Would you use a male from feminized seed?


Well-known member
Would you save pollen from a male grown from feminized seed? Try to reveg? Or cut my losses? I tried to search for information, but am coming up short.
I don't have anything to put it to now, but will on my next run

He's on Day 7 of 12/12 and doesn't look like a herm, just male. Still trying to get on track after last year's strokes, so no guarantee I didn't miss a step.
Would you save pollen from a male grown from feminized seed? Try to reveg? Or cut my losses? I tried to search for information, but am coming up short.
I don't have anything to put it to now, but will on my next run

He's on Day 7 of 12/12 and doesn't look like a herm, just male. Still trying to get on track after last year's strokes, so no guarantee I didn't miss a step.
I never heard male from feminized seeds or see one but seems can be possible.
Were the seeds come from? what week is on flowering?
really strange why you want a male from feminized seeds ?
i remember a freebeez of sensi seed a nl feminized it was a male
i was surprised wild be possible
I don't, but it's a nice plant and I hate to kill it if it's somehow useful.
I never heard male from feminized seeds or see one but seems can be possible.
Were the seeds come from? what week is on flowering?

It's a Medihaze from seed. This is only Day 7 of flower. I hadn't inspected it closely because I assumed it was the one plant I didn't need to sex.


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Looks cool .

I dont know the out come but If I was you I would keep it to see.
Nice plant 💪
In my opinion it is unwise to use a male from feminised seed and always better to use a regular male. It is even not advisable to use a female from feminized seed as these all have the potential to add intersexed genes back into what we have been trying to breed out of for generations...however most companies are running to pump out new flavours weekly they are not doing the work needed for real trait breeding as the punters are so anxious for the next big thing at a discounted price...it is not like the late 1980s and early 1990s where people travelled to remote destinations to find those unique flavours and traits, then brought seeds home and began the tiresome work of selective breeding.
Things in our new fast food philosophy are aimed at instant gratification, with boredom setting in after 60 seconds. This is killing diversity and ultimately the quality of our once diverse gene pool. I mean when Europeans begin going to old traditional zones of land races and introduce female seed to these growers it is the equivalent of accelerating success in technology and thinking it will help us all to make more money but in the same moment it reduces diversity forever. But I expect I am a dying breed myself , and possibly need to move over for what is to be nevertheless. Just hope a few of you keep up integrity of breeding no matter how small it is , knowing the origins truly of certain starting points is really the best and most stable and workable way to carry on with good agricultural practices. Did not mean to go off at such an innocent question but it must be in me...so it came out. Be safe Shantibaba
With so much seed available one can afford to be disciplined enough to adhere to basic breeding principles. Anything chemically induced should be considered inferior and potentially unstable compared to regular unadulterated seeds.

“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up..." -Bob Marley

With so much seed available one can afford to be disciplined enough to adhere to basic breeding principles. Anything chemically induced should be considered inferior and potentially unstable compared to regular unadulterated seeds.

“If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up..." -Bob Marley

Excellent point. As much as I enjoy experimenting for experience sake think I'll pass on this guy. The more I thought about it, the less using him makes sense. I've a backlog of MNS and other stuff to take its place.

In my opinion it is unwise to use a male from feminised seed and always better to use a regular male. It is even not advisable to use a female from feminized seed as these all have the potential to add intersexed genes back into what we have been trying to breed out of for generations...however most companies are running to pump out new flavours weekly they are not doing the work needed for real trait breeding as the punters are so anxious for the next big thing at a discounted price...it is not like the late 1980s and early 1990s where people travelled to remote destinations to find those unique flavours and traits, then brought seeds home and began the tiresome work of selective breeding.
Things in our new fast food philosophy are aimed at instant gratification, with boredom setting in after 60 seconds. This is killing diversity and ultimately the quality of our once diverse gene pool. I mean when Europeans begin going to old traditional zones of land races and introduce female seed to these growers it is the equivalent of accelerating success in technology and thinking it will help us all to make more money but in the same moment it reduces diversity forever. But I expect I am a dying breed myself , and possibly need to move over for what is to be nevertheless. Just hope a few of you keep up integrity of breeding no matter how small it is , knowing the origins truly of certain starting points is really the best and most stable and workable way to carry on with good agricultural practices. Did not mean to go off at such an innocent question but it must be in me...so it came out. Be safe Shantibaba
Thank you very much for the advice. I appreciate your time, perspective, and lines you've labored to create. IMO at least there's no need to change. I came to MNS because I was tired of hype, crappy plants with sketchy genetics.

With that said, let's write off this Medihaze to that 1% chance male. I've already started a replacement Medihaze soaking (and a Neville'e Skunk because reasons).
But I expect I am a dying breed myself , and possibly need to move over for what is to be nevertheless. Just hope a few of you keep up integrity of breeding no matter how small it is ,
Unfortunately, you are. In more ways than your breeding philosophy.

THIS is why we all respect and care for you. If you were the same as all of these Shmucks running around pollen chucking and color coding their fem beans, we wouldn't be here. If it weren't for your business practices and your upstanding ethics in everything you do, we wouldn't be here.

I for one, am honored to have your genetics to play with and will happily continue your philosophy of life, bussiness, and breeding. I doubt I am the only one, either.

With so much seed available one can afford to be disciplined enough to adhere to basic breeding principles. Anything chemically induced should be considered inferior and potentially unstable compared to regular unadulterated seeds.

I have several test crosses of mine, which I'll likely never breed with becuase the mother was a fem. I will probably grow some of the crosses out, but purely for personal smoke. To be honest though, they may never see the light of LED's, becuase I already have so much from Shantibaba which I am MUCH more excited about. Plus, why put in the effort of pheno hunting, if I don't intend to breed with them.

That's the thing. There are so many MNS seeds in hand wanting to be discovered without all the side projects to invest time in.
I reason if using regular MNS seeds bot for approx. $40. That's less than $2.50/seed (18pac). ~ 9 females out of the pack, That's cheaper than most fem seeds and I maximize my fem selection within a given MNS strain. No question of quality or derivation and no worries on breeding going forward.
I like having options :giggle:
Yet how much fun to afford this hobby in doing all things plants? If one has time to do some experiments and recombinations than why not? It is how we learn the craft or I should say, how I learn anyway. These experiences can only add to the richness of life eh? Working with quality equipment is always desirable in any hobby.
But the fact that one can immediately harness world-class connoiseur herb just by emptying an MNS straw into a grow medium...

I like this discussion 🌞🍒💪.
so many different opinions are fitting here🙂🌞.

I like breed with bag seeds that I been collecting from around.
I did also breed with fem seeds too, I don't see anything bad on it.
The results ✨ are excellent .
We can consider that many of the most famous strains in this world come from herm, plants.
Many famous strains they also herm very easy despite the work is done with them.

But You never know when you get an open pollination seed the origins of the pollen, there is always the hems , pollen can travel with wind miles and miles.
The dad can be anybody even a herm .

So you up for an adventure to unknown and alot of work is awaiting.
You must have the time and patience and Failure is expected as main dish many times🤯.

But if you like dig the mud to find this little piece of gold. Then you up for a treat🍓

This what many breeders did in the past, they collected seeds and worked hard with them.

What they also did they got seeds with more clean genetics more stable .

You want clean and stable genetics 🧬?

There is no were else to look Mr nice is the place.
Years and years of hard work is behind their strains.

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All the hard work was already done to the seeds by Shanti and Neville, so that should ease our hobby breeding.

To make us play with these, I think all we need is plant more of these seeds !!

Feminized are great for some, but not for building nor breeding.
All the hard work was already done to the seeds by Shanti and Neville, so that should ease our hobby breeding.

To make us play with these, I think all we need is plant more of these seeds !!

Feminized are great for some, but not for building nor breeding.
Why not for breeding or building?
I have different experience and I been doing it alot .
That is my philosophy of things, I also like to search for good males.

And if I wish to reconfigure strains and phenos, one should get back to roots (natural-way) . . .

Iam looking at it like, feminized is (man-made) finished product, and is made for ease of use.
I undersantd but is not one way road .
Feminised seeds are made initially by nature when a plant Herms
Is a survival button.
Neville regretted didn't fem g13
now we have it in fem seed.

I'm going breed it to original and regular form by crossing it with my g13hz line 13times .
Fem.is big taboo and is more than useful have them in breeding.
That's my opinion 😊
I undersantd but is not one way road .
Feminised seeds are made initially by nature when a plant Herms
Is a survival button.
Neville regretted didn't fem g13
now we have it in fem seed.

I'm going breed it to original and regular form by crossing it with my g13hz line 13times .
Fem.is big taboo and is more than useful have them in breeding.
That's my opinion 😊

Yes I get it,
and If you put hard work to it, then it is worked, so great potential

Iam more into the other side (or would like to be if space was no problem).
So to open the gene pool and then search for many great individuals... to strart to recombine them alltogether...

But there is so much to choose.. so much..

Either way, its hobby, so what pleases you is like what pleases me in thew end :)
"Just say no"

This is what I tell people but right now I am using a male that had a feminized Autoflower Mom and I have a Master Plan so it is ok. I realize now that I said that I will have even less credibility than @pleased420 (Hi pleased420, Love you, brother:love:) In this case a Lemon Haze Autoflower was accidentally pollinated with a G13xAfghan Skunk. I decided to grow out these F1's to get some F2's with maybe 25% Franken-Auto's, or semi-autos or something. We have been watching these F1's closely, no sign of hermies or anything abnormal. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain if it works. If anything goes south, I just throw the seeds and plants away. I have thousands and thousands of seeds, no worries.

In the meantime, these plants are the most vigorish I have this year. Fastest growng and tallest plants. I'm amazed that a Autoflower Mom is producing the biggest plants! The next biggest is Star Dawg X G13AfSk. It seems everything that G13xAfSk was mated to grows big. Think Mother Fugly and her sister, both G13xAfSk F2's. Anyway, I am surprised at the growth and beauty of these plants. Of course, next year I will keep a very close eye on the offspring as it is always possible hermies or some other problem will crop up. I would normally tell people not to do this but I got this far by mistake so I might as well soldier on and see what happens.

Male Lemon Haze Autoflower X G13xAfghan Skunk

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Female Lemon Haze Autoflower X G13xAfghan Skunk on the left selected for mating. She's a beautiful plant! :love:

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Please do not try this at home! Let amateurs like me show you how NOT to grow so that you do not make painful mistakes! I am here to help you! o_O

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