G13 Haze - 2024 Outdoor Canadian Grown


Well-known member
At 6 PM on May 22, two days ago, I dropped ten G13×HZ ɓeans into EM-1 treated water.

Within a few hours, seven of them sank to the bottom of the jar, so were promptly placed into seedling soil. By 2AM, the remaining 3 sank to the bottom, and were promptly moved to soil.

By 6 PM today, or less than 48 hrs in soil, 7 of them sprouted and broke through the soil. I'm delighted with their vigor! Great work MNS!!

Warmest greetings to all my fellow growers and MNS aficionados!

All 10 seeds germinated quickly and spread their wings above the soil surface; all except one, that is. See the photo below. It received the exact same treatment as its siblings but has failed to respond. So it will be culled, sadly, for failing to "keep up the good fight" for its life. The will to survive must be clear & strong, or else...

Two of the last three seeds to sink, in the initial seed soak phase, have demonstrated slower growth than their siblings, but one of them has a fighting chance to survive, especially if it proves to be a female.

Only 8 will be allowed to advance after "gender" is determined. Ten seeds were popped in pursuit of at least four females; but all females will be allowed to advance, conditionally; and two males, unless one stud stands out, head & shoulders above his brother; in which case only he will be allowed to advance. Here's what they are growing in:

Black Swallow Seed Starter Soil Mix

They have received only natural light, through the window of a sun room, on the back of my house. The sun room has a nice heat & humidity level for them. At 3:30 today they were introduced to the great outdoors for the first time, and they are loving it. I'll gradually increase their exposure to it, a little more each day going forward; until they have hardened up. 20240531_153158.jpg20240531_153255.jpg20240531_153436.jpg20240531_153327.jpg20240531_153414.jpg

These are being grown at 42° N. To all outdoor growers, may your 2024 journey & harvest be ultra bountiful.

Cheers! - FF
Warmest greetings to all my fellow growers and MNS aficionados!

All 10 seeds germinated quickly and spread their wings above the soil surface; all except one, that is. See the photo below. It received the exact same treatment as its siblings but has failed to respond. So it will be culled, sadly, for failing to "keep up the good fight" for its life. The will to survive must be clear & strong, or else...

Two of the last three seeds to sink, in the initial seed soak phase, have demonstrated slower growth than their siblings, but one of them has a fighting chance to survive, especially if it proves to be a female.

Only 8 will be allowed to advance after "gender" is determined. Ten seeds were popped in pursuit of at least four females; but all females will be allowed to advance, conditionally; and two males, unless one stud stands out, head & shoulders above his brother; in which case only he will be allowed to advance. Here's what they are growing in:

Black Swallow Seed Starter Soil Mix

They have received only natural light, through the window of a sun room, on the back of my house. The sun room has a nice heat & humidity level for them. At 3:30 today they were introduced to the great outdoors for the first time, and they are loving it. I'll gradually increase their exposure to it, a little more each day going forward; until they have hardened up. View attachment 86793View attachment 86794View attachment 86795View attachment 86796View attachment 86797

These are being grown at 42° N. To all outdoor growers, may your 2024 journey & harvest be ultra bountiful.

Cheers! - FF

Man, those sure look uniform. Its almost like they are an IBL or something....

Sometimes the stragglers can surprise you. Either way, you have some healthy stock and can always dive further via your own seeds. Just saying, I'd be happy.
Its worth trying, I've had great luck at higher latitudes than that with haze hybrids. But you're right, there are strains that may be better suited for N 42
for 42 north is playable but not in CANADA is too cold and rainy is around ottawa maybe

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Shanti's G13Hz is an IBL. I hear it's 🔥
That's why it was a joke. I serve them up dry ;)

g13haze outdoors in canada is not possible

Difficult? Challenging? Not as easy as somethings. "Not possible; as in "impossible? That is a big word and there are a lot of "tricks in the book" for anyone hellbent enough to do a lot of things.

Growing succulents in Olympia, WA isn't easy. It can be done, and the list would just go on from there. 55n? Absolutely. This situation... certain microclimatic factors might keep the individual in supply of warmer air longer in the season, via alluvial influences. Just saying: I'm not there. You are right that it is challenging. A light dep system might even be a good idea. Most people, who would try, would likely choose such a system. I've never gone that route, but can certainly see the argument,

Expecting a real challenge, I think, would be more balanced. The rest is up to them and The Fates.

I like uphill battles though. Sometimes they can be won (see: The Battle of Hastings) and sorry to any of the descendants of the Angles and Saxons, that my ancestors may have done a dirty on that one.
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All I know is that the Colombia river makes the PDX area more maritime, but also more mild, than some surrounding areas. I am further south, but they ABSOLUTELY have some advantages over me. My time in the PNW has shown me how profound microclimate can be, in determining what's what.

My bet: this one might be tricky, but if he finds something good, and crosses it to something faster, next season will be easier. Just my gut though. I'm not Canadian. (I hear you guys are really nice and wouldn't mind visiting though ) :) Kind of pissed I was so broke, my whole time here, that I never got to go to Whistler... I mean profoundly sad... East coast snow :(
g13haze outdoors in canada is not possible

First night frost where I live is normally last week of October. That doesn't mean every night will be a frosty one, after that point. I plan to keep them short enough to cover up with frost covers for the cold nights. I have used these frost covers in the past to help strains finish. This is an experiment.

They will also receive supplemental lighting from an outdoor (waterproof) LED flood-light, 3000k color. At any rate, that's the plan; so we shall see how it goes.
Those frost cover frames could be used for light depping. (light deprivation, using blackout cloth or black plastic, for the non-native speakers and the dozen or so "guests" at any moment, who might be greener than our herb) It is just a commitment. Its YOU on a timer.
for 42 north is playable but not in CANADA is too cold and rainy is around ottawa maybe


My town is one of the most southern towns in the country. Just for comparison sake, Crescent City California, USA is 41.755749° N latitude:

Where is Crescent City, CA, USA on Map Lat Long Coordinates

Vancouver City, BC, the Palm Riviera of Canada
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