A very sad tale

Also, did you ever get your ph pen properly calibrated? You might as well throw out all of your ph readings u less it is precisely calibrated, especially with a.5 difference in PH readings.

Your plants turning dark purple sounds like a potential PH issue.
What are your high, low, amd average humidity looking like daily and weekly. Also, VPD. Does your thermostat track it and if so.... numbers pls.

Are you still using coco coir, if ao perhaps just use soil to start the seedlings. We need more detailed info.

I dunno :) the RH is always between 45% and 50% when i look at it. I doubt it gets very much higher at night, the max was 63% but it hadnt been cleared for a very long time. I dont use coir, they are coir cups, like pots made out of coir so you dont have to get the plant out to pot up, you just plant the whole thing.

Also, did you ever get your ph pen properly calibrated? You might as well throw out all of your ph readings u less it is precisely calibrated, especially with a.5 difference in PH readings.

Your plants turning dark purple sounds like a potential PH issue.

Yes i did and i also thought about PH. Im using canna organic nutes which specifically say dont PH. They do it for you at the strength on the bottle, so veg is 6.5. Only reason i change my PH at all is rhizo raises it by quite a lot and im not comfortable tipping in water at PH 8 or more.

I chased all the problems around this issue, twice over before i came and asked here :) Over watering is definitly part of it, i dont know if its the whole story yet. I was using bio tabs at one point, cause i thought the best idea would be to take fertalizer and PH completely out of my hands. Then i couldnt be me screwing up somehow :)
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Some other questions.

VPD.. so if i close the vents, or increase the extraction, thus increasing the "vacuum" inside the tent, does that increase or decrease humidity? And does that result in an increase or decrease plant respiration or metabolism?

Also cal mag. According to canna my water has more of both than plants need. I tend to not use calmag much cause my bottle has N in it aswell and that makes me wary around flowering. But should i be using cal mag just because LED lights? Is that just life now with LEDs?

Blood fish bone.. Any opinions on how much grams per liter is useful?
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Some other questions.

VPD.. so if i close the vents, or increase the extraction, thus increasing the "vacuum" inside the tent, does that increase or decrease humidity? And does that result in an increase or decrease plant respiration or metabolism?

Also cal mag. According to canna my water has more of both than plants need. I tend to not use calmag much cause my bottle has N in it aswell and that makes me wary around flowering. But should i be using cal mag just because LED lights? Is that just life now with LEDs?

Blood fish bone.. Any opinions on how much grams per liter is useful?
If vents are closed or extraction put to minimum it should raise humidity.
i still remember a townhouse basement in '94 and a 1000w mh on the ceiling and planting thai seeds on the concrete and before they were 1/2 foot tall they had fan leaves the size of dinner plates haha

btw 150w mh bulbs are super rare i hope to find one that i can use with this light
started some new seeds under the led and since switching to hps wow they are growing fast and with a suppleness and sheen and deep colours with no hint of anything on any leaf edges

i only ever tried the mns strains ort/nlsk/critsk/mksk with the led and i don't think that light did them any good. after this crop of joti afghani i will try them again though(!)

i will say the ambient light from the grow space when looking from the outside is definitely brighter than with the led at 20% which is the highest the plants would allow. it's like a mini sun hiding in there as opposed to some lights, a much warmer and more sun-like light
started some new seeds under the led and since switching to hps wow they are growing fast and with a suppleness and sheen and deep colours with no hint of anything on any leaf edges

i only ever tried the mns strains ort/nlsk/critsk/mksk with the led and i don't think that light did them any good. after this crop of joti afghani i will try them again though(!)

i will say the ambient light from the grow space when looking from the outside is definitely brighter than with the led at 20% which is the highest the plants would allow. it's like a mini sun hiding in there as opposed to some lights, a much warmer and more sun-like light
What led set up you have. I can't believe that an hp can outperform led light of today.
The Hp has alot of waste light that becomes heat.
In combination can be really beneficial.
I m.looking forward for more information
@dankd i'm glad you're enjoying your new light.

If you do, let us know how they turn out!😁
will do : )
What led set up you have. I can't believe that an hp can outperform led light of today.
The Hp has alot of waste light that becomes heat.
In combination can be really beneficial.
I m.looking forward for more information
the light is a "Kingbrite KB-W55-L560-240W samsung lm301b/lm301h with epistar 660nm red led strip light for 2X2 tent". i've only ever been able to keep it at 40% dimmer, and on this crop less than 20%

from what i can figure out with my googling and forum reading is in higher/lower latitudes (i'm at 43.5°N) where an indoor hobby grower like me has no climate control other than choosing what times of year to plant, at least for me i have not figured out how to dial in the needed heat/humidity to grow under this light without loss in quality and potency and plant health

i read many corroborating stories about people having to keep their led's at less than 50% dimmer, sometimes at as low as 20% or less because the plants crap out since the grow space is not warm and humid enough. i might be adding in the humidity requirement but you can't really have warm air without humidity either they are linked for the most part

my friend has a tent with leds and it is super warm and humid in there. everything is growing quite well, but of course you can see the damage to the plants at that high a temp/rh. and of course the tent reeks of mildew. also i know that after 27°C in enclosed grow spaces thc and cbd production drops off a cliff

also, i didn't read all the technical talk but apparently hids have higher penetration and light intensity than led, which disperses less intense light over a larger area. hence why hids grow bigger lower buds and why i could grow dinner plate sized thai fan leaves on freshly sprouted seeds (before they reached 1/2 foot in height) sat on a concrete floor with an mh on the ceiling

the plants are being tricked by led because there is not enough radiative heat to accompany the light like hid. the heat must be supplemented and it does not come parcelled with the light from above like they evolved for that is why hid plants have a higher metabolism and grow faster or something

like i said earlier, with the grow space closed and looking from outside, the hps is brighter than the led was at the highest setting the plants would allow so these plants are growing faster and healthier under higher intensity light

also i would eventually have to replace the entire led board, whereas with hid its just the bulb. (a lot of 'alsos' in this post lol i am still figuring this out)
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will do : )

the light is a "Kingbrite KB-W55-L560-240W samsung lm301b/lm301h with epistar 660nm red led strip light for 2X2 tent". i've only ever been able to keep it at 40% dimmer, and on this crop less than 20%

from what i can figure out with my googling and forum reading is in higher/lower latitudes (i'm at 43.5°N) where an indoor hobby grower like me has no climate control other than choosing what times of year to plant, at least for me i have not figured out how to dial in the needed heat/humidity to grow under this light without loss in quality and potency and plant health

i read many corroborating stories about people having to keep their led's at less than 50% dimmer, sometimes at as low as 20% or less because the plants crap out since the grow space is not warm and humid enough. i might be adding in the humidity requirement but you can't really have warm air without humidity either they are linked for the most part

my friend has a tent with leds and it is super warm and humid in there. everything is growing quite well, but of course you can see the damage to the plants at that high a temp/rh. and of course the tent reeks of mildew. also i know that after 27°C in enclosed grow spaces thc and cbd production drops off a cliff

also, i didn't read all the technical talk but apparently hids have higher penetration and light intensity than led, which disperses less intense light over a larger area. hence why hids grow bigger lower buds and why i could grow dinner plate sized thai fan leaves on freshly sprouted seeds (before they reached 1/2 foot in height) sat on a concrete floor with an mh on the ceiling

the plants are being tricked by led because there is not enough radiative heat to accompany the light like hid. the heat must be supplemented and it does not come parcelled with the light from above like they evolved for that is why hid plants have a higher metabolism and grow faster or something

like i said earlier, with the grow space closed and looking from outside, the hps is brighter than the led was at the highest setting the plants would allow so these plants are growing faster and healthier under higher intensity light

also i would eventually have to replace the entire led board, whereas with hid its just the bulb. (a lot of 'alsos' in this post lol i am still figuring this out

I have had very good results switching between a 600w MH & HPS to add heat and also supplement my main lights/ quantum board's. I have basically two growing seasons here, very cold and dry and then warm and humid. Run humidifiers during cold and dry and dehumidifier during warm and wet.
This is a hobby of mine and can't justify to myself what I do now vs. Making a climate controlled room.

The world is messed up when HID lighting is being phased out.Screenshot_20231017-012319_Gallery.jpg
just skimmed through this thread and it is like watching a movie with a bunch of people trying to get out of quicksand in how they are really trying to science their way out of their led problems and it is quite informative if not confusing

apparently the blurples had it (partially) right and it's the current white leds that are causing problems

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i hope that's a ways off, but until then it's nice to know my grow is made possible by canadian tire haha. i'm still kind of in disbelief they sell hps
Hortliux if I'm not mistaken is out of business. Single end electronic ballasts are getting rare , good luck finding a stable supply of magnetic ballasts. I remember not so long ago when the 1000w single end HPS was the gold standard only to be eclipsed by multiple 600's on the hobby end.

I use l.e.d's and like em alot but.... you need to dial in and maintain the proper parameters for them to be truly useful and meet their effectiveness.
just skimmed through this thread and it is like watching a movie with a bunch of people trying to get out of quicksand in how they are really trying to science their way out of their led problems and it is quite informative if not confusing

apparently the blurples had it (partially) right and it's the current white leds that are causing problems

Interesting read. Thank you.
Hortliux if I'm not mistaken is out of business. Single end electronic ballasts are getting rare , good luck finding a stable supply of magnetic ballasts. I remember not so long ago when the 1000w single end HPS was the gold standard only to be eclipsed by multiple 600's on the hobby end.

I use l.e.d's and like em alot but.... you need to dial in and maintain the proper parameters for them to be truly useful and meet their effectiveness.
i keep reading about cmh and de hps, they seem to be common? if i had the grow space i would get cmh just because the few times i grew over the years it was with mh and it is good for veg and flower