. Then many sources confuse what the actives are at all. We do have muscarine receptors in our brains. The idea for the belladonna as a prophylactic I got from the ethnobotanist Jonathan Ott. I give it my thumbs up, but for daily use, maybe purified muscimol is better.
ill try to get u the original article and instruction manual i had and will post it for you the next days. guess i also have some pics of the process or final product anywhere. guess in my actual mindset i make to much mistakes because translation, daytime and some new medication against my fear disorder that gives me the rest.
I knew that name gets me too everytime and reminds me for harold and kumar 2 scene when they sit there with Georg Bush to smoke some Alabama Kush.
As far as i knew the Breeder is Anesia Seeds and sits in Spain so for sure they send to the US seeds at least.

I'll keep my eye open for it now. Strain names are funny in the sense that they can make or break it, in terms of commercial appeal. For example, the Freak Show strain was renamed for the Canadian market, because it didn't seem to move that well, under its original tag. As a kid who went to a fair number of carnivals, I always looked forward to the Freak Show. Well, at some point, the "social" head-shrinkers thought it was socially unhealthy, so the Freak Show was phased out. So, that legacy still riddles the Canadian consciousness.
Well, at some point, the "social" head-shrinkers thought it was socially unhealthy, so the Freak Show was phased out. So, that legacy still riddles the Canadian consciousness.
Wasnt the name meant to be an hommage to harold and kumars character freakshow as well the f1 hybrid of it is called supafreak after the rick james song or did i get that totally wrong ?

So youre from Canada? Damn birthplace of RUSH. My second favorite Band of all times and for sure on the list for holiday since you legalized shrooms ;)
ill try to get u the original article and instruction manual i had and will post it for you the next days. guess i also have some pics of the process or final product anywhere. guess in my actual mindset i make to much mistakes because translation, daytime and some new medication against my fear disorder that gives me the rest.
A year ago, i could barely go out to the grocery store. Just too much. Especially after they started blaring bad pop music.

I think that what is impressive about lifeforms vs machines. It that just enough stress, gradually over time, makes us stronger. Machines just break. If I never challenged my comfort zone. I'd still be in the same spot or worse.

My country's healthcare system is terrible and I live in the 49th worst state for mental healthcare. So I had to get resourceful too. All I mean to say is that I feel you and hope that over time, things get better to the point. That some of right now (in terms of the bad stuff) just becomes a memory.
Wait ? Is that something that really exists in continental America? thought that would be more historic and only shows up as reference in pop culture and comics. Never saw something like that in my country.

Yes, it was an actual thing, and quite popular too. So, the fact that you have never seen one tells us how long ago it was phased out. Some time in the late 1980s, or early '90s, due to the evolving PC (i.e. political correctness) "culture".
We made it via Decarboxylation, in a pressure cooker and citric acid (lemon acid) 1g per 100ml Water. What i heard is that you also can use the sun for that but wont get the same rate of decarboxylation.
So you should turn the Muscarine into muscimol.

Arent there gums around in the US with muscimol in it anyway? For safer use?
No, ibotenic acid turns into muscimol. Muscarine is a completely seperate compound.

The best results I have seen (decarb), used a steady stream of nitrogen gas, to exploit Le Chatelier's principle, via removing CO2, without have O2 present, to oxidize anything. They were using a vacuum oven, I believe.

In terms of herb, I honestly just grind it with the rest of my spices and cook with it al la Laos/India.

Did you ever see a print article talking about how "PC" once meant being too fundamentally overzealous and was a reminder to chillax? Its funny how people readily accept a symbol; for the substance.

What I mean is that it is like BLM. That was one thing. It isn't the entirety of "sentiments towards improving the lives of Black Americans." Yet often, in the moment, such things are treated as such.

There is a difference between sentiment and strategy too. I heard an interview with I "think" it was Angela Davis, a female heavy hitter from The Black Panthers. Anyways, they asked her what she thought of BLM. Her response was "Tell me what BLM stands for and I will tell you what I think about BLM." Say what you will about The Panthers, but they at least had a plan.
1) We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community.
2) We want full employment for our people.
3) We want an end to the robbery by the Capitalists of our Black Community.
4) We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings.
5) We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in present-day society.
6) We want all Black men to be exempt from military service.
7) We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black people.
8) We want freedom for all Black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails.
9) We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.
10) We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.

How many of those BLM t-shirts were made using slave labor cotton, from Xinjiang, China? Nike can't tell you. They said as much to Congress.

All I am saying is that people on both sides seem to be turning into angry sheep, that mostly just know that they don't like/hate each other. I prefer to find reasons to agree rather than disagree. I like to be pragmatic, but if the corporate talking heads want us to be this suspicious of each other. I can't help but to think that it is because there are more of us than there are of them. That if we had a common narrative. We would have power. That just can't be allowed. Define yourself by your purchases not your actions, right?
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Yes, it was an actual thing, and quite popular too. So, the fact that you have never seen one tells us how long ago it was phased out. Some time in the late 1980s, or early '90s, due to the evolving PC (i.e. political correctness) "culture".
Im from germany i guess its quite long ago we had something similiar^^