Animal Spirits of the Fire


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Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Here we are embarking on another adventure! Not sure where to put this thread yet but this round will be with the Indies- mostly lol. It was a difficult decision not to grow the Haze so in the last minute, it was added. Skunk Haze, Critical Skunk, CBD Nordle and my Wizard (Diesel x LaNina). 35 seeds to start, no 36 as I got 6 seeds in the CBD pack.

BTW, my Wizard pollination was very successful yielding tons of seed. I lit some up yesterday and tachycardia ensued for about 15 minutes. She is crystallized jet fuel on a stick. Love that La Nina influence!
wizard 6_2.jpg

Why it's the latest high-dollar, most highly-esteemed and touted supplement; *guaranteed to increase your yield by 200% lol. NOT. Just some kelp water with a touch of ful-power. It's all in the pic brah ;)

12 hours later all seeds have sunk. Pots are ready, time to hit some HG and boogie with the women!

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Here we are embarking on another adventure! Not sure where to put this thread yet but this round will be with the Indies- mostly lol. It was a difficult decision not to grow the Haze so in the last minute, it was added. Skunk Haze, Critical Skunk, CBD Nordle and my Wizard (Diesel x LaNina). 35 seeds to start, no 36 as I got 6 seeds in the CBD pack.
View attachment 60716

BTW, my Wizard pollination was very successful yielding tons of seed. I lit some up yesterday and tachycardia ensued for about 15 minutes. She is crystallized jet fuel on a stick. Love that La Nina influence!
View attachment 60726

I see a harvest more tray in your future,if you don’t already have one.
Frosty mind fuel .
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

For a while there, I was thinking that this thread should be under the Skunk Haze heading as 9/10 came bursting forth by the 2nd day. These were bot in 2015 btw. I had to reassure myself that the indies would come soon enough. That said, I remain hopeful that the CBD Nordle will give me better numbers as I have 3/6 so far. 3 more Critical Skunks are up this morning making 8/10. I'm not surprised at the Wizard numbers 6/10 as the seeds barely had enough time to cure before being germinated but I have hundreds where that came from so no worries.
In the back of my mind was a certain relief as last time I had some 27 plants and it was too much for the room really. I should have workable numbers this go round and will be using new soil to boot. I used re-cycled soil for my last grow and it brought a FG infestation that bummed my trip for a bit. I plan to put a few of the Critical Skunks outside to compare to the ID grow. They'll be a nice addition alongside the MoX and Holy Grail. No, the sats won't finish on time but they will add to the garden in a cool way. Therein lies the beauty of summer eh?

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

"Seeds are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get!" ~ Frosty Chunk

My patience is rewarded as several more have decided to join the canna ohana. I killed one of the CBD Nordles with an unsuccessful surgery, which ended in decapitation, leaving only 2/6 :cry:. I am slightly disappointed here and why can't I just leave things TF alone? Grrr, bringin' my RBI numbers down! Moving on, I extracted two Critical Skunks who had lost their sense of direction. They were re-introduced in a downward direction and so far 10 for 10. Another Wizard came in making it a solid 7/10. And finally the Skunk Hazes have stayed the same at 9/9. I'll top off the little pots with more soil to support their lankiness and get them to harden up with some air circulation.

🎼 Clowns (clones) to the left of me (Holy Grail), jokers (smokers) to the right (MoX- Mullum x Oaxacan), here I am, stuck in the middle with you!
28 new babies making the world a more beautiful place.
seedlings 6_12.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

There were some difficult births, all not breaking clean from their shell.

Managed to separate the cotyledons, breaking off a piece in the process (don't know my own strength haha.) 1st set of leaves retarded while enclosed.
cbd nord 6_13.jpg

Again, one side of the leaves dwarfed, locked in the cotyledon structure before separation
sh seedling 6_13.jpg

This one I had to completely liberate from its shell. Looking premature, she was put in the ground with prayers. Looks like she connected with the Mother! She was just sprayed with dilute kelp and appears to be thriving nicely.
cs 6_13.jpg

And the decapitated one? I'd rather not talk about it lol.

I see a harvest more tray in your future,if you don’t already have one.
Frosty mind fuel .
Hey brah! After dropping some hints to my GF, a little bird tells me that I might get one for my birthday ha! No more shoebox lids for me!
I know you like Island food- my local costco now offers up ahi poke. Wish they had tako (octopus) poke too but they don’t. Here on the mainland, I can’t get enough comfort food.

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

Seeds have taken root and they are increasing in size daily. Nice to have the room back from the last grow and preparation of larger pots has begun. I look forward to Critical Skunk, the Skunk Haze and the CBD Nordle. The Wizard (Diesel x LaNina) germination as you know, went well- one cup of seeds! This plant has the most incredible clarity and high when rendered into shatter. It doesn't cause absolute dementia like the hazes I have been smoking of late but gives a warm and clear high with top 10 smells and tastes. As mentioned, the shatter gives great clarity as if you are not high but then you realize you really are lol. She is a plant deserving of discovery and selection will definitely continue! In fact, all my crosses done with Widow genes have turned out spectacularly! Wondering what would come of crossing her with a Northern Widow lol. It will be 95 F today and I'm digging holes early this morning in an effort to merge some plants into the back yard. Keep it green braddahs and sistas!

wizard 6_24.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!

.. a plant deserving of discovery and selection


Speaking of selections, I recently heard on a podcast; that the guest pays close attention
to the cotyledons. Apparently there is something that can be told of that first set of leaves(?)
Since hearing this I've began to take a closer look!
Aloha fellow firewalkers!

The plants were up-potted the other day. Soil moistened with a mixture of kelp and microbe/fulvate tea, they haven't missed a beat staying perky and finding new legs in their larger pots. They will be sexed after the next two weeks of growth and then put into their final pots to complete finishing school.

The yellow-tagged Critical Skunk is gaining in width relative to the Skunk Haze.
seed width 7_4.jpg

The red-tagged Skunk Haze is gaining in height relative to the Critical Skunk
seed height 7_4.jpg

This Skunk Haze appears to have lost his head (AM) during the shell surgery. It is a curiosity but will probably be culled soon.
skunk haze mutant 7_4.jpg

As a preservationist, I want to make sure I have enough copies of irreplaceable plants. 1 of 6 mothers of MoX (Mullum/Oax). I will reIuctantly get rid of 3, but I will keep 3 copies just in case ;)
mox mother 7_4.jpg

I am interested in seeing the difference in ID vs OD grow and so I have some pre-dug holes in the backyard for a couple of Critical Skunks and Wizards. They will join the 2 MoX already grounded. This is a pic is of the Holy Grail #2 I put out earlier to kill but then decided... She proceeded to re-veg lol.
holy grail #2a veg 7_4.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!
Thanks for the nod @easty! 5 days later, strong new growth as they continue to add height and width, obviously enjoying their larger pots. The room is ready, everything has been disinfected. I am currently running one HLG 330 watt LED for the veg. I am using new soil this time and minimal amendments- alfalfa, worm castings. In that hurry-up-and-wait stage but it is nice to see everyone praying this morning. I still intend to put some plants outside to see how differently they respond to the real thing.

Skunk Haze
skunk haze 7_9.jpg

Critical Skunk
critical skunk 7_9.jpg

wizard 7_9.jpg

Aloha fellow firewalkers!
I can't resist the baby pictures. So young and innocently beautiful. They are starting to lose their new baby smell and are progressing nicely; giving me a reason to get up in the morning lol. They have taken to their new pots showing explosive growth.

A group pic of the tots playing in the water after their kelp shower. Everyone appears to be having fun and thriving with all hands up.
grp 7_11.jpg

Wizard- Got her Dad's longish LaNina fingers
wizard 7_11.jpg

Skunk Haze- Chubby baby before she? grows into lean pole vaulter
skunk haze 7_11.jpg

Critical Skunk- Dark glossy leaves. Frozen kinetics readying explosive growth
critical skunk 7_11.jpg

CBD Nordle- Slow to emerge, a latent beauty. She has such an adorable face! Coochy coochy coo!
CBD nordle 7_11.jpg
