A very sad tale

My issues have been caused by bad PH i think. I did listen to the advice given, my temperatures are around 28c on 25c off. Humidity is around 50. Things have improved greatly, the plants are getting 400 to 500 umol. However the darkening leaf issues continue as best as i can tell from low PH causing lockout. I get reading from the soil as low as 5.4 sometimes. To try and correct this i have been watering in high PH sometimes as high as PH 8. This lifts the PH and brings positive results for a few days and then it drifts back down again and growth stops. Its very sad watching good buds slowly spoiling, i know they are going to taste bad, i can smell that bad tatse in the resin :( So i let them dry out and then flushed heavily with feed at PH 6.8 which brought the soil up to 6.3 - 6.4 - 6.5 and yet a day later i can already see it drifting back down. Even brand new bio terra plus behaves the same, it resists longer but the downward trend is stil there. Im using the nutes as per instructions. The only PH altering substances i am putting in are rhizo which raises it, PH up (KOH) and the nutes themselfs which lower it. As i said i limed my soil, it tested at PH 6.5 before i used it. The bio terra plus tests at a similar PH when in the bag. My tap water starts at PH 7.5

Would anybody care to take a guess at whats dragging the PH down like this? Im finding the whole thing tiresome now and am going to try and learn some simple passsive hydro but the mystery of why this happens needs to be solved.

I dont want to be like.. oh the nutes are bad and thats why but cant see where else to put the blame. Help pls?
My issues have been caused by bad PH i think. I did listen to the advice given, my temperatures are around 28c on 25c off. Humidity is around 50. Things have improved greatly, the plants are getting 400 to 500 umol. However the darkening leaf issues continue as best as i can tell from low PH causing lockout. I get reading from the soil as low as 5.4 sometimes. To try and correct this i have been watering in high PH sometimes as high as PH 8. This lifts the PH and brings positive results for a few days and then it drifts back down again and growth stops. Its very sad watching good buds slowly spoiling, i know they are going to taste bad, i can smell that bad tatse in the resin :( So i let them dry out and then flushed heavily with feed at PH 6.8 which brought the soil up to 6.3 - 6.4 - 6.5 and yet a day later i can already see it drifting back down. Even brand new bio terra plus behaves the same, it resists longer but the downward trend is stil there. Im using the nutes as per instructions. The only PH altering substances i am putting in are rhizo which raises it, PH up (KOH) and the nutes themselfs which lower it. As i said i limed my soil, it tested at PH 6.5 before i used it. The bio terra plus tests at a similar PH when in the bag. My tap water starts at PH 7.5

Would anybody care to take a guess at whats dragging the PH down like this? Im finding the whole thing tiresome now and am going to try and learn some simple passsive hydro but the mystery of why this happens needs to be solved.

I dont want to be like.. oh the nutes are bad and thats why but cant see where else to put the blame. Help pls?
I dunno! This is a very, super sad tale.

Plant a seed, grow some weed!