z6 z7 cbd testimonial

z7 taste is berry and cookie... when trimming i smelled ginger but after a cure its full cookie and berry

yields well, mostly if kept at 4 main colas

10 weeks

yeah smoked cannatonic a few times and i guess everytime i smoke the z7 cuz its predominant in the strain. but i personally like the z7 taste more, though both are equally pleasant

so basically ive narrowed down my opinion of a cbd high to this

youre medicated but youre still yourself. the high is from toes to neck. head is permaclear.

daytime smoke, 1st timers smoke, girls smoke, wedding smoke, medical smoke, and smiley smoke.

too much sanadora makes me smile too much

so shanti..... thoughts?

love an respect

as per psycho haze, havent gottn seeds but have smoked some more bud... very very resiny and potent. also was able to map down its genetics, so its like a ssh....
Hi All

very nice to read through a thread with so much positive feelings going through it.
I know this plant and the effects seem to be more ubiquitous than we first thought. From back pains to mentstral cramps to ms cases all reporting very miraculous type of recoveries. So even though this first starting point for enrichment of CBD was not consistent enough to go on with breeding it does however hold some incredible plants that many growers in the world seem to be getting extreme relief from...once tested for cannabinoids.

FX it was great to share all your wares at the Spannabis, especially the Mango Haze as it has such a unique flavour to me in Cannabis...possibly my medicine lies in terpenes rather than quantities of cannabinoids but as we clearly see the plants cater for individuals or groups of individuals rather than a generic medicine trying to broad spectrum a whole race. Of course there are times to use generic medicines and times to use natural medicines. Just being more in tune with your condition will give you that little extra awareness or sensitivity to find what really fits to you...for me this is a more efficient medicinal quest which i find runs in the Cannabis community.

So this season we have 4 to 8 new CBD strains enriched pending testing...not to mention there are new CBD enriched strains in trials with other seed companies who work together with CBD crew. All in all quite an exciting time. Work excites me once again and makes me curious of what is coming next so that is a good sign.

Just really feel the more of you who put testimonies to these strains helps us all get this ball rolling bigger and faster down the other side of prohibition...so keep them coming and wishing you all less pain as the reward.

All the best sb
How many ways have u ingested CBD-rich cannabis, how many forms (hash, Simpson oil, smoking cured bud, vaporizing, using tinctures (alcohol, sugar-based or other-based, etc). and how do u like the different methods to medicate with the CBD-rich?:

3)alcohol based tinctures,
5)Cannabis oils extracted from top shelf dried ripe cannabis buds and budleaf, aka Simpson oil, and:
6/ various types of hashish categorized according to method of prep.
7)and so on..


Dang donb and all, sorry its taken me so long to reply to this.

My family was relocated clear across the country, and its taken me a while to get back up and going again after the move.

I've used CBD medicine in 4 main preparations: Sativex spray, vaporized dried buds, bubble hash, and raw fresh juiced from Cannatonic CBD and Z7 CBD.

Sativex was alright, although the mint flavoring they add isn't very tasty, and its ghastly expensive to maintain the prescription...my insurer would never cover its cost. But Sativex opened my eyes to how powerful a CBD medicine can be, and how effective it was on my disease...which led me to buy some Z7's when they first came to auction in 2011.

I don't smoke anything anymore, so I cant comment on smoking CBD medicine.

Vaporized dried buds is my favorite way to use CBD medicine, as strains like Z7 have legendary taste, and with my full organic setup, taste is king! I enjoyed the Cannatonic taste...i absolutely LOVE the Z7 taste! (even the THC Dom Z7 pheno tastes absolutely amazing!). CBD Z7 is my main daytime strain for vaporizing, as it helps without leaving me so sleepy or lethargic, that a full THC Indica would do, ie: the THC Dom pheno of Z7!

Bubble hash is great too, but I don't often make it, as I vaporize everything, including frosted trim leaves. It concentrates the wonderful flavors!

But the best way for my controlling my auto-immune disease as a long term strategy is in the raw juicing of the large fan leaves from CBD Dom strains, along with other vegetables (apple, kale, parsley, carrots, beets, ginger, lemon, celery, cuke) into a daily juice "tonic" which I consume in 3-4 daily "doses".

I dedicate one 4'x4' tent to "juicers", which grow in constant veg state, using T5 lights. I'd say I juice between 1-2 c of loosely packed fan leaves daily.

I also prune my flowering plants, removing leaves at all stages of the cycle for juicing.

In juicing, I generally stick to the leaves, as the flowers can really gum up (ie: damage) the juicer. I know of some people that use a blender and mix raw flowers with almond milk, to make a sort of smoothie, but I have never tried that myself.

The juicing regime took a few months to really kick in to my system, as I had a lot of healing in the gut/digestive system that needed to take place first, healing from both the disease and the years of medications I've had to take to try and control it.

But its been nearly 1.5 years now that I've been on this regime, and have been free from all medications for over a year, and am feeling the best I have in a decade.

The juicing regime has basically thrown my disease into a long-term remission, and I don't need to be glued to my vaporizer nearly as much as I had in the past for some simple relief. Also, the juicing regime doesn't get you lifted in any way, so you stay fully functional.

Its like the juicing regime has re-wired my insides, and has freed me from a decade plus of this disease!

I hope Shanti reads this, as I need to send him such thanks and props for creating the Z7 medicine...its absolutely vital to my health and well being!
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But its been nearly 1.5 years now that I've been on this regime, and have been free from all medications for over a year, and am feeling the best I have in a decade.

The juicing regime has basically thrown my disease into a long-term remission, and I don't need to be glued to my vaporizer nearly as much as I had in the past for some simple relief. Also, the juicing regime doesn't get you lifted in any way, so you stay fully functional.

Its like the juicing regime has re-wired my insides, and has freed me from a decade plus of this disease!

that's incredible, very motivational!

hey fellas

just got my sanadora tested at energy control

results were exceptional so sent a 2nd sample to double check

but the original results were

thc: 17%

an exceptional plant, these numbers just confirm it

the z series is an incredible project!!!
Últimos análisis

results are listed under marijuana sample entered on may 9, 2013

bless up
Nice to here the juicing of the raw leaves are helping with your condition, very interested in more research and recipes that have helped for what conditions.

Good luck, Peace
have also now recieved several reports that this line is able to create aphrodisiacal sensations

if shanti, as you say, the medicine might lie in the terpenes and flavinoids and not just the cannabinoids, anyway of finding out which terpenes my sanadora has?

i know that the cannabis balm i make for patients here locally is effective in large part due to the high thc- cbd trim i use but also from the terpenes from the essential oils i use, may of which are already common in cannabis...

bless up
Those are pretty impressive numbers fxg. It will be interesting to see the terpinoid profile. Did you keep any other plants? And if so, did you have any of those tested? Also, were there any differences in the terp profiles amongst them? Sorry for all the questions.
hey all, got the plant retested as the 1st numbers seemed a bit high, 2nd sample came back at a much more reasonable 14% : 14%

i dont have much info on the terp profiles, im sorry to say, other than what i can gleam from my own exp.

i am happy to say that my 2 sanadora momas are alive and well, after a 6 week hiatus for wedding and honeymoon in Mex adventures. so theyll get flowered out outdoors, and im gonna take some cuttings this week to establish as future mothers, so for next year i can do a pure sanadora run.

been smokin alot of psycho haze recently. pscyho haze is amnesia haze x NHz. the medical version will be called medihaze and will be high in CBD. cant tell anymore than that, though i still havent tried the high cbd version yet

but psycho haze,
man, what an amazing plant, when grown properly. its got some fat dense buds, nice developed calyxes, and crazy amounts of resin. the high is a pure clean sativa high, hazey, not as paaranoia inducing as the straight up NHz. a special plant.

the breeder of it told me something kinda odd... when growing plants that are almost pure sativas, the lamp should be at 1.5 m away from plant to PREVENT upward growth. sounds absurd but he said that for a very hazy plant if you bring lamp close to buds they will shoot right up, but if lamp is kept at a fair distance, it will stay squat and bushy, perfect for an even canopy. can anyone verify this?

anyways, love an respect fellas
the breeder of it told me something kinda odd... when growing plants that are almost pure sativas, the lamp should be at 1.5 m away from plant to PREVENT upward growth. sounds absurd but he said that for a very hazy plant if you bring lamp close to buds they will shoot right up, but if lamp is kept at a fair distance, it will stay squat and bushy, perfect for an even canopy. can anyone verify this?

anyways, love an respect fellas

it says something similar on resin seeds site

Tips: Dieseltonic, like Cannatonic, like to have the lights higher than average above them and give bigger yields this way. For a 600w lamp the distance should be 1 m from top of plant to the bulb.
hey all

speaking with the ladies at cbd crew last night,

they mentioned that their belief is that cbd will be present in the vegging and flowering plant, and its the thc that kicks in towards the end.

My last run of z7 this past winter yielded very nicely, and i finally got some proper HPGC tests done. so results are 6.3% thc and 10,8% cbd. test results done by Canna at Spannabis for free.

Since its the 1:1 pheno, and i chopped 1.5 weeks earlier than I would have liked, i believe the lower thc number may have been as a result of the early chop, where having let them go another week or 2 the thc number may have been slightly higher. My previous tests came in with higher thc numbers, coming from 10 week plants, as opposed to these past 8.5 weekers...

an amazing plant, and now, amred with the knowledge that there are 30:1 phenos of cbd:thc lurking in the z series, i may have to open up this pack of z7 beans real soon!

Bless up!
speaking with the ladies at cbd crew last night,

they mentioned that their belief is that cbd will be present in the vegging and flowering plant, and its the thc that kicks in towards the end.

Hey fxg,

Earlier it was being said to run CBD plants longer because CBD developed later. Has this view changed and you are now saying CBD is developing earlier? It may be wise to get some sort of guidelines here, maybe from the CBD crew, as more and more are grown…it would be best to know how to get optimum results. My access to testing is limited to nil other than home test kits but those do not give quantitative results.
yes brother,

i used to think the same, that cbd would fill in the later you left the plant.

now what im hearing is that veggin plants will have more cbd than thc, and that even in flowering with most major resin production kicking in towards the end of the flowering cycle, this will be where thc really starts pumping...

i know Jaime from Cbd Crew has had tests done on 1:1 plants thru all stages of the plants life cycle, and Coop has been doing the same on a high cbd strain he´s working on, based on a z6 female and an afghani landrace male...

i will try to obtain these results from Jaime or have Jaime himself come and participate in the forums, hopefully shed some light on whats going on and when...

sorry for the confusion but we´re all learning here ;) too long breeders were breeding out cbd, looks like were waking up to smell the coffee. curiously, i read recently that in parts of africa, local landrace cannabis will invariably be cbd rich.. ill see if i can find that link....

bless up star
hey all

speaking with the ladies at cbd crew last night,

they mentioned that their belief is that cbd will be present in the vegging and flowering plant, and its the thc that kicks in towards the end.

My last run of z7 this past winter yielded very nicely, and i finally got some proper HPGC tests done. so results are 6.3% thc and 10,8% cbd. test results done by Canna at Spannabis for free.

Since its the 1:1 pheno, and i chopped 1.5 weeks earlier than I would have liked, i believe the lower thc number may have been as a result of the early chop, where having let them go another week or 2 the thc number may have been slightly higher. My previous tests came in with higher thc numbers, coming from 10 week plants, as opposed to these past 8.5 weekers...

an amazing plant, and now, amred with the knowledge that there are 30:1 phenos of cbd:thc lurking in the z series, i may have to open up this pack of z7 beans real soon!

Bless up!

Excellent information, fxginbcn - about Z7 and CBD/THC at different stages. I bought some Z7 with a friend (who has MS) but I put mine to one side to concentrate on reg CBD seeds. My friend grew one out and we tested it with the Alpha-Cat kit (not 100% reliable, I know) but it did show something along the lines of 10 - 15% CBD content. Compared to other strains I've grown and tested, it stood out from the crowd. He's sending me a clone shortly.

Definitely popping the remaining Z7's next grow, I didn't realise there might be some keepers there.

i know Jaime from Cbd Crew has had tests done on 1:1 plants thru all stages of the plants life cycle, and Coop has been doing the same on a high cbd strain he´s working on, based on a z6 female and an afghani landrace male...

i will try to obtain these results from Jaime or have Jaime himself come and participate in the forums, hopefully shed some light on whats going on and when...

Yes, very interesting. To see a progression of cannabinoid production by testing, it could be valuable to gauge your harvesting. I’ve always used my gut in determining when to chop, mostly by the ripeness of the trichs, speaking of THC varieties. That’s how I harvested the Z8’s I grew outdoors last fall.
I’ve been sampling some of the Z8’s the past few days and I will have to say there is definitely some THC present in most of them. So what I need to know is if CBD is present does it mute the effects of THC? I know testing is needed to give a confirmation of CBD but with what I’m sampling I’m finding most give a “high” effect. Here’s a jar of Z8 #2, this one has the least “high” effect but I don’t know if that’s because of a lower level of THC or a higher level of CBD negating the THC effects (?). Hopefully medical or flat out legalization will be passed/approved here and decent testing will be made available.


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Hi all

just an update.. this summer i grew out a few z7 moms outdoors in my garden. amended soil only, and only water throughout the whole flowering period. kind of an experiment really. Buds were small but not super small, though nice and dense, resiny as ever, very stinky, and after a week you could really burn smooth to a white ash... very nice

anyway, made some oil with itusing food grade ethanol, it came outa nice cherry red. and a nice cherry taste if dabbed when pruged properly. so after some searching found a proper lab in Spain that could test it for me. Fundacio Canna
90.28% cannabinoids...

28.1% THC
.48% THCA
54.22% CBD
6.49% CBG
1.01% CBN
Fully decarbed... CBD:THC 2:1

btw, the return from herb to oil was about 15%, quite happy.