What's a good book you couldn't put down?

If it is out of copyright it is free

That is how they do the pulp sci fi stuff. There is A LOT there. Its volunteer based. So the recordings stay public domain. Some people have a higher... aptitude for it than others though. I highly recommend the readings of The Picture of Dorian Grey and Notes From the Underground. The same guy does both and he is just fantastic.
Reading the history of Antiquity, I am just sad for how much of the stuff before Plato was lost. We only know it from 2nd and 3rd hand accounts. I want some Ionian literature damn it!

Hey WDS, the loss is extremely tragic & painful. I suspect that much if not most of it was lost in the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria. Very sad, indeed. Here's a book contains a small section on the Ionian Poets. A very interesting book:

'The Poets of Greece'

A. https://archive.org/details/afe7143.0001.001.umich.edu
B. https://archive.org/details/poetsgreece00arnogoog
C. https://archive.org/details/poetsofgreece00arno

We almost lost Plato too. Guess what else was influenced by that cultural tradition? That's right, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation if the Sufists hadn't loved Cannabis so much and spread it all over the Middle East and North Africa. Then if not for the Caliphate of Córdoba, The Republic would be a 2nd hand foot note too perhaps. Its all interconnected.

Yes, we have them to thank for the preservation of the works of Aristotle, especially; and their splendid hash.

There is something deep in the Sufi literature & wisdom that speaks to me, I can't deny it. The philosophy is fascinating, to say the least; but as for Islamic fundamentalism, there are few things in this world that I detest more; seriously.

Saʿdī, Persian Poet & Sufi Master || Britannica

The Gulistan, Being the Rose Garden of Sa'di

Hope you're keeping well, dude! Cheers!!
One of the chief exponents of the New Thought Movement was a man named Thomas Troward. "William James characterized Troward's Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science as:" "Far and away the ablest statement of philosophy I have met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style, a really classic statement." Quoted from "Thomas Troward" || Wikipedia

Thomas Troward, the Teacher & the Man - by H. Gaze

The Theory of Creative Thought

Troward on the Creative Process

"Our function is to know it, to recognize it, to use it in action without mistake; but ancient thought was far from demanding that the ideas be brought to a full realization in the world, and that the phenomena be conformed wholly to reason."

Eucken claims that "our function is to know it, to recognize it," that is, to know & recognize this process of manifestation, and "to use it in action without mistake."

Emerson on the Creative Process

PRINCIPLE OF CAUSE & EFFECT: Every Cause has its Effect; Every Effect has its Cause!
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Have you seen 'The Blacklist' series? Normally I never watch Netflix, ever, but I just discovered this series with 10 seasons (and well over 200 episodes) ...

‘Best series’ has ‘the single greatest opening to a show’ and has people watching over and over again

1.) Basic Ideas of Science of Mind -- E. S. Holmes

2.) The Secrets of Metaphysics -- C. Mayer
A. https://scienceofmindarchives.com/product/secrets-of-metaphysics/
B. https://www.scribd.com/document/159728585/Clarence-Mayer-Secrets-of-Metaphysics-1915

NOTE: Create a free-trial account with Scribd and download the book for free, as part of the trial. Cancel the account after the download is done.

3.) The Law of Mind in Action -- F. L. Holmes
A. https://archive.org/details/cu31924013959717/
B. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=coo1.ark:/13960/t7np2mm4q

NOTE: Click on the HathiTrust Options tab for a drop down menu; then click on the Download tab, select eBook (PDF) + WHOLE, to download the complete document.

4.) The Creative Mind -- E. S. Holmes

NOTE: First book by Holmes, published in 1919; followed by 'The Science of Mind' in 1926.

5.) The Science of Mind (1926) Original
A. https://archive.org/details/scienceofmindthe0000erne
B. https://scholar.archive.org/work/cw...aradigmshifttoday.com:80/thescienceofmind.pdf

NOTE: The above 'B"-link is a direct download of the entire e-book. Do NOT click on it unless you want to download a PDF document to your device.

C. HTML Online Version

This is an online text version of the first edition of Creative Mind; which was later revised and Enlarged in 1938.

"Holmes had an immense influence on New Age beliefs, particularly his core philosophy that we create our own reality."

6.) Science of Mind, Revised & Enlarged
A. https://archive.org/details/scienceofmind0000erne
B. 50th Anniversary Edition

‘Best series’ has ‘the single greatest opening to a show’ and has people watching over and over again
It's a shame it fizzled out so badly at the end. Probably would have been more compelling if it was just a handful of seasons.
It ran too long.
1.) Basic Ideas of Science of Mind -- E. S. Holmes

2.) The Secrets of Metaphysics -- C. Mayer
A. https://scienceofmindarchives.com/product/secrets-of-metaphysics/
B. https://www.scribd.com/document/159728585/Clarence-Mayer-Secrets-of-Metaphysics-1915

NOTE: Create a free-trial account with Scribd and download the book for free, as part of the trial. Cancel the account after the download is done.

3.) The Law of Mind in Action -- F. L. Holmes
A. https://archive.org/details/cu31924013959717/
B. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=coo1.ark:/13960/t7np2mm4q

NOTE: Click on the HathiTrust Options tab for a drop down menu; then click on the Download tab, select eBook (PDF) + WHOLE, to download the complete document.

4.) The Creative Mind -- E. S. Holmes

NOTE: First book by Holmes, published in 1919; followed by 'The Science of Mind' in 1926.

5.) The Science of Mind (1926) Original
A. https://archive.org/details/scienceofmindthe0000erne
B. https://scholar.archive.org/work/cw...aradigmshifttoday.com:80/thescienceofmind.pdf

NOTE: The above 'B"-link is a direct download of the entire e-book. Do NOT click on it unless you want to download a PDF document to your device.

C. HTML Online Version

This is an online text version of the first edition of Creative Mind; which was later revised and Enlarged in 1938.

"Holmes had an immense influence on New Age beliefs, particularly his core philosophy that we create our own reality."

6.) Science of Mind, Revised & Enlarged
A. https://archive.org/details/scienceofmind0000erne
B. 50th Anniversary Edition

Hey FF you seem to have many books that you can't put down.
Are you reading all these books at the same time?
Hey FF you seem to have many books that you can't put down.
Are you reading all these books at the same time?

That's relative to how one interprets the phrase, "can't put down." To me it could also mean books you can't forget/ ignore; but books that you return to often. I discovered this genre of literature about 15 years ago.

These are books I've been returning to multiple times, over that time period; as one's understanding of them deepens & matures with time. They are not meant to be zipped through quickly like a good, fast and furious fiction novel, then forgotten for the most part.

This will be my last post of books in this genre of literature. I thought my last post, prior to it, would be the last of that kind, but decided a few more deserved recognition, such as Holmes on The Science of Mind. Rest assured, though, there will be no others of that kind / genre; as I believe that anyone who takes an interest in those already mentioned will attract to themselves many other not here named.

5.) The Science of Mind (1926) Original
A. https://archive.org/details/scienceofmindthe0000erne
B. https://scholar.archive.org/work/cw...aradigmshifttoday.com:80/thescienceofmind.pdf

NOTE: The above 'B"-link is a direct download of the entire e-book. Do NOT click on it unless you want to download a PDF document to your device.

C. HTML Online Version

This is an online text version of the first edition of Creative Mind ...

CORRECTION: For the record, I meant the first edition of 'Science of Mind', not 'Creative Mind'. I didn't spot the error until now, unfortunately.

Cheers! - FF