Could someone please help identify what is wrong with my plant

Day 16 of flower, started using Canna Terra Flores at an E.C level of 1.2 runoff was E.C 2.2 no sign of over feeding or burn so I will up the dose next water.

Plants starting to develop flower clusters apart from the smaller one, it’s showing pistils but not in a vigorous way, hopefully the Canna flower nutrient will encourage it to flower better. I will do a defoliation in week 3


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Halfway through week 3, heads are starting to develop on the tops of the plants this canna terra Flores is good stuff. E.C level of the feed water has been increased to 1.5ms I will check later for any nutrient burn. One of the plants was struggling to produce flowers so I increased the darkness period to about half and hour and it’s starting to show its flowers better……… Happy 4/20


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They look right on track.
If they are getting 12 hours of darkness and you’re keeping them healthy the genetics will do the rest.
I see you mentioned starting over with one of the females?
Unless it’s spreading disease or interfering with the other plants just like before give it time.
Week 3 is just the beginning of the flower cycle and especially if plants were put into 12/12 before they showed their sex.
They look right on track.
If they are getting 12 hours of darkness and you’re keeping them healthy the genetics will do the rest.
I see you mentioned starting over with one of the females?
Unless it’s spreading disease or interfering with the other plants just like before give it time.
Week 3 is just the beginning of the flower cycle and especially if plants were put into 12/12 before they showed their sex.
Hi mate, I originally had 4 plants I got rid of one because it started showing male flower along with female flowers so I got rid of it. As for another female it wasn’t flowering properly so I increased the night cycle an extra half an hour and it’s starting to kick off with the flowering after the slight tweek so it either didn’t like 12/12 darkness or it was just late in flowering compared to the other 2. I’m a bit concerned regarding yield with the power of the light, I have a 300w spider farmer LED they are supposed to be good but we shall soon see