Been a few weeks since I last showed a progress pic. She is 86 days, post flip. So, a little over twelve weeks. Her flowers have really been bulking up the last week and today is the first day I've noticed trichomes on her sugar leaves. The last week or so she has developed a delicate, though delightful aroma of sweet skunk, floral, and subtle earthy notes. I have to give her buds a rub to elicit the smell. She ain't loud, but it is pleasant. I have to admit, for something that's going to take 13 or 14 weeks to finish, I'm surprised at the density her tops and mid flowers are developing. Btw, I think I see the "domed top" trait, passed on by the Haze AC male, which
@musashi mentioned in his doors thread. The tops of the colas remind of me the shape of Blue Dream.
Though most of the plant is maturing nicely, with the mid canopy flowers being most developed along with the milkiest trichomes, one solitary branch is taking her sweet ass time. The top of this flower look like they are easily two weeks behind the rest of the plant. The pistils on that branch have only now begun to color up and start to recede. I've seen no calyx development, as of yet. Here is a photo of that branch, though it doesn't clearly capture how undeveloped it is.
Here is a branch, which is growing right next to the other less developed branch. You can see the previously pictured flower, in it.