I think Ive found an answer.
AA guy on another frum, who is a grower in California, and also owns a golf course, says he sent photos to his fertilizer supplier, and have confirmed this is a Virus that is a Cousin to Tobacco Mosiac Virus. Its spread by leaf hoppers, and other sucking insects.
He says the cure is Daconil Fungicide. Daconil will kill, or stop 75 different plant maladies. He showed before, and after treatment with Daconil, and the purple is totally 100% gone, and it looks like the plant was never purple. He says it takes 2 weeks for Daconil to eradicate the purple. Daconil is effective for 14 days, and should probably be applied every 14 days. Probably also a good idea to use Permethrin to kill the bugs in the first place when still sedling, and then every 30 days, and then apply Daconil to keep away any infection before it even starts. Permethrin stays in the plant for up to 40 days, so you cant use it within 40 days of harvest. Daconil stays in the plant 21 days. Im not sure if either can be used during early budding even if its longer than 40 days before harvest. Im going to call the company that makes Daconil later today, and ask how to use with Permethrin.