Winter journal


'21, '24 COE Winner
-after my intermezzo with Devils and Northern Kushes, here is yet another mission, to make myself some stash of best what Widows world have to offer-

I have put 4 seeds of WACOs and 2 seeds of Northern Widows in dechlorined water for germination.
I hope for atleast 2 + 1 girls... Limiting factor is to grow just 5 plants, and flower max 4 of them, so that will be Okay I hope (I will plant 5x fastest seeds to germinate)...

If the girl count would look to be smaller, then some training will be apllied. And of course all theese girls will be trained a bit and tiped, because of precautions for height :)

Soil would be made, from my last exploration of living soils, I have made myself some 20 L of organic Coco-Wormhumus mix... The mix will be kept moist for two weeks, before use...
The plants will be planted into Coco fibres with small amount of this Coco-Wormhumus mix, then transplanted into this mix in 3,5 L pots, then for flowering in flowering mixture in 7,5 L pots.

I will try to water by dechlorined & phed water only, but if need be, I will add Biocanna nutes aswell...

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Thank you all !!
And of course as night have passed, 5seeds cracked and show signs of life !
All WACOs and one NW... that was today-morning...

Later this day, I will have to put 5 seeds in dirt...
The rules of numbers are of highest priorities for me :-( sad, but honest true.

All because of legal issues, up to 5 plants is considered as offense, more is considered as a crime over here,, both have bad consequences, yet one is more of a monetary issue, 2nd can quickly ruin life.. I hope for better tomorow, or atleast decriminalising this 5 plant count in near future !!
WACOs got 1,5-2 cm long tails, two straight #1 and #2 and two twisted a bit #3 and #4
Northern Widows were just cracked but both of them #1 bit more then #2

I have planted all of them...
First few weeks should show, who will be planted into youngsters 3,5 l pots :)

So I put the plastic dome on the tray and placed it to warm place, where some 25°C could be managed for some time...

3 days have passed and we are up and living !!

All Wacos are standing on their own, Northern Widows should race for the first place.. But there will be few weeks before planting into bigger pots.

Also I have to point out, the wacos and their colors as sprouts, something interesting in this very early stage of life, as I see some pink hues over there...

I will leave them in humid dome for now and start their first meeting with 100W of LED sun bath from some far distance...

Just bit of info.... NW2 is no more... Rotted on the soil ... Others are fine and have nice green colors...
So I have my count about right - 5 plants :)
Hopefully I will make some photos soon !

Pity about the NW2. Looking forward to the photos when you get a chance.
1st week is behind us, and girls are catching green :)

WACO1 and WACO4 are bit in V shape (kind of wedge formation)
WACO2 is kind of like if it was cleaning floors
WACO3 looks the most sativa/haze in leaf lenght
NW1 is looking like indica dominant - yet still to short of life to tell it will be indica plant...

- do you see the trichomes on the leafs? :O (1st time I see this)

WACO1 - the hi V


WACO2 - the broom hazeling


WACO3 - the hazeling


WACO4 - the low V


Northern Widow 1 - the nano

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Some better photos, cause I love new starts ;)
I have good feeling about this grow !

So far WA1 & WA4 have same Wedge shape
WA2 & WA3 have more less same sativa lenght leaf shape


WA1 & WA2 are shorter
WA3 & WA4 are inch longer
NW1 got hooked and is some pretty nice seedling, I love the leaf shape of it :)

edit: And now, from photo I see WA3 will have that pretty widow shape leaf ! I think..

I have cheated a bit, Have used the first watering with some BioCanna Rhyzotonic and just a small amount of Grow, just for some fine start...

Once second pair of leafes are fully developed, I will get the humidifier turned on !











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Repoted today, as Northern Widow seed was put directly into Coco-Worm living soil, as you can see, no burn, but faster grow rates.
WACOs were put into milder mixture so they are bit slower..

So all plants were put into 3,5 l pots filled with grow mixture of Coco-Worm living soil... The humidity machine is placed also.

Everything seems fine so far... so just a litlle photo for you !

I will have to rethink the soil use.
NW is growing fast, yet seems like it has lack of pottasium a bit like.
Wacos are really small and slow somehow.

Iam waiting till end of this week.. If nothing changes, Iam going to buy new growshop soil...

Will post photos later...
Maybe I just overwatered a bit..
Yet this premade soil is heavy, so I think that coupd be the problem itself.

Iam going back to basics again :)
Edit: I have just ordered Canna bio terra to complement my Bio Canna nutes and that is it. .
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I have repoted into new soil from Biocanna with some perlite added.
Watered by pHed 6,4 +added some Rhizotonic and Grow formula..

As an excuse to plants, I have sprayed them with cannacure, which can be helpfull for stressfull situations as this I consider is one...
Hope everything is back on track in a week...

I feel guilty and sorry for the troubles I made to the plants...
