Is indeed amazing and Legendary strain.Amazing
This is the original G13 from fem seeds, made by Shanti.
Is indeed amazing and Legendary strain.Amazing
Here is to hoping I find that high in the G13SkxHzAC.I haven’t anything to base this on but I’m betting the G13 x Hz AC will deliver those old type elevator highs that have been harder and harder to find.
KILLER pictures in this thread, Apollo. I mean like, from someone, who has seen a LOT of ganja photography; you really nailed it, I mean like a goal from center field, nailed it.Thanks for the reply and experience shared Axiom back in the 90s I was a still a kid .
The G13Hz is Ibl is more selected I will say
I have asked Shanti about the G13Hz ibl background and he told the me was C.
I dont have great knowledge about the difference between A and C to comment more about them .
everybody has his own favorite
Being that is the one, I got a pack of, or at least that will be on the way soon. That does give me reason to smile.We have a winner "G13Hz ibl "wins by knocking out NL5hz out of the picture clean
By training it into a bush with each main branch, the same height as the others. You can divide the mass up, but yeah "bigger than my head..." point taken...Mr. Nice 'G13 Haze' Bud Shot at Spannabis 2014
By the sound of the happy bud waver in this 10 yr old video, the sun grown G13 Haze that produced this massive bud was approximately 6.5 to 7.0 ft tall, with a giant sized main cola. The dude says it was bigger than his head. If that's normal for the outdoor, sun grown G13 Haze, then high humidity and October rains could prove very problematic.
Cheers! - FF
RSC's Sinai is the only other strain, I know of, that pops that fast. They are like fucking Brassicas almost.
Keep us updated. As a generality, great video links btw.
What latitude are you at? Last season using some Bacillus subtilis I had on hand for making natto seemed to help noticeably to fend off the mold. (weird, late season, but with enough moisture to worry) To my eye, it seemed to do more than Actinovate. There is research and it is cheap and easy enough to get a hold of. There is research showing benefits from using protein hydrolysates as foliar sprays. With natto specifically, the peak in total proteins is at around 10-11 days. figure a well filtered (Buchner funnel, with suction) water based extract might just be the golden standard. As you'd get both, but it seems like establishing the Baccilis subtilits retards the establishment of other types of microbial colonies. I know that in Korean traditional agriculture, the fermenting foods are often housed next to garden plants. I think that there is something to it; like it alters the entire local microbial microcosm over time.Thanks WDS, I will start a thread journal for it, soon. Neville's comment, shared in Post #8 of this thread, has me wondering now which version I have: G13.HzA or G13.HzC? I don't remember if that detail was even mentioned in the Auction description. These will be grown outdoor so if I end up with a pheno that doesn't want to finish by late October, I'll have my answer. They will be "light dep-ed" at 18" (46 cm).
I'm at 42° N, in Ontario Canada, at an elevation of just under 600 ft.What latitude are you at?
Last season using some Bacillus subtilis I had on hand for making natto seemed to help noticeably to fend off the mold. (weird, late season, but with enough moisture to worry) To my eye, it seemed to do more than Actinovate. There is research and it is cheap and easy enough to get a hold of. There is research showing benefits from using protein hydrolysates as foliar sprays. With natto specifically, the peak in total proteins is at around 10-11 days. figure a well filtered (Buchner funnel, with suction) water based extract might just be the golden standard. As you'd get both, but it seems like establishing the Baccilis subtilits retards the establishment of other types of microbial colonies. I know that in Korean traditional agriculture, the fermenting foods are often housed next to garden plants. I think that there is something to it; like it alters the entire local microbial microcosm over time.
The other thing, I have been experimenting a lot with lately is using media quantity levels of diatomacious earth, mixed into my media. Aside from oxygen holding and moisture holding at the microscopic level. I think that as earthworms traverse the media, they are crunching it down into microcrystalline silica dioxide, that is more likely to be converted into orthosilicic acid, in trace amounts, which is absolutely bioavailable. Seems to have a more visible effect on stem thickness, etc, than potassium silicate as a foliar. In the soil, it just always seemed to fuck with pH. So personally, with that one, I found the DE superior.
You just seemed worried about mold (with the buds as big as your head) so... you know build that wall BEFORE the Mongol hoards are invading, right?
Looking forward to your grow log. I've got a pack of these on the way too.
I'm at 42° N, in Ontario Canada, at an elevation of just under 600 ft.
I'm at 42° N, in Ontario Canada, at an elevation of just under 600 ft.
Thanks for the grow tips. Much appreciated and I'll ponder over them well. I'll be growing in pots, with biological inputs. Will do everything possible to optimize calcium levels; as thicker cell walls are more resistant to PM and mold.
LOL! "Build that wall" of defense is right ; and what I intend to do. You correctly discerned my mind, or concern about mold issues. I've been stung badly by it, in past grows. I'm only minutes away from the mouth of the Detroit River, which empties out into a large fresh water lake; so rain and humidity here is a serious concern for me.
Awesome, thanks again & cheers!!
Thanks for the grow tips. Much appreciated and I'll ponder over them well. I'll be growing in pots, with biological inputs. Will do everything possible to optimize calcium levels; as thicker cell walls are more resistant to PM and mold.
LOL! "Build that wall" of defense is right ; and what I intend to do. You correctly discerned my mind, or concern about mold issues. I've been stung badly by it, in past grows. I'm only minutes away from the mouth of the Detroit River, which empties out into a large fresh water lake; so rain and humidity here is a serious concern for me.
Awesome, thanks again & cheers!!
I'm at 42° N, in Ontario Canada, at an elevation of just under 600 ft.
Thanks for the grow tips. Much appreciated and I'll ponder over them well. I'll be growing in pots, with biological inputs. Will do everything possible to optimize calcium levels; as thicker cell walls are more resistant to PM and mold.
LOL! "Build that wall" of defense is right ; and what I intend to do. You correctly discerned my mind, or concern about mold issues. I've been stung badly by it, in past grows. I'm only minutes away from the mouth of the Detroit River, which empties out into a large fresh water lake; so rain and humidity here is a serious concern for me.
Awesome, thanks again & cheers!!
That is absolutely right that the horsetails need to be introduced physically, into the medium, to be effective. Manures like you said, or mixed in heavily and vermicomposted as another option. Aqueous extracts have been shown by research to only contain things, like polyphenols though.Just ran across the Diatomeen Earth aka SiO2 for powdering application against thrips. Currently mixing close to one m³ of soil and will also have some of this mixed in, should help strengthen the cellwalls. Manure from.common horsetail is also a good natrual Si source and in manure form very avilable.
Trichoderma and bacillus subtilis together as foilar are said to work well in regards of preflower IPM - just picked that up over at another place so seem to hold some value. Ive not worked knowingly with bacillus subtilis and trichoderma only watered in to break down dead roots and clean the medium but it was def good stuff. Hesi sells bottles of it called Hesi Zyme in case someone is looking for an easy source.
And hence an effective treatment for PM used in a foliar made from a tea. Also containing Ca and Mg and others; wondering out loud if this is an all-round indica treatment under LED's and Ca/Mg deficient locales....horsetail is also a good natrual Si source...
And hence an effective treatment for PM used in a foliar made from a tea. Also containing Ca and Mg and others; wondering out loud if this is an all-round indica treament under LED's and Ca/Mg deficient locales.