G13 Haze - 2024 Outdoor Canadian Grown

You are right that it is challenging. A light dep system might even be a good idea. Most people, who would try, would likely choose such a system. I've never gone that route, but can certainly see the argument,

Expecting a real challenge, I think, would be more balanced.

Challenging indeed, which is why I selected it, in part, for this outdoor grow. I have a few strains that I know will finish earlier, but I wanted to test the limits this year. Plus, I thought it would make an interesting grow log for the forum.
Challenging indeed, which is why I selected it, in part, for this outdoor grow. I have a few strains that I know will finish earlier, but I wanted to test the limits this year. Plus, I thought it would make an interesting grow log for the forum.
In permaculture rocks are placed on a south facing slop to absorb the heat from the sun and plants are grown amongst the rocks. This can extend the growing season.

Reportedly this one fellow from Belgium manages to grow pumpkins above the snow line in Belgium using this method.
Greetings to all the Forum Aficionados!

It's Day 32 since my first post of the 10 young seedlings (on May 31). All are still kicking but I stunted their growth, sadly, by a couple inches, at least. Made a couple careless mistakes that cost me about a week of stressed-out slow growth.

First, they were up-potted to 1 gal trade nursery pots, from the 3 in. cubes, seen in post #1. The next up-pot is scheduled for July 4th; though it should have occurred at least a week ago, had it not been for slow growth, due to carelessness.

Being a "trade" size, it doesn't hold an actual true gallon, in volume, but only 9 cups of wet mix. On this run, I tried a new veg blend of: 5 cups Happy Frog, 1 cup of Pro-Mix BX, and 2 cups of DE (i e. diatomaceous earth); plus a few slow release amendments.

Since this was an untried experiment, it was unwise for me to try it on all my plants, save the one runt in post #1. So, due to not thinking the process through, clearly enough, I tried the new mix on all 9 plants, instead of just 1 plant, to test the waters.

Turns out the DE water retention is INSANE, and less than ideal for flushing, in an emergency situation; at least at that mix ratio of 6 cups amended veg mix to 2 cups DE. If I were to start over, I'd drop that to 1 cup DE to 8 cups of mix, in this pot size.

What compounded the problem for me was giving them too heavy a dose of Green Aminos, with too much water, too early in the journey, before really knowing how DE holds water. The claims about it holding water are not over exaggerated, imho.

I went a little heavy on the aminos hoping to stimulate root growth off the leggy stems that were trans-planted a little deeper than normal, due to their early stretch. Big mistake, due to taking a risk/ chance. The seedlings really hated the situation, and the leaves were clearly saying that. I gave them 3 full days to adjust but they just got progressively worse.

So, on the fourth day in that experimental blend, I took quick and decisive action; transplanting 8 of the 9 seedlings into straight Pro-Mix BX, 9 cups/ pot, amended with 3 tbsp of King-kashi (Gro-kashi). I left the largest seedling, that was the most tolerant to the blend, remaining in it, for close observation & data collection. It use to be the biggest but not now. Half the plants in the straight Pro-Mix BX, with Bokashi, have passed it.

The runt is slower than thick molasses compared to the others. I've allowed it to survive purely for the data, to see if it snaps out of its slumber and gets with The Program. It stayed a few weeks longer in the cube, because of another mistake.

There was a thick skin or membrane from inside the shell, that was binding closed the leaves; keeping them from opening on time. Took me a while to recognize the problem, and correct it.

When I finally unloosed its wings, the damage was done. Growth was seriously slowed; but since it was my mistake, I let it enjoy life a little longer, and time to persude me to hold it for the next run. We'll see how that goes.

Anyway, the root ball on 1 of the 8 seedlings that had to be rescued was accidentally damaged, in the process; and has been stunted by the stress. It's growth slowed down to a snail's pace, so slow that I expect the runt to catch up to it, before it fully recovers. It may survive until next run, if it shows merit over the next month.


The 1 plant in the DE blend is located in the top righthand corner of the blue pin, in the bottom photo. It was once the largest of the seedlings. Transplant date: July 4.

Cheers! - FF
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Heavy handed with the nutes for the youngsters is something we ALL do occasionally. It’s all about the recovery and learning, and hopefully remembering 💨, our mistakes and your girls are looking good. 👍
Who wants an uneventful/challenging run??? That’s easy.
It’s like golf and shooting a 90 v a 75, because I like the challenge 😝😂
Thanks, MNS Aficionados for your comments & helpful tips. They are welcomed. I'm hoping they will finish by mid November, with a little help. At any rate, this update is 15 days from my last one on July 2.20240717_130232.jpg20240717_130143.jpg20240717_130113.jpg20240717_130314.jpg20240717_130329.jpg20240717_130232.jpg20240717_130143.jpg20240717_130113.jpg20240717_130253.jpg20240717_130314.jpg20240717_130329.jpg20240717_130345.jpg20240717_130354.jpg20240717_130446.jpg20240717_130253.jpg

By the way, the LED Flood Light is 600w, 3000k warm red and fully water/ winter proof. Cheers!
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Here are the remaining 6 plants. The one in the small pot to the far right is the plant in the DE Blended Mix. As previously indicated, it was the largest of the pack once upon a time, but both the runt and the plant with the damaged rootball have now caught up to her. The plants in the larger 3 gallon pots are suspected males, and will remain in those pots; but if a female reveals herself, she will be up-potted. 20240717_130035.jpg20240717_130014.jpg
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These are Original Earthboxes. Each holds 2 cubic feet of substrate. They are filled with Pro-Mix HP, as you can see from the photo. For those who may try the Earthbox in the future, one 3.8 cubic foot bale of compressed peat moss expands to 7.6 cubic feet, enough for 4 Earthboxes.

Each box was topped with one cup of Gro-Kashi (King Kashi), and I will lay down some organic composted horse manure over it, in about a week, with another layer of Gro-Kashi on top of the compost. 20240714_211342.jpg20240714_211238.jpg20240714_192247.jpg
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Very nice looking plants, Freedom_Fighter! 🥰 Very cool light, too.

Thanks longball, much appreciated. Picked up the light on Amazon, for a real good price, in my opinion.

Quite curious how you get past 10 pictures per post limit. I continually try it but keep getting error message - 'only 10 pics per post allowed?


That was accidental, unfortunately. I attached a bunch of photos and was inserting them 1 at a time, into the post, before I saw the option to insert them as a group. I had already inserted a fair number individually, before I tried the batch insertion; but you are correct in that the program only allows 10 simultaneous insertions.

My post had doubles and triplets of images by accident, but I didn't have the time or patience to work on deleting the duplicate photos. That post was my first attempt to insert a batch of attachments all at once; so, it's probably a one of its kind, unlikely to be repeated, in terms of number of inserted images in a single post.

Cheers! - FF
Looking good over there FF!
SIPs kick ass!

Thanks Proud Kraut, I appreciate that. SIP's are absolutely my favorite. Definitely a "kick ass" way to grow.

I was hoping earlier to get another 4 Earthboxes this summer, which is why you see that extra 3.8 cu ft bale of Pro-Mix in one of the photos; but it didn't happen as I had hoped. Just got hit by too many unexpected expenses this late spring / early summer; but they are definitely high on my priority list of things to get. I'd like to get at least 30 more just for growing food.

The one thing I'd caution anyone who is thinking about getting Earthboxes, like mine, is that they work best on level ground, in terms of the water wicking action, and the "eveness" of the water movement throughout the grow mix. So, 30 more of them would require some considerable work getting my backyard set-up for them. Will likely begin that preparation this summer.
Here are a few photos of them all together, at 8 pm tonight. The one sitting on top of the bale of Pro-Mix is the plant that was in the DE Blend. I decided it was time to give it a fresh start, so I took it out of the old mix, rinsed off the roots the best I could, leaving as little of the DE Blend as possible. Covered the roots with mycorrhizae and replanted in fresh Pro-Mix BX. Let's see that kick starts its growth engine again. It was growing, but at a snail's pace, so a change-up was in order.
