Growing Tips Turning Purple/Black


Active member
All kinds of people on other forums I frequent are having this problem, as am I, and my buddy.

We have been having this problem now for8 years, and have lost thousands of plants to this malady. Its not a deficiency. Its not cold temps. I never happens inside, and it happens in both soi, and Promix BX. Its also not PH.
It most often starts right before they bud, and in early flowering. Sometimes they grow out f it, but 99% of the time the growing tips just turn purple/black, and then die. Its been detected as far away as South Africa, and from Oregon, to Maine. Im in Kentucky.

In reality, I think it is some kind of Phytoplasma Disease, brought on by most likely Leafhoppers, which are known to transmit Phytoplasmas. This year has been the worst so far, and every strain we have grown has exhibited this trait.

Heres a list of the strains affected.

Mr Nice Super Silver Haze..
Mr Nice Shit
Mr Nice Critical Mass.
Mr Nice SSH x Shit
Mr Nice Black Widow
Mr Nice G13 Haze

Puck is also known as Skelly Hashplant, and is a clone from around 1988-89, and came from Nevils Hashplant. PNW Hashplant is the mother of Puck/Skelly
Crickets and Cicada PNW Hashplant x Puck HP/NL1
C&C Nepali HP x Puck/NL1
C&C Sensi Star x Puck/NL1
AKBeanBrains 90s Sensi Seeds NL5 x Haze
AKBB Sensi Seeds Pre2000 NL5
AKBB 80s NL1
Authentic Genetic Genetics NL5
AG Sk1 from Mel Frank. 80s stock he got from Skunkman in 1988. Have only been bred 2-3 times since 1988
AG Pure Haze from Mel Frank from the 80s.
Dominion Seed Company Granny Skunk
DSC Granny Skunk x Mr Nice Shit
DSC Local Skunk
Dominion Seed company -Dominion Skunk
DSC Munson-NL5 x Skelly HP/Sk1
Jaws Genetics Cherry AK47
2010 clone of Barneys Farm G13 x Haze
Swami Organic Seeds Blue Orca Haze clone from 2018.

All of these strains grow great indoors. The only thing I can figure is a bug related Bacteria/Virus

Every one of thse strains have been ruined by this disease. Out of more than 800 females, there may be 8-10 that havent been affected. YET. Growing season isnt over. And many of my friends on other sites have also been wiped out for the last several years. And like I said. This is the worst year so far out of 8. Since 2014. Ive read some people have had it as far back as 2010.

Ive also been growing weed since 1972, and 1978 with HID, and have never had this problem until the last 8 years, and its seemingly getting worse, and more people reporting this issue.


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Could be a virus or bacteria or even root related problems. You say it only occurs outdoors? A photo would be good to see the symptoms.

Edit: Thanks for the picture upload. Damn I have never seen these symptoms before. The last picture actually looks like normal purpling ... but then you say the plant dies afterwards 🤔
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The purple will end up turning black/Purple. The leaves will start twisting, and then die. Its for sure not normal purpling.
Some people wrote a book years ago about weed diseases, and the plant on the front cover looks very similar to the problem, though it appears to be a slightly different color.

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Thank You very much for the PDF. Saved me $80-$120USD. I read the whole book, and couldnt find anyhting. The closest thing I found was a Phosphorus deficiency caused by cold. But its not been cold here. Low temperatures in the mid 70s, and they are fed 19-19-19 granular fertliizer along with 0-0-52 Potassium Sulfate. PH is good at 6.3-6.5 and is amended with Calcitic Lime, and Dolomiite at a ratio of 2/3 Calcitic to 1/3 Dolomite, which is the same ratio as Promix BX. Plus the color is different.
have you tried spraying a mixture of black soap and essential oils on it?

that look like mushroom maybe a fusarium

Fusarium is a deadly fungus capable of destroying an entire cannabis crop. Able to lie dormant in the ground for years and strike without warning, Fusarium is known to be difficult to detect. When it strikes, it directly targets the roots, causing them to rot while interrupting the flow of nutrients and water into the plant. Affected plants collapse, wilt and—sometimes within days—die. There is no cure for Fusarium and growers affected by the fungus are generally advised to cut their crops, dispose of soil and pots, disinfect the grow space and start over."
ive seen this on a few outdoor plants over the last couple years, however i dont think it ever got so bad that it affected the plants health.
i will keep a closer eye on it for sure, i do believe there is some on some outdoor plants currently.
I tried to contact Mel Frank on Facebook, but no response yet.

This is also happening in 40 gallon grow pots filled with Promix BX, so it couldnt be a soil born pathogen. Plus we have plants spread over 3 counties, 20 miles apart, and same shit is happening. This is mostly a guerilla grow, with some plants at a home location. Its happening at every location
Just guessing of course, assume you are using clones for your operation. Could this be a simple case of mechanical contamination? 10% bleach is recommended in this situation.

I was discussing this same phenomenon with a fellow outdoor grower a few days ago. I've witnessed this for years, usually happens around this time, but in our case,it doesn't get much worse than the dark purple colours, a few weird looking fan/sugar leaves here and there, then the flowering season kicks in, and then it's gone/forgotten. I thought it may have something to do with the chicken manure I was using, but I haven't used it yet this year, and the purple is still there.
NHM [640x480].JPGNL5 Haze [640x480].JPG
Nevil's Haze Mango on the left and NL5/Hz f6 on the right. Sometimes the sugar/fan leaves get a little weird, sometimes not. But it never affected the buds in a bad way that I could ever tell, and it seems as though it stopped before flowering. I'll keep a closer eye on it this year since we're talking about it
I dont think a nutrient deficiency would kill the plant that fast. Some of the pictures really look like normal purpling so whatever causes the problem it induces anthocyanin synthesis in the upper leaves. Anthocyanin accumulation is usually a reaction to cold stress or high light intensities. But since @59lespaul already ruled out cold, and I dont think its because of the light I am really clueless on this one.
Ive got a complete array of all Macro, and Micro nutrients. PH is good so not lockout. And like I said. Ive been growing since the early 70s, and have never had a problem until 8 years ago.

We mainly use 19-19-19, 0-0-52 granular fertilizer like farmers use, and Azomite which contains 70 micros, and breaks down in 2 weeks after first watering. Been using Azomite for over 20 years. We use 19-19-19 every 6 weeks. And like I said. This never happens indoors, using the same fertilizers, and Promix BX. And this is happening to literally hundreds of plants, and Im not the only one thats having this problem. Im on at least 4-5 different forums, and this has been observed on every forum.
The photos I displayed arent even mine. They are another forum embers from 2018, and he is still also having problems with this.

When it gets really bad, the tips turn completely black, twisted, and the end stage turn brown, and the plant is useless.

This also isnt anthocyanin production. It turns deep Purple/BLACK, and twists the growing tips, and eventually necrosis.

Every now and then, the plant grows out of it. But 99% of the time, its fatal. We have maybe 8-10 plants out of 800 that willl be usable. So Far, as the season isnt over, and it could rear its ugly head at any time.

I also messaged R C Clark, and Mel Frankyesterday, but havent heard anything back, and may never hear anything.
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Ive got a complete array of all Macro, and Micro nutrients. PH is good so not lockout. And like I said. Ive been growing since the early 70s, and have never had a problem until 8 years ago.

We mainly use 19-19-19, 0-0-52 granular fertilizer like farmers use, and Azomite which contains 70 micros, and breaks down in 2 weeks after first watering. Been using Azomite for over 20 years. We use 19-19-19 every 6 weeks. And like I said. This never happens indoors, using the same fertilizers, and Promix BX. And this is happening to literally hundreds of plants, and Im not the only one thats having this problem. Im on at least 4-5 different forums, and this has been observed on every forum.
The photos I displayed arent even mine. They are another forum embers from 2018, and he is still also having problems with this.

When it gets really bad, the tips turn completely black, twisted, and the end stage turn brown, and the plant is useless.

This also isnt anthocyanin production. It turns deep Purple/BLACK, and twists the growing tips, and eventually necrosis.

Every now and then, the plant grows out of it. But 99% of the time, its fatal. We have maybe 8-10 plants out of 800 that willl be usable. So Far, as the season isnt over, and it could rear its ugly head at any time.

I also messaged R C Clark, and Mel Frankyesterday, but havent heard anything back, and may never hear anything.
I Understand not only ph can lockout nutrients . Just something to keep in mind
I think Ive found an answer.

AA guy on another frum, who is a grower in California, and also owns a golf course, says he sent photos to his fertilizer supplier, and have confirmed this is a Virus that is a Cousin to Tobacco Mosiac Virus. Its spread by leaf hoppers, and other sucking insects.

He says the cure is Daconil Fungicide. Daconil will kill, or stop 75 different plant maladies. He showed before, and after treatment with Daconil, and the purple is totally 100% gone, and it looks like the plant was never purple. He says it takes 2 weeks for Daconil to eradicate the purple. Daconil is effective for 14 days, and should probably be applied every 14 days. Probably also a good idea to use Permethrin to kill the bugs in the first place when still sedling, and then every 30 days, and then apply Daconil to keep away any infection before it even starts. Permethrin stays in the plant for up to 40 days, so you cant use it within 40 days of harvest. Daconil stays in the plant 21 days. Im not sure if either can be used during early budding even if its longer than 40 days before harvest. Im going to call the company that makes Daconil later today, and ask how to use with Permethrin.