High fellas n friends of cannabis


Active member
Good day to everyone out here!
Im from Germany and work with plants the last 16 years espacilly cannabis. I learn how to grow from my Father, he was a great Fan of those Genetics invented by SB and Nevil espacilly the early ones, because we from the southern part of Germany so we have some trouble with late Harvest times.
So i learnd early how to cross, stabilize and work with difficult weather conditions. Also i never used any bottled fertilizer, what today is hyped as fuck and sold for prices far beyoned reality we did every autmn together after harvest. Bring out all leftover plant material with a mix of compost, blood flour, bone sprinkels, feather flour, plant ash and a lot of different thing from various sources.
So biological and eco friendly growing is the only way for me and the quality ist outstanding against every kind of medium/fertilizer i seen in my lifetime (subjectiv view ofc)

After that i began to grow Indoor and reach my fingers out for the hunt of Strains, breeders and phenos. I worked a lot with femi. seeds and after that we mostly got very good clones from Austria and i tryed at least over 80+ strains i guess.
BUT... maybe its only my opinion or i getting older and this changes my POV, i have to say a lot of the modern super hybrid strains arent that good (except yield and terpens) as they pretend to be.
How i mean this? My POV is free time user that sometimes benefits from medical use of some strains. But as i see the younger generation isnt aware how the old strains feel in comparsion to these new THC monsters that mostly are grown indoor. And please dont get me wrong, there is a use for those heavy strains, but should be mostly used as medicine not as free time weed.
So i guess im heading way back to my roots and want to cross and find some old school phenos that fit my climate and my wishes for some weaker more medical weed and not that 30%+ THC level hybrid monster.

Thats why i bought close to 100 seeds from MNS, to go for an oldschool pheno hunt and try to cross with some other breeder i personally can highly recommend (Humboldt Seed Company), to try out if i can get some old school strength hybrids that may include some of the new school terpenes profile without getting over 20% THC.
And now my country legalized MJ mostly and if there is a clear position about selling cuttings as an private company, that will be the next step for sure.

So thats a long text for saying hello so sorry for that^^
Maybe i can award the long for reading with some pics of my first indoor and actual plant.

Hope u all doing and growing well.
first 2 pics are LSD from Barney Farm, my alltime favorite of all indica genetics ive tryed so far it is the best for free time and medical use for me as i need something to fall asleep faster. The last is my actual Funkadelic from Humboldt Seed Company.


Thanks a lot for the warm welcome!

Sure mu and swiftey.

Shark Shock × 1
Spice × 1
NL5 x Skunk × 1
NL5 x Afghan × 1
Critical Mass × 1
Critical Skunk × 1

thats my first basket.

Plan 1: I heard so much good about these NL5xAfg genetics that i first will try to find some good male and female and make a stable F1 from NLxAfg.
Plan 2: same for Critical Skunk, met some US based growers on the spannabis they where sure some well selected pheno of these strain can easy hold up to modern genetics around as cuttings in US. Get some stable F1 as first.

Guess thats nothing Special so far for you lads. When the god of herbs is on my side the next step will get more intresting and i may need some advice from NL or ES based members.

I got some close Friends from Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. So the plan is to collect some real landraces this year and import them to europe to use them espacilly crossing.
So my first question to all members from NL and ES is, can you legal send seeds from outside the EU in your country? Germany as some retarded special only allows seed from the EU.

My goal is to find some real and clean landraces, first to help my own crosses to get more restistant against weather, mold etc. Second goal is to work more on the genetic variety of the Strains around to help getting more resistance against those Problems u find more and more in great growing facilitys as well as breeders and in the cutting scene like Hplvd, HMV, HMS and more.

BUT... Afghanistan my main goal for hunt for landraces will also become the hardest nut to crack then my friend from Mazar gave me the smart adivce to get any permission by the local Taliban Goverment to collect those seed for shipping to europe rather than to do anything with em in afghanistan. So maybe anyone visited the country last years and can give me some adivce? Most people i talked to meant thats not a great Problem to be around with some hash or seeds but i wont risk any problems with those taliban guys at any checkpoint or airport.

Plan 3: maybe now its getting intresting. i will try to first cross some of those different landraces with one outstanding and extremly fast/early flowering male i got from my regular Pineapple Upside Down Cake from Humboldt Seed Company.

So i hope that end of the year may early next year these steps will be done and we can see what nuts came out. Then the first real outdoor pheno hunt could start ´26.

im happy about any hints and wise words, also about some feedback if u think the cannabis community could benefit from it. Also intrested what u think about crossing plans. landraces crossed with the more complexe background may boost viral resistance or weaken it?

to musashi, humboldt seed company is always the us based company, the Humboldt Seed Organisation only uses humboldt strains crossed with genetic from other breeders (how i understand it/no guarantee) also Organisation often Drops some unreleased Genetic where u sometimes find some treasures especilly for the pheno hunter and people who know that some strains need there time to cure. I can say for my POV most of them have to high thc level for usual use but its the only breeder i growed so far that give the exact amount and profile of terpenes for their strains. And i dont want make any other breeder bad with this quote, but it gets more weight when u look closer on the medical view and the so called Entourage Effect that shows that the terpene Profile with other cannabinoids together combined can give other/boosted/lowered effects.

thanks for taking the time to read,

Send some good vibes to you all where ever on our blue ball you may scroll!
and for those who are intrested how all this plans got inspired can read this interesting article:

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That's a fantastic picture. I was about to say that I've only ever grown out Blue Moon Rocks. Because I saw "LSD" and thought B.O.G.'s. That looks more interesting than that version. What do you like about it so much?

I have sleeping issues too, big time. The one, I am hoping to help (seeds on the way) is the NL5 x Afghani. I know that a lot of people swear by Ortega and Medicine Man too. If you are looking for more complex phytochemistry, Nordle is worth a look too. Just one insomniac to another, sharing their research. Hope to see you around.

-from the linked article
"Troublingly, however, according to Genesys, of some 1400 Cannabis accessions in global genebanks, as few as five could be from subsp. indica. Hopefully, this worryingly low number may be partly explainable by genebanks not applying this taxon to their material rather than a lack of material per se."

That is more optimism, than I am willing to extend.
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@Worn Down Soul Thanks a lot. It is indeed something special no seed grown Motherplant, its some clone from austria, well selected and the fast stretched short flowering sativa pheno with THE PSYCHEDELIC high.
Why i like it so much. First i dont smoke Sativas at all. There are some few exceptions like Mandala #1, one of the best medical strains (for my PTSD/social fear) ever for an fast flowering sativa that needs to finish end Sept. Same for Amnesia Core Cut something very special in my Area of origin, one reason more i came to MNS, to finally get the Original SSH we in my region know as ACC. So far i dont have an medical use for ACC just the bangig shit i cant even talk a while after bcuz sativa confuses/dazez me like a brick on the head.

So back to your question: How you can benefit from Barneys LSD? For me its first of alle helps to get our body calmed relaxed and a bit stunned. I have no heavy Pain or cramps or shit like that only some limp one sided that effects my half/whole body therefore its quite good to relax, so far i can say it wont work against strong pain (POV), it wont let you fall asleep immedialty but for me it shortens the time at least about n half hour. AND its such a psychedlic resting sometimes it really honors its name and u feel like u took some microdose. Some of the daily blockades are washed away and u get some different POV while your body and mind will drift away to some pleasent feeling unconscious. Guess thats it. Some special hitting on 2 different layers body and mind that may need a short time after consuming but then melt together to an calming and relaxing sedativ for body and mind.

But i guess i need something that bring together these effects to have some sleep inducing strain. How about you? Is your Problem body or Mind based or both?

What do you think aber MNS Big Bud/Critical Mass ? Should also be some great canidate for sleeping issues. We also had some around of these but i cant say from which breeder it was. But it was some damn spicy strain, somethin like pepper and an indian curry dish.
Also was a good helper for sleep. And hows about Sleepy Joe? Heard a lot good about it. Where are u based when the question is ok? Still got the same clone saved over the years. Never ever got rid of her.

I also got some NL5xAfgh on the way atm. Hows about makeing a thread and we both provide some information about how each Pheno we got out of it works for sleep issues. Would be fun. And also some friend and me think about getting the MYDX tester for providing at least some Information about terpens to see how each terpen may benefit or weaken the medical range of each pheno.

Second hint i can give u get some close friends from Afghanistan, they provide some good sleeping stuff (pic 1 afghan sleeping pills)

Sorry i dont get that buddy can u explain maybe ? (and thought B.O.G.'s)

And one question in General, hows about trading within this forum ? Is it okay to talk about swifting clones or seeds ? Or u dont like it at all?


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@Worn Down Soul Thanks a lot. It is indeed something special no seed grown Motherplant, its some clone from austria, well selected and the fast stretched short flowering sativa pheno with THE PSYCHEDELIC high.
Why i like it so much. First i dont smoke Sativas at all. There are some few exceptions like Mandala #1, one of the best medical strains (for my PTSD/social fear) ever for an fast flowering sativa that needs to finish end Sept. Same for Amnesia Core Cut something very special in my Area of origin, one reason more i came to MNS, to finally get the Original SSH we in my region know as ACC. So far i dont have an medical use for ACC just the bangig shit i cant even talk a while after bcuz sativa confuses/dazez me like a brick on the head.

So back to your question: How you can benefit from Barneys LSD? For me its first of alle helps to get our body calmed relaxed and a bit stunned. I have no heavy Pain or cramps or shit like that only some limp one sided that effects my half/whole body therefore its quite good to relax, so far i can say it wont work against strong pain (POV), it wont let you fall asleep immedialty but for me it shortens the time at least about n half hour. AND its such a psychedlic resting sometimes it really honors its name and u feel like u took some microdose. Some of the daily blockades are washed away and u get some different POV while your body and mind will drift away to some pleasent feeling unconscious. Guess thats it. Some special hitting on 2 different layers body and mind that may need a short time after consuming but then melt together to an calming and relaxing sedativ for body and mind.

But i guess i need something that bring together these effects to have some sleep inducing strain. How about you? Is your Problem body or Mind based or both?

What do you think aber MNS Big Bud/Critical Mass ? Should also be some great canidate for sleeping issues. We also had some around of these but i cant say from which breeder it was. But it was some damn spicy strain, somethin like pepper and an indian curry dish.
Also was a good helper for sleep. And hows about Sleepy Joe? Heard a lot good about it. Where are u based when the question is ok? Still got the same clone saved over the years. Never ever got rid of her.

I also got some NL5xAfgh on the way atm. Hows about makeing a thread and we both provide some information about how each Pheno we got out of it works for sleep issues. Would be fun. And also some friend and me think about getting the MYDX tester for providing at least some Information about terpens to see how each terpen may benefit or weaken the medical range of each pheno.

Second hint i can give u get some close friends from Afghanistan, they provide some good sleeping stuff ;)

Sorry i dont get that buddy can u explain maybe ? (and thought B.O.G.'s)
My issues pertain to PTSD and autism. At 1st it is just a circadian rhythm disorder. After a while, it has metastasized into a circadian rhythm issue AND an uncoupling of the cortisol cycle. So lately, its really like I have to anestsize myself to sleep at all. Putting it in terms of pharmaceuticals, temazepam barely does the trick. It would take a lot of alprazolam or mixing it with diphenylhydramine. Ambien works, but I never took it long term. The rest, like Seroquel, don't work at all and just make me feel worse the next day.

Honestly, my experiences with Critical Mass have been within the realm of it being hybridized to Medicine Man. It yields like a mother fucker and anything you cross it to does too. It is surprisingly versatile in crosses. Given enough flower time, I think that it could do the trick, but there are more practiced devotees, that I would ask about that. The pain you are talking about, to me screams Nordle or Medicine Man. The latter in particular, I have experience with, and it is like magic for back, muscle pain. The cut I liked, needed a long flower time, really going for at least 50% amber, to be ideal to my tastes though.

I love sativa smoke but... It has to be the right stuff. I think that there is a lot of diversity to both ends. Some sativas are warm, some make you tense and paranoid. Some are clear headed, like a cup of strong tea, almost, and others are serious head trip domain.

One of the packs I just picked up, but have yet to grow. I think you might find interesting too, based on what you said about the LSD cut, which is Devil.

The reason I wanted the NL5 x Afghani is because people talked about smoking it and passing the fuck out, post haste... with the lights on. My sleep cycle is currently all but uncontrollable. So something that can make me fall asleep whenever.... perfect. The thing is, I also have issues with depth of sleep and early awakenings. So I need it to be as strong, in those regards, as is humanly possible.

I remember this outdoor, my dad gave me, once upon a time, that would do that. I don't care what time of day it was... nap. I think that a lot of that has been bred out. Some stuff, no matter how long you flower it. Just doesn't get sleepy. Its as though, what I need is Canna-barbital not the Cannabis version of melatonin.

The other thing about the Critical Mass, in a cross, it makes the flavor of what you cross it to pop. It is fantastic for anything, that also has skunk in it. Some really interesting profiles. One cross I did, was to Big Buddha's UK Cheese. There was one pheno, that just came out pungent as all get out, but earthy, skunk. The pheno, that reflected the actual Cheese aromatic profile, by comparison was just ok. The really profound thing, was how potent of an anxiolytic it was. I have found that I respond well to humalene. I'm wondering if that played a part. People always go on about CBD. On it's own.. it doesn't do all that much for me, unless I use A LOT. Generally, I feel like if you are using the right stuff for the job, a lighter touch should be needed.

On that, Shanti has done a number of crosses with the Nordle, all with pretty epic flavor profiles. So it would be interesting in that regard too. The thing, I think you might be impressed with that one is: he has kept the phytochemical profile to be that of an actual hash making cultivar... which is what it was supposed to be... but in this case, its not just a sales pitch.

Look at the analysis of different samples, that people have posted. The range is just like what you would see with say,,, RSC's Balkhi... and it was preserved from Pre-Soviet invasion Afghani parentage. If I had it. I would grow multiple different plants, lightly seed them, ripen them heavily... and then sift it all together. Just seems like the best use for it, but a lot of people seem to love it for flower too.

In terms of the PTSD, look into THCv in general. It seems to downgrade the chronic neural fight or flight activation. I don't know how to describe it. Except to say that certain sativas, when given a proper cure (think secondary compounds like CBN contributing to overall pharmacology) that it is like scratching an itch inside my head correctly. Not everything hits that spot. Which is why I grow and started making my own crosses. Plus, I'm just the type of guy, that when I find something I like. My reaction isn't: where can I get more of this. Its: how can I do that? Like I find some new to me spice that just really tickles my fancy. You probably couldn't count to 10 before I am looking up it's frost tolerance and the climate of where it is from. My point is: not all sativas are created equally. Maybe look at some of The Cure grows or Mango Haze. I haven't sampled either personally, and am just reporting consensus. But. in terms of consensus, Mango Haze is Shanti's favorite, in so far as I can tell. So, big endorsement, ya know. Every smoke report seems to report a warm, uplifted peaceful easy feeling though.

So maybe don't rule them all out. You know yourself better than me, but if someone says they don't like mushrooms or fish. I'm generally able to cook them something, to change their minds. Like a portobello cap, with the gills scooped, marinated for most of the day/overnight in a homemade balsamic vinaigrette, using the best vinegar possible. Then stuff it with a mixture of goat cheese and roasted red peppers, minced. Broil til slightly golden. Never had a complaint but quite a few "Normally I hate mushrooms but." Just saying, it is often a sub par stereotype, that the person can't stand. If I had only had Kraft singles, I'd probably hate cheese.
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@Worn Down Soul

What i can say more than..... BULLSEYE :) Im exactly that person u described ^^ i dont eat fish or mushrooms at all. But the funny thing is i like to go fishing and collecting shrooms every year and try a lot of different ones even if i dont like the mushroom taste at all. But like my sativa issue there a some shrooms i can eat and enjoy when they made in a proper way. And its also that funny bcuz i collect fly agaric shrooms to make my own sleeping medicine as well. Last years collection of fly agaric and eatable shrooms ;)



For sure i wont rule all Sativas out. Like i said a also got some ACC/SSH around as mother just for the case i need a brick in my face ;) Yeah Nordle and Shit are also on the List for making own Seeds/Strains. Heard so much good about them from all sides.

Also thank you very much for sharing your Problems with us. Sounds hard to bear, so stay strong. As you described your Problem i really would give sleepy joe a try.

And damn your recipie sounds delicous, how about u cook a meal for us and ill provide you with some lsd clone for that ;)
I think that muscimol has enormous potential for people, on The Spectrum (like me.)

I love it here. It's like a gravity well of heady mother fuckers. Its good to finally find the hillside, with the other dancing bees.

My dog is "patiently" waiting for her final walk. Look forward to seeing you all again soon,

It really has so much potential. How did you get in Contact with muscimol ? did you made it by yourself as well? from natural source?

Nice track, maybe this one may help u at some dark days ;)

“If I knew the way, I would take you home.”

Also in this Set lays some potential to get out of some bad vibes. Hope you can enjoy.
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It really has so much potential. How did you get in Contact with muscimol ? did you made it by yourself as well? from natural source?

Nice track, maybe this one may help u at some dark days ;)

“If I knew the way, I would take you home.”

My 1st multipitch rock climbing experience was https://www.summitpost.org/big-cottonwood-canyon/154148
During the third pitch, To calm my nerves, I sang Ripple to myself, during the third pitch,

Not to split hairs, but you did forget the other half...

Something about the vibe of this one is similar and hits a similar place in my heart

I find
profoundly comforting too.

Then when I need to steel my resolve, there is always Dead Prez.

On the 1st part of your question, look for an edit tomorrow. I will update the post, but sleeping meds are starting to make lucidity more challenging. So To be continued.
Thanks for sharing that. American Beauty is my favorite Album of all times. Sadly most of my generation dont even knew who the deads are....
im 31 and sometimes it feels like this kind of music dissappears more and more....

And for me its often the same, when my PTSD hits in public, singing ripple is calming my nerves. Aswell as Sugar Magnolia often is the cure for a sick heart at the end of a bad day.
Thanks for sharing that. American Beauty is my favorite Album of all times. Sadly most of my generation dont even knew who the deads are....
im 31 and sometimes it feels like this kind of music dissappears more and more....

And for me its often the same, when my PTSD hits in public, singing ripple is calming my nerves. Aswell as Sugar Magnolia often is the cure for a sick heart at the end of a bad day.
Everything good was on it's way out when I was coming up too. We aren't so far apart.

As per your question: I am exploring the best way to accomplish the synthetic route. I want predictability, in terms of effects, and a steady supply (seasonal, mycorrhizal, and therefore impossible to cultivate.... though... I wonder if a tree planted near a patch, then transplanted at some point, might be able to challenge that.

Anyways, the muscarine content worries me, in terms of daily use too. There is a research article. Where a guy uses a special chromatography column set up to purify it via filtration and the different solubilities of different substances in different solvents, and the differing speeds, at which they travel through any specific media.

For me, everything in hand, synthetic might just be easier. There are is super high yielding total synthesis, but one that looks viable and potentially one that can be optimized. I little microwave energy and ultrasound, for an example can do wondrous things. Then one of my favorite publications is The RSC's (Royal Society of Chemistry) Green Chemistry journal. Its like an old lady with knitting patterns. The trouble is, being unmedicated with ADHD at moment and a mountain of shit on my plate, and being that everything is basically a lot of steps to get lost in. Then the ASD part of my brain, especially in chronic crisis mode, just sees all of the details at once and sort of freezes. So its a future project.

Looking at how the brain gets desynchronized in many autistic adults and what the rabbit EEG's show, coupled with the fact that we have a lower than normal amount of GABA receptor sites. It seems like a viable alternative to benzos. Clonazepam, in low doses, can be a godsend for us though. Anybody out there that can use that.... Primary research to back it up.... When I tried using fruit bodies, my problem was in standardizing dose. Also though, concern about cumulative liver toxicity with the muscarine. Run fact, a tiny and I mean tiny, amount of belladonna would contain enough atropine from it being absorbed in the 1st place. It is the antidote to muscarine poisoning. The thing is, daily use of anticholinergics have been found to have a cumulative exposure hazard for dementia in the elderly. Circling back around, hence my interest in synthetic. If you have enough wild specimens at hand (I did in Olympia or Eugene, but am in the worst microclimate for anything fungal and useful. Its just too cold, then too cold and wet maybe? Interrupted highlands. Its interesting. I went to get horse manure one day, after a week of heavy rain. The guys ground was almost bone dry. Just a different enough microclimate, not 20 min drive away)
Also made some new Pics from my actual Chunkadelic Auto from Humboldt. Quite Fantastic Indica Plant with incredible growth and smell befor flower. Also wonderful dark great Leaves. But see yourself. Seed popped on 02. May. Actual in my little box that i call the HULK.
Got a new Lamp this run, in the Hulk are 1 LED per squarecentimeter,Samsung L301H&B mixes with IR,FR,UV. Will get some pics of the whole Setup for you the next days. Hope you are intrested even if its no MNS strain.


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Also made some new Pics from my actual Chunkadelic Auto from Humboldt. Quite Fantastic Indica Plant with incredible growth and smell befor flower. Also wonderful dark great Leaves. But see yourself. Seed popped on 02. May. Actual in my little box that i call the HULK.
Got a new Lamp this run, in the Hulk are 1 LED per squarecentimeter,Samsung L301H&B mixes with IR,FR,UV. Will get some pics of the whole Setup for you the next days. Hope you are intrested even if its no MNS strain.
That stem in the 1st one (picture) is certainly chunkadelic.
Do you mean Muscarine or Muscimol?

Muscarine was originally discovered (1869) in the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) as the first mushroom poison and was named after it and is the cause of its poisonous/intoxicating effect. According to later findings, however, it only occurs in trace amounts (2-3 mg/kg); the substances ibotenic acid and muscimol (around 500 mg/kg) are the cause of the effect of the fly agaric. It occurs in large quantities in various funnels and crack mushrooms (crack mushrooms contain up to 200 times the amount of muscarin of a fly agaric) and is the cause of their toxic effects.

What the german wiki says about Muscarine. I only knew to be aware of ibotenic acid (idk if thats right translated) and Muscimol.

I never heard of someone grew those shrooms but i already saw some different mykorhizza shrooms grown indoor with an small tree in a bucket. I take a look the next days and send it to you. Also i knew from Truffels that they are sold with small trees already infected with truffel spores in the ground so why should it not work if you really try?